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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2009, 12:19 AM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

Originally Posted by snipper_cr View Post
I feel so stupid asking this because by themselves, I know what each means. But in terms of phones, what is the difference between a firmware, a ROM, and an Operating System. I assume Operating System is like Windows Mobile. Do you install a OS ontop of a ROM? Ive been reading and searching but these terms are used all the time I'm kind of lost.
No need to feel stupid by asking questions...IMO that is what forums are for!
From my uderstanding in these forums the terms;
Firmware - Generally meens a software update from the cell phone company or manufacturer and is basically the Bios or Core programming on the device.
ROM - Is a file you install (or Cook) onto your phone that updates or changes your phones software version and or Operating System version all Custom ROMs are based on a certain Firmware Version, and then they are customized from there.
Operating System - Is just what you said, Windows Mobile, and there have been several version throughout the years, just like with regular computers, The latest being 6.5.1 I believe! Then 6.5, then 6.1, and 6.0 etc..
Then you have Graphic User Interface's (GUI's) like Manilla (AKA TF3D) or SPB Mobile Shell which basically just "Pretty's Up" the core functions of the Operating System...Just like Microsoft Windows did for DOS. You will notice that Even though TF3D is running You still will have the Windows "Start" in the top corner and Whatever Windows version you are running is just under the surface of TF3D.

When you cook a custom rom onto your phone it will have in the least a version of an OS on the ROM, then it is up to the person whom made the ROM as to what else he added to it, Some will have a Stock version of TF3D or TF3D2 on it....Some will have VERY Highly Customized versions of these GUI's in them....Some will have MANY programs (or "Cabs") files installed so that when you Cook the rom to your phone it will come with all sorts of Goodies already installed, the downside of this is that they "Usually" cannot be uninstalled so you are stuck with them, and some ROM makers make there ROM's Lean or Clean, without all the extra programs or bloat that you may not want....My point is the options are endless, and you will have to try out a bunch of Roms for yourself to see what you like! Just read the ROM makers thread and you will get a pretty clear picture of what's included in each ROM.
The good news is if you can read some pretty simple instructions and you can Plug your phone into your computers USB and get a sync connection, it is a SIMPLE process of clicking on a file....that is not to say it is without it's dangers, but if you somehow get into trouble the great people in these forums will do their best to talk you through it.
But fair Warning! It has been known to be Highly addictive...it's like being able to go out and buy a new phone every couple weeks!

Good Luck and Have Fun!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2009, 11:34 AM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

0Gravity (and others), thanks for great replies! As 0Gravity said, it WAS super easy. I followed instructions to unlock my phone. Sweating bullets, 30 seconds later it was done. Phone still worked!

Alright, time to throw caution to the wind (I just got paid right?), lets try a custom ROM. I just had to hardrest the other day so I have nothing on my phone really. Well I'll try Mighty Rom. Ran the .exe on my computer, everything transfered... done.

Wow, that was super easy. Like... Installing MS Office on my desktop was harder.

Overall, I am liking what I'm seeing of WinMo6.5 + mighty rom. I turned on TF3D and messed around with that. Surprisingly I do not like it. The whole "black and white" theme kinda threw me. Which gets to a small point I wanted to ask... is there anyway to change the Task Bar in WinMo6.5 to something other than black and white? I feel like I am on an old Dell Axiom or something running the first version of Windows CE.

Just like it took me a while to get used to a smart phone when I first got it (and usually I pick up new hardware/software pretty quickly too!), this may take a little while. For the next few weeks, I am not running anything mission critical on it incase I want to flash it again (now that I see how easy it is) or if it crashes.

Also one last question, previously the Icons at the top used to show my data connection with a 2way arrow and the number of "bars." If the connection was idle, the arrows were gray. If the connection was being used, they were filled white. Now the arrows remain filled white. Did they just remove that feature or is my connection running the whole time (and thus I have about 2 hours of battery life left?).

