Re: Verizon Enhanced Text Messaging RESOLVED
Ok, I did a lot of research on this topic and spoke to several VZW techs...This was the problem, if both phones are on VZW and are "smart phones" then both can send and recieve ems, if only one is a smart phone, then the messages didnt get broken up into different parts, because it didnt have to switch carriers. For some reason VZW didnt enable their smart phones to receive ems, but they can send them.
If a smart phone, or any other phone from VZW sends or recieves an EMS to another carrier, it automatically gets split up when it switches. So there is no issue there.
Im assuming that recenly VZW did finally somewhat fix the problem, I can get longer messages with the error still, but I didnt change the registry or anything, I think they just fixed it within their own network somehow.