Re: Some Water Damage Questions...
Sorry...but its funny.. Anyhow..you blow dried it?? I dont think that is sufficient and gonna have some residual water still in there. I suggest remove the battery and letting it sit open preferably near a heat vent or on the dashboard of your car in the sun for like 5 to 6 hours so it gets everything out. Note: Battery does not need to be left like that. Try again after that and see if it helps |
Re: Some Water Damage Questions...
no dude, there is no residual water, it is all good, simply want to turn off the light...that is the only issue, this was thurs night it happened, took batt out and let the blow drier sit on it for like an hr at low heat, it worked fine, however the issue is the circle of light on the enter button flashing like it does when it is charging, just wondering if there is something i can do with advanced config or some other program to turn off that light in general....
Re: Some Water Damage Questions...
I'd venture it's not all good. You have a dangerous device in your pocket holding a potentially explosive lithium ion battery that could overheat and catch on fire, burning you and your house down.
I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a jerk about it, I know it comes across that way but this is a safety issue for you and your family. Don't take the risk. Bring it in, get it fixed, get it replaced, whatever you have to do. Yes, it's going to cost you because it's water damage. Better to get a new phone than turn off the charging light and pretend that it's safe. The fact of the matter is that your phone spent probably 20 minutes in soapy, electrolytic water with the battery attached. I'm floored that your screen still works, but it's safe to assume something in the charging circuitry was damaged. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium...y_requirements ..."[Li-Ion batteries] may explode if overheated or if charged to an excessively high voltage" |
Re: Some Water Damage Questions...
Put the phone in a zip lock bag with a large quantity of rice and let it sit for a few days.
The rice will draw all the moisture out of the phone and hopefully it will actually be dry and work properly for you. |
Re: Some Water Damage Questions...
The rice trick will work....
But a better solution is to go buy a bag of Silica Gel at your local arts and craft store (It's used for drying flowers) Make sure to wrap the phone well in paper towel so none of the crystals get into crevices. Put a decent layer in the bottom of a plastic container (tupperware?) and then place the towel wrapped phone in with it and put the lid on. Leave it for 3 or 4 days if it went through the entire wash cycle. This is the best way to dry out electronics in fact they put small bags of silica gel inside the packing of most electronic goods in case any moisture creeps into the product during shipping. But even if you dry it thoroughly it is quite likely that you fried the battery and some charger circuits. Drying will probably let you turn on the phone to reflash to stock for a return but it is rare that it will work 100% after a rinse cycle. |
Re: Some Water Damage Questions...
Ok, evidently there is a reason why this site is called ppc Geeks, you guys are entirely failing to realize what exactly my question is, the phone is completely and utterly dry, there is no problem with moisture, not anymore anyway, not a single one of you have even warranted a thank button, I guess lithium ion boy had a point, but the heat is coming from the phone itself, not the batt, much like when you use the phone as a modem, and I can only get the phone to last for like 5 or 6 hours now anyway, regardless it was not the point in question, every suggestion and comment thus far has been moot...so...back to my original question....does anyone know of a program like the one they used to have for the original touch that you can control all the lcds on the phone so I can simply turn off the flashing circle of light around the enter button, that is it, I do not want to hear about rice, silica gel, paper towels, dehumidifiers or anything else you crazy bastards come up with, just a program that will make the light stop shining....Thank You!
Re: Some Water Damage Questions...
I don't know of an app to control the LED circle except for nueLED, but that program isn't designed for our phones.
However, your phone will work now, but it will die within a few months. Eventually the corrosion will cause failure of major components. You're better off doing what you can to get the phone replaced.
Re: Some Water Damage Questions...
I'm don't have any delusions as to how serious the damage is to my phone, I am just hoping it will hold out to Q1 of 10 and the HD2 or something comparable will be available for sprint. In the meantime I just want it to hold a charge as long as possible and the light flashing constantly can't be helping things in that regard. Thanks for the reply though, now we're getting somewhere in some way shape or form...
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