I hope I am not hijacking my own thread. But again, thanks for all the help! (thanks have been distributed accordingly!)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2009, 12:30 PM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

Before you get to used to the Mighty Rom (Although it is a very good rom) You might want to try the Psyki Rom http://www.ppcgeeks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66993 ...It seems just as fast to me, It has TF3D2, and the "Eye Candy" in TF3D is there! One thing to note...They say you should flash your phone back to the "Stock Shipped Rom" before flashing a new one, You can get your stock rom here http://www.ppcgeeks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42741
As for the Data connection Icons I am not sure.... but I can tell you that they do use different Icon sets in different Roms so it is probably just an Icon set that you are not used to....Mine has an EV Icon for my data connection...The only time I see the two arrow thing is when I have Wifi on and it is trying to connect.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2009, 01:15 PM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

Okay, time to hunt down the US Cellular rom.
From that post I am gathering that there is a difference between "Stock" and "Shipped." You mentioned get the "stock shipped" so I assume you mean "shipped"?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2009, 02:33 PM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

Originally Posted by snipper_cr View Post
Okay, time to hunt down the US Cellular rom.
From that post I am gathering that there is a difference between "Stock" and "Shipped." You mentioned get the "stock shipped" so I assume you mean "shipped"?
Sorry, Yes when I say Stock Shipped I meant whatever your carrier is, you need to find the stock Touch Pro rom and it will usually say "ship.exe" in the file title....And I may be wrong but I think it has to be a "Cracked" version...In other words I dont think you can just download one from the carriers site. I did not see one for US Cellular in that link I sent you, but Im sure if you use the search here you will probably find it!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2009, 02:35 PM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

Originally Posted by snipper_cr View Post
Okay, time to hunt down the US Cellular rom.
From that post I am gathering that there is a difference between "Stock" and "Shipped." You mentioned get the "stock shipped" so I assume you mean "shipped"?
yea thats the same. IF you want different taskbars there are a few topics and a few users who make really nice ones. Twosen and Gagetfreak have a few versions. Search "Custom Taskbars" for I don't know the link.

If you can't find the stock rom, I wouldn't worry too much about it. With Most newer roms you won't need to flash back to stock, but hard reset after you flash the rom then let it customize again. Plus you just flashed from a stock rom so i think you will be fine.

Last edited by philliyxx; 10-26-2009 at 02:39 PM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2009, 06:05 PM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

Would this count as my "shipped" ROM?

It gives me a .exe

I assume if I want to get back to how I got it out of the box from USC, I would download and install this ROM, correct? Then lock it using a locker.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2009, 10:08 PM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

Originally Posted by snipper_cr View Post
Would this count as my "shipped" ROM?

It gives me a .exe

I assume if I want to get back to how I got it out of the box from USC, I would download and install this ROM, correct? Then lock it using a locker.
I am not sure about this so I will let someone else answer this one, but I think not, but I could be wrong!

Here I found this thread you might want to look through, it has some links to the stock rom and some info about setting up MMS because they say that your MMS messaging might not work, Take a look... http://www.ppcgeeks.com/forums/showt...light=Cellular

Last edited by 0Gravity; 10-26-2009 at 10:20 PM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2009, 11:05 PM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

Yes that's a shipped/stock rom. DONT re- LOCK IT, unless you have to take it back for some reason. keep it unlocked if you are going to be flashing custom roms.

Good find on that post gravity, that will help us-cellular users a lot. Step 6 and Step 7 should help you out if you flash a custom rom that isn't set up for you but most will be.

Try out RaidZero's roms. Psyki is also great but its pretty old, if you want newer builds go with raid's. Plus its super fast and stable it is INSANE.


Last edited by philliyxx; 10-26-2009 at 11:13 PM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 01:24 AM
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Re: New to smart phones: TP is 1st - these things "normal"?

0Gravity, thanks for the link to the USCC posts. I knew there were others here but a rare breed. That's very helpful.

Just to be sure, when I "unlocked" my phone, is that considered HARDSPL-ing? I followed this walkthrough http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=42503 and it looks like I did, but I dont want to get things confused (IE HARDSPL-ing versus something like HARDSDL... some minor difference to me but huge in practice).

Following that link 0Grav posted, it goes into a long discussion about flashing via SD Card (step 4). When I flashed the last one, I ran a .exe on my main computer with the phone attached, and it was all done. Flashing via SD card looks a bit more indepth. Any reason I would want to do that?

Finally, it seems a lot of people talk about after flashing a new ROM, flashing BACK to the stock one, then to the new one again. What is all this about? Why would one want to do that? When you flash a ROM doesn't it hardreset anyways - isnt that good enough?

Thanks all in this thread! Specially 0Gravity and philliyxx (your avatar just makes me smile)
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