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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 06:37 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

DO you always hard reset after flashin a ROM????
I honestly dont understand why you say "I just expect a phone to work, when I press a button on the screen, I expect it to do what it is intended to do. Not do something else or be incredibly laggy in its operation." Every button I press works just fine. AND dont say that WE probably have lower standard on quality than you do....doesnt sound right.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 06:51 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

Originally Posted by Bird11 View Post
I am looking for a Rom that just works when I need it to. I am all to upset with those that I have tried including Mighty, Mighty-Silence and some others including the stock. .
If you've tried all those different ROM's & still can't get your phone to function properly, you sound like a good candidate for an iphone IMHO............

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 07:08 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

Originally Posted by Bird11 View Post
I am looking for a Rom that just works when I need it to. I am all to upset with those that I have tried including Mighty, Mighty-Silence and some others including the stock. Maybe it is just windows mobile, but when I press a button I expect it to work, I don't expect to have screens flashing around, I don't expect when I make a call for the radio to automatically turn off, or when I am at work and pick up my phone to notice the radio randomly turned itself off and I have 30 voice mails. I don't know when it became acceptable for companies to put out a product that doesn't fully work, but I guess that is the standards people have today.

I just want something that works and something that is not bloated, it needs to be light. any suggestions.
Originally Posted by Bird11 View Post
I mean if you guys are saying it works for you, then you simply must have lower standard on quality than I do. Ive tried the canon of roms and they all pretty much suck with the stock being the worst.

I just expect a phone to work, when I press a button on the screen, I expect it to do what it is intended to do. Not do something else or be incredibly laggy in its operation.
Whats w/ the insults and cheap shots... fact of the matter is, issue is probably something your doing, and not the rom or phone itself... are u installing a bunch of different apps on your phone, maybe not fully closing programs and leaving them running in background? maybe jyou not hard resetting and pulling batt when flashing... any number of things, but i know for me, my phone does what I want, when i want... only issue ive ever really had, (that wasnt my fault at least) was the occasional keyboard issue which i had to get replacements for...beyond that.... it just works, wheen used properly/responsibly

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
If you've tried all those different ROM's & still can't get your phone to function properly, you sound like a good candidate for an iphone IMHO............

+1 ... maybe the complexities of win mo and all its customizing features are just too complicated for him... you can always try iphone... or even a palm pre...heck even a blackberry... they all just work!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 07:11 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

I didnt mean any hostility in my words, It just sounded as such. But looking at the stock rom, that is not something that should be sold. It is just to inconsistent.

Im not sure if the iphone is any better, nor could I afford it if I could.

As for if I always do a hard reset after everyflash, yes I do.

Whats w/ the insults and cheap shots... fact of the matter is, issue is probably something your doing, and not the rom or phone itself... are u installing a bunch of different apps on your phone, maybe not fully closing programs and leaving them running in background? maybe jyou not hard resetting and pulling batt when flashing... any number of things, but i know for me, my phone does what I want, when i want... only issue ive ever really had, (that wasnt my fault at least) was the occasional keyboard issue which i had to get replacements for...beyond that.... it just works, wheen used properly/responsibly
I dont install anything on my phone. As for if I am not closing apps, I am talking about it not working properly even after a hard reset. I don't pull my batteries out on a hard reset, I do the suggested method.

+1 ... maybe the complexities of win mo and all its customizing features are just too complicated for him... you can always try iphone... or even a palm pre...heck even a blackberry... they all just work!
I kinda doubt its to complicated, im pretty good with computers and stuff. It is my profession and all(kernel developer). Ive tried blackberrys and the iphone and they all just don't work, They all suck. I was hoping the htc hero would be better, but it doesnt sound promising.

Last edited by Bird11; 08-31-2009 at 07:17 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 07:16 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

considering that i use my phone mainly for work, my standards of stability and functionality are probably higher than yours, since yours sits on your desk while you're at work lol..

i have mighty6 installed, with a bunch of programs i use everyday, and my phone operates normally. i don't know what you're doing wrong, but it sounds like something isn't right. you said that you have friends who have "similar" problems, how similar are they? are they similar enough for you to say that your phone definitely isn't in some way malfunctioning due to a physical problem? my friend forced her touch pro open on an angle and broke a hinge, and now the screen flashes around like it would appear if you were very drunk. that sort of graphics glitch is a physical problem, and no rom is going to fix that.

as for your phone's radio turning off, i would think that its due to poor reception, but you said that you have good reception, so... i'm having a hard time understanding what your problem is besides the radio problem. when you hit a button, it doesn't do what the button is meant to do? which button?

one problem i had with tf3d was that it took a long time for sms' to appear on the screen when switching to the texting tab, after about 5000 messages or so, but i don't use tf3d anymore so i don't have to worry about that.

you really need to clarify which programs aren't responsive, and whatnot... but telling us that your standards are superior isn't going to get you any help. maybe you should just assume that its you, not the majority of the forum, that have these problems, and try to figure out why.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 08:57 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

Originally Posted by Bird11 View Post
I mean if you guys are saying it works for you, then you simply must have lower standard on quality than I do. Ive tried the canon of roms and they all pretty much suck with the stock being the worst.

I just expect a phone to work, when I press a button on the screen, I expect it to do what it is intended to do. Not do something else or be incredibly laggy in its operation.
In my best effort not to get irritable over the incredibly arrogant and uninformed statement you just made.....

1. Windows mobile is about functionality, not pretty flashy sliding around fluff. If you WANT pretty flashy sliding around fluff, go buy an iphone, because thats ALL it is.

