Originally Posted by Bird11
I am looking for a Rom that just works when I need it to. I am all to upset with those that I have tried including Mighty, Mighty-Silence and some others including the stock. Maybe it is just windows mobile, but when I press a button I expect it to work, I don't expect to have screens flashing around, I don't expect when I make a call for the radio to automatically turn off, or when I am at work and pick up my phone to notice the radio randomly turned itself off and I have 30 voice mails. I don't know when it became acceptable for companies to put out a product that doesn't fully work, but I guess that is the standards people have today.
I just want something that works and something that is not bloated, it needs to be light. any suggestions.
Originally Posted by Bird11
I mean if you guys are saying it works for you, then you simply must have lower standard on quality than I do. Ive tried the canon of roms and they all pretty much suck with the stock being the worst.
I just expect a phone to work, when I press a button on the screen, I expect it to do what it is intended to do. Not do something else or be incredibly laggy in its operation.
Whats w/ the insults and cheap shots... fact of the matter is, issue is probably something your doing, and not the rom or phone itself... are u installing a bunch of different apps on your phone, maybe not fully closing programs and leaving them running in background? maybe jyou not hard resetting and pulling batt when flashing... any number of things, but i know for me, my phone does what I want, when i want... only issue ive ever really had, (that wasnt my fault at least) was the occasional keyboard issue which i had to get replacements for...beyond that.... it just works, wheen used properly/responsibly
Originally Posted by jmorton10
If you've tried all those different ROM's & still can't get your phone to function properly, you sound like a good candidate for an iphone IMHO............
+1 ... maybe the complexities of win mo and all its customizing features are just too complicated for him... you can always try iphone... or even a palm pre...heck even a blackberry... they all just work!