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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 07:32 PM
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Re: Should I have been charged a $50 deductible for using TEP?

Speaking as a "well informed individual" .. something screwy is going on there. I would say someone messed up and tried covering it up unfortunatly. the TEP is Total Equipment Protection and this covers everything. And if you were charged a $50 ded. for your replacement then either you would had to have filed an Insurance Claim through Asurion or you were with a Rep at the store and they filed one online with you still there and aware of what they were doing. But when "we" order phones there is no charge for TEP replacements. TEP covers everything and in store replacements don't cost unless you have no ESRP (Equipment Service and Repair Program). So if they told you "There is always a $50 charge for replacements" then this is false. If they told you "There is a $50 ded. for filing an insurance claim" then this is true. So based on what exactly they told you and whether a claim was filed will tell whether the $50 charge was correct. Any more questions just lemme know.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 07:36 PM
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Re: Should I have been charged a $50 deductible for using TEP?

call *2 and explain. they should credit you the $50.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2009, 04:59 AM
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Re: Should I have been charged a $50 deductible for using TEP?

Originally Posted by Ph33zy View Post
well i just called Sprint and they said that everytime they have to order a new phone, i will get charged $50 regardless. However, they did say that because I was misinformed, they will credit my back $50.

I remember getting my Mogul replaced for a Vogue with no fees either, so I'm not sure if their policy changed or not. I also heard that the deductibles were goin up to $100 starting in April on Sprintusers.com....

EDIT: Well the rep just called me back and told me he misinformed me! That's a first. He actually said I shouldn't have been charged $50. Another happy ending....
Holy &$%#... I almost spit beer on my keyboard just there... really?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2009, 08:57 AM
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Cool Re: Should I have been charged a $50 deductible for using TEP?

The replacement fee is for folks WITHOUT TEP , like me, I had mine exchanged a few times and its 50 for an exchange with no insurance . Doesnt cover lost or abused phones of course.
But after having had 15 phones from Sprint I can tell you they almost ALWAYS make an "error"
on something when they change the phones out and I get charged for something I should not.
They tried once to bill me the entire cost of a new phone that they sent me by mistake, and I had sent it back almost a month prior ,They found the phone through tracking , but they did make it right. Other times (3) they had erroneously altered my data plans on lines swap phones and I would get billed for kb usage..That can cause a shock for heavy data user like myself. Several times it was something or another that was charged to my account that was not supposed to have been.They are bad about doing this but they have definitely made it up to me with retention efforts . I don't believe I could get my 5 line plan any cheaper. sorry for rambling, I could go on, but I guess my point is, are you really surprised that they would make a 50 dollar mistake ? It is always gonna happen to some folks, but they do usually take care of it. I just feel bad for all the meek and timid people who never bother to question it. Oh btw, I do not keep TEP just because its cheaper for me to pay the 50 dollars instead of 7 a month when/if the phone messes up. Its under warranty long enough to have covered the 50 and more if you are paying for TEP. I think that is more for careless people.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2009, 01:10 PM
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Re: Should I have been charged a $50 deductible for using TEP?

My understanding is that TEP allows for free replacements on defects such as hardware or software not functioning properly. You're only expected to pay if you need a replacement because it was stolen, lost, or has cosmetic or water damage.

IOW: depends if its 'your fault' or 'their fault.'
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