2. The stock rom is quite functional, and works as it should, however, its slow and bulky IMO, and has alot of room for improvement, which is where we come to custom roms.

3. There are multiple custom roms available, all of which have good and bad points. For what you are wanting, my suggestion is the latest silence 6.5 rom. Its fast, stable, better than average battery life, lightweight, and it works.

4. You made the comment that you "just expect a phone to work". If you wanted JUST a phone, you should have bought a razor. These phones are capable of so much more than most people who have them can even comprehend, and ANYBODY who even scratches the surface of what these devices are capable of, probably only uses their device as a phone 10% of the time, if that.

I think you need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and evaluate what exactly you think the device in your pocket is, and what you actually want it for, because if the reason for purchasing it was to have the latest cool factor phone, then you might as well move on to the next shiny object. The TP is the best mobile device of its time IMO, however, it is not by any means optimized out of the box, and to expect it to be, if you have any knowledge of microsoft and the software they produce, would be absurd. You cant taylor an operating system thats capable of anything, to every single user individually.

My phone is like my genitals. Id cry if i lost it, and i like to use it everyday.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 09:01 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

Originally Posted by Bird11 View Post
I didnt mean any hostility in my words, It just sounded as such. But looking at the stock rom, that is not something that should be sold. It is just to inconsistent.

Im not sure if the iphone is any better, nor could I afford it if I could.

As for if I always do a hard reset after everyflash, yes I do.

I dont install anything on my phone. As for if I am not closing apps, I am talking about it not working properly even after a hard reset. I don't pull my batteries out on a hard reset, I do the suggested method.

I kinda doubt its to complicated, im pretty good with computers and stuff. It is my profession and all(kernel developer). Ive tried blackberrys and the iphone and they all just don't work, They all suck. I was hoping the htc hero would be better, but it doesnt sound promising.
blackberries CAN be problematic, I dont like them. The iphone on the other hand, is about as trouble free and "pretty touch touch" user friendly as you can get. My fiance has one, and it JUST WORKS so well, that i hate the damn thing, because a 2 year old can use it to its full potential.

If you think the iphone is a phone that "just don't work", you need the most basic of basic phones, like a motorola razor. Period.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 09:57 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

I didn't mean anything bad by my comment, It just seems to be that society today has a certain acceptance for badly designed and operating products. If I offended any of you I do sincerely apologize, I can see how my words can be taken the wrong way.

I have a razor and you are right that it simply works, but I like having my email, internet and a decent browser on my phone for work and fun. To be honest I don't even use my phone very much.

Ive been using the TP and really dont trust it. I guess that is the reason for my hate for it. Ive made calls before where it will start the class and just hang up and to solve the problem I need to fix the problem. Imagine if I had to call 911 and such happened, the person or myself would likely be dead by the time it restarted.

There is a certain level of functionality in which solely for safety measures a telecom product should function at, and I feel out of the box most WM devices fail.

Thank you all for all the help. BTW I dont look for pretty, I dont even use touchflo. I just wanted something that I know will work when I need it to.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 10:02 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

Originally Posted by Bird11 View Post
I didn't mean anything bad by my comment, It just seems to be that society today has a certain acceptance for badly designed and operating products. If I offended any of you I do sincerely apologize, I can see how my words can be taken the wrong way.

I have a razor and you are right that it simply works, but I like having my email, internet and a decent browser on my phone for work and fun. To be honest I don't even use my phone very much.

Ive been using the TP and really dont trust it. I guess that is the reason for my hate for it. Ive made calls before where it will start the class and just hang up and to solve the problem I need to fix the problem. Imagine if I had to call 911 and such happened, the person or myself would likely be dead by the time it restarted.

There is a certain level of functionality in which solely for safety measures a telecom product should function at, and I feel out of the box most WM devices fail.

Thank you all for all the help. BTW I dont look for pretty, I dont even use touchflo. I just wanted something that I know will work when I need it to.
If you dont use touchflo, then give silence 6.5 a try. It is the fastest, most stable and problem free rom ive used, and it is titanium only (no touchflo).

as for winmo devices failing out of the box, that is what i was getting at above. IMO, the best way to look at a winmo device out of the box is a good platform for improvement to do what you want, and the most potential functionality, but tweaking required to reach perfection.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 11:20 PM
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Re: Rom that just works

my phone has never NOT made a call.. but you're missing a fundamental aspect of this "phone". it is merely a pda, with a cellular network connection. expecting it to be a phone first is quite absurd if you think about that concept.

see, i was in the middle of deciding two purchases, a new pda, and a new phone. and i figured, why not just buy something combined. if however, you bought this "phone" to be primarily a phone, then you probably made the wrong purchase choice. comparing a windows phone to a blackberry, or an iphone, is like comparing lawn mowers to weed whackers.

if you want the stability of a phone with no real operating system, then fine... get one. but your narcissistic view of the world isn't necessary. and by that, since you'll probably ask, is in reference to your unobtainable need for "quality" (when you really just made the wrong purchase decision), your view of "society" and its lack of knowledge about these products and how (you think) they should function (thank god you are above your own view of socially perceived thought... how ironic, right?), and just your general attitude towards whoever was trying to answer whatever question you posted in the first place. while you don't want to offend us, which i don't think is possible.. we're not *that* attached to this phone.. you do want us to know how you feel, for whatever reason. you've already made up your mind, and there's nothing we can do to change it, and you're unwilling to even try to fix the problems you've decided you have with this phone, so ultimately, the act of posting this thread is the most narcissism-fueled action i've seen here.
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