Originally Posted by highlife22
Yes I give up lol. I can get it down to 75-80ish when I cook one, but I have to have Office, Opera etc so space gets used quickly. It uses the same memory for Ram as it does the OS.
i know it does, but i think theres something wrong do you actually close the programs or just hit the end key? because i have the vzw touch pro and i never get over 80-90 even with loaded roms.
im using copper rom and i have 50-70 free after running it all day! and with lllboredllls kitchen i run around 50 all day try using clean ram and closing programs all the way
also i softreset every night just to free up everything
another thing is make sure you do a hardreset after you flash a rom
every time! this cleans up ram too and speeds up rom slightly