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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:13 AM
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Re: I have a problem!

Originally Posted by DjKringe View Post
problem of my phone either locking up or generally not coming out of stand by. I get the dark blue screen and nothing more.
I just re-read and wanted to touch on this too. this may be a seperate issue, but if I'm right there's an easy fix.
I noticed a similar issue a while back with my mogul. it turned out to be 2 of my batteries (I had several at the time) were ever so slightly shorter than the others (2 sticker widths to be exact)
I could tap the phone in an area near the bottom and re-create the problem. ie the battery pin(s) were momentarily loosing contact.
I chose to put a dab of silicone on the problem batteries, but a piece of a business card would prove the theory.
you could also try prying out the pin springs (but I don't like flexing them much as they can break easy.)

edit; hmmm

Originally Posted by DjKringe View Post
not aimed at you at all shaggy...just a bit frustrated here and would like some real answers..
I feel ya, that's why i'm still here.
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Last edited by shaggylive; 05-21-2009 at 04:19 AM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:16 AM
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Re: I have a problem!

Originally Posted by DjKringe View Post
No. The text message thing went away once there was no longer a message sitting in my outbox. She's happy as hell and I'm miserable. She has a palm 755p and I have a TP. I usually think I have won technology wise...not so sure now. her Palm is solid as a rock...(her phone I mean)...my TP..well shazaam, it aint all it's cracked up to be
whoaa, wait.. so is the problem just the freazing ect..
and I knew I was confused on the device... ignore my last post...
(could you change your profile info when you get a chance? it's a bad habit of us vip's to look there.)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:22 AM
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Re: I have a problem!

Oh Wow! I totally forgot about the fact my sig prolly says mogul..naw...that beast is long gone...though I kind of miss it...got the free upgrade so I went with it...anyway yes...frezzes...runs dog arse slow...locks when I open keyboard...that's when is works....when i get this faded screen crap....I reset it ten times...take out the battery ten times and then when I have given up...it works...seems to read my frustration like a tiny church pamplet...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:30 AM
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Cool Re: I have a problem!

You can try the following see if it solves this problem for you. Are you using PIM back up? if so then follow these steps.

1.Make sure you back up all your text.
2.Place the phone on airplane mode.
3.go to settings than find touch flo here you will set the text message to classic.
4. Delete all messages
5.soft reset
6.restore all messages
7.go to touch flo again step "3" and set it to what it had as defaul.
8.soft reset.
9.go to your text messages and let it load everything with out interrupting.
10. Place the phone back on service meaning out of the plane mode.
You're done!!!

Hope this helps.
If I helped you just hit the thanks button.

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:34 AM
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Re: I have a problem!

hmmm, faded screen you say...
is it like the phone stopped, but never turned off the screen and so it's left with the pixels of the last image?
or is it more of a digital smear/streak
mirror image?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:41 AM
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Re: I have a problem!

no...say im in a phone call and the screen goes black as normal. well when i hit the top power button i get sort of a dark almost black blue screen and all the soft keys light up. If I just turn it to stand by via same button, then it won't come back when I press power button again but instead will show the same darkness I described. Even if I take out battery and reinsert....crazy I tell ya
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:54 AM
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Re: I have a problem!

if your tired of fing with your phone...call sprint cs, tell them what the issue is...see if they will do anything, yet again...and then whatever they do...if your still having the problem, call in the next day and say its still happening...

I had this issue with my second tp...it would randomly send 10-20 text messages to the same person at once..it got so bad that this person had to turn her phone off...also i couldnt connect to data. sprint said it was the tower at my home address...but i went from iowa to illinois, and had the same problem...so knew it wasnt the tower...i had flashed to three different roms..then back to stock, and same issue...i went into the store and they opened a ticket, as they couldnt replicate a random problem (shocking i know)......two days later the same issue was still happening... but then my msl started to randomly change on the phone...nothing i was doing, except went from stock to a custom rom...and the msl would change every couple hours...

..so i called in for like a week straight and kept complaining...i finally said is it possible to get a new phone..as the msl just doesnt randomly change...and the rep actually knew what they were doing and was shocked that the msl randomly changed...she kept saying, that doesnt just randomly change...so she put in a ticket for me to get a new phone...went to the sprint store an hour later, got a new phone no questions asked, and havent had the problem since...so it could very well be an issue with the phone itself...

sorry for the long story...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:59 AM
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Re: I have a problem!

well it's starting to sound more like a hardware issue. next time you take it in, just tell the greeter
say im in a phone call and the screen goes black as normal. well when i hit the top power button i get sort of a dark almost black blue screen and all the soft keys light up. If I just turn it to stand by via same button, then it won't come back when I press power button again but instead will show the same darkness I described. Even if I take out battery and reinsert....crazy I tell ya
also say that eventually it will boot ok and work for a while, then do it again.

just leave the phone, get your reciept, and go record shopping.
that should appease the zen gods
and with any luck they'll have your new phone waiting.

@ piranah ; I don't think your problems were hardware realated.. and I call tell you for sure that the msl issue was from installing something meant for the mogul (esn) not the pro (meid)
yes, it was a quick way to get a replacement, but eventually they will start getting more picky on exchanges as this becomes more common.. just wanted to let you (everyone) know.

Last edited by shaggylive; 05-21-2009 at 05:09 AM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 05:07 AM
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Re: I have a problem!

27 crates of vinyl an counting...they won't do chit....I'm going to call sprint cs right frickin now!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 05:12 AM
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Re: I have a problem!

oops...they cannot answer now as their normal business hours are lapsed by my normal phone usage time...whatever...I am totally tired..can I just get a little flip phone and be done with this crap/
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