Re: Rom that just works
considering that i use my phone mainly for work, my standards of stability and functionality are probably higher than yours, since yours sits on your desk while you're at work lol..
i have mighty6 installed, with a bunch of programs i use everyday, and my phone operates normally. i don't know what you're doing wrong, but it sounds like something isn't right. you said that you have friends who have "similar" problems, how similar are they? are they similar enough for you to say that your phone definitely isn't in some way malfunctioning due to a physical problem? my friend forced her touch pro open on an angle and broke a hinge, and now the screen flashes around like it would appear if you were very drunk. that sort of graphics glitch is a physical problem, and no rom is going to fix that.
as for your phone's radio turning off, i would think that its due to poor reception, but you said that you have good reception, so... i'm having a hard time understanding what your problem is besides the radio problem. when you hit a button, it doesn't do what the button is meant to do? which button?
one problem i had with tf3d was that it took a long time for sms' to appear on the screen when switching to the texting tab, after about 5000 messages or so, but i don't use tf3d anymore so i don't have to worry about that.
you really need to clarify which programs aren't responsive, and whatnot... but telling us that your standards are superior isn't going to get you any help. maybe you should just assume that its you, not the majority of the forum, that have these problems, and try to figure out why.