Oh wow were do i start with the Pro... well the first day i got the phone is worked great for about a week or so and then the problems started piling up.
1. battery of course halfway through the day and my phone already needs re-charging!
2. the actual speaker is very low, and the volume hard key gets stuck all the time and the screen will not stop flashing between dial pad and ringer pad.
3. Became extremely slow after a while navigating thru programs and even trying to close programs down. The phone also shuts it self off when it feels like it and most of the time i don't realize this until i come to make a phone call, i have been missing phone calls left and right because this phone constantly shuts itself off and this becoming so annoying having to deal with it.
I only have one sensorlock installed on here and before that install if was acting up anyways. i got this phone last month and already the battery case is starting to loose its color fading into somewhat violet color .....wow
I don't know if this is a lemon or what but honestly I am very disappointed with this phone, i ran away from my mogul to something worse. This phone is pretty on the outside but full of problems on the inside and it just might be my last HTC i purchase tsk tsk ...... Theres more problems but i think i would need to write a book with them all ....... how do u guys feel about this phone?? Is it just this one or are they are going to start doing this soon??