Originally Posted by Bird11
I didn't mean anything bad by my comment, It just seems to be that society today has a certain acceptance for badly designed and operating products. If I offended any of you I do sincerely apologize, I can see how my words can be taken the wrong way.
I have a razor and you are right that it simply works, but I like having my email, internet and a decent browser on my phone for work and fun. To be honest I don't even use my phone very much.
Ive been using the TP and really dont trust it. I guess that is the reason for my hate for it. Ive made calls before where it will start the class and just hang up and to solve the problem I need to fix the problem. Imagine if I had to call 911 and such happened, the person or myself would likely be dead by the time it restarted.
There is a certain level of functionality in which solely for safety measures a telecom product should function at, and I feel out of the box most WM devices fail.
Thank you all for all the help. BTW I dont look for pretty, I dont even use touchflo. I just wanted something that I know will work when I need it to.
If you dont use touchflo, then give silence 6.5 a try. It is the fastest, most stable and problem free rom ive used, and it is titanium only (no touchflo).
as for winmo devices failing out of the box, that is what i was getting at above. IMO, the best way to look at a winmo device out of the box is a good platform for improvement to do what you want, and the most potential functionality, but tweaking required to reach perfection.