Memory Card Problem...Please Help
I have read before about memory card problems but have always ignored them (having no problems myself). Well now it is my turn.
I was playing around with locr trying to do my first geo-tagging experiment and soon after that I go to Tom Tom to quickly pick up a GPS signal...well since I have the US maps installed on my 2gb Sandisk microSD card, Tom Tom is also installed on the card. It is one of the few apps I have installed from the card.
When I go to open TT7, it is icon-less showing a broken link. So I go in to File Explorer and my card is not visible. I try Total Commander, nothing. I then put the card in to my Touch and see if it is a Touch Pro issue. No luck, it does not show up on the Touch either. So not giving up I pop it in to an old Canon power shot and it says "Memory Card Error" which is what it says when there is no card in the camera.
I have probably 50 apps, 500 songs, 100 photos/videos on the card as well as the US maps. This is a complete dagger if the card is f'd. Any insights on what to do ? Seems like the card is busted but you Pros might be able to help.
Thanks in advance,