Anyone see EVDO stop working on TP???
Ive searched but haven't had any luck. My phone has been stuck in 1x for the past 3 days, and I have been in areas with strong EVDO signal (Sprint TP)... There were a couple of things that might have caused it (tho I am just guessing) 1. Hard reset and selected clear NAND (not sure what it does or if it could affect this). 2. Loaded WMlonglife which controls whether it connects to 1x or EV. I flashed my phone soon after installing WMLonglife, but I cant imagine it making changes that would survive a flash and a half dozen hard resets. I did re-install it just to be safe, but even after I forced EV I couldnt even load a web page.
I have tried everything I can think of to fix it... Loaded new radio, Flashed back to stock (couldnt get to epst with current ROM), ran prl update and profile update. Re-installed WMlonglive (was able to force 3G, but couldnt even load up a web page).
If anyone has any idea what the hell I did to my phone I would appreciate the help. I opened a ticket with Sprint, so we'll see if they just tell me to replace it...