Re: ATI Driver for Touch Pro
Guess they started including it or something... |
Re: ATI Driver for Touch Pro
~John |
Re: ATI Driver for Touch Pro
n. pl. vid·e·os The appearance of text and graphics on a video display. not talking about motion video
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Re: ATI Driver for Touch Pro
You need a lesson in basic photography. Exposure time is an independent value based on light conditions and is not, nor should it ever be, reliant on or affected by sensor readout speed.
Re: ATI Driver for Touch Pro
Again the digital capture process is the exposure time for our photo or the time it takes to pull the image off of the sensor. Which is a function of video processing. here is an article which explains what I am talking about http://www.articlesbase.com/advertis...lay-73100.html Last edited by cornelious2; 01-08-2009 at 12:34 PM. |
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Re: ATI Driver for Touch Pro
There are so many things wrong with your understanding of the situation it's not funny. And if you're reading babble like the article above, I can see why. I am going to have trouble even composing a logical, coherent response because your understanding is so off-base. 1. Motion blur in TP photos is caused by slow shutter speed. 2. Shutter speed is an integral component of basic photographic exposuring. Indeed all substrates have effective "ISO ratings" that reflect their light sensitivity, and that property is also an integral part of basic photographic exposuring. The sensor is the medium in digital cameras. 3. Shutter lag -- the delay between pressing the shutter button and the actual photo being taken -- has zero relationship to the shutter speed used for exposuring. 3. Our camera sensors use "electronic shutters", which is really a system of hardware and software controls that allow reading out of data from the image sensor into the processing hardware. The sensor behaves essentially identically to film -- it gathers charge based on its length of exposure to light. This length of exposure must be precisely controlled in order to properly process the data into an image. 4. Sensor readout is usually a quick process, but more importantly, it is irrelevant to taking a single photo. By the time the readout process begins, the exposure time is over and data is shifted out of the light-gathering areas of the sensor to the data pipeline areas. 5. There is no way you can have a digital camera operating without active control of all aspects of exposuring. Shutter speed, which is one such aspect, is controlled by a simple timer; image processing either of the preview image or of the final image is not part of the shutter speed equation whatsoever, nor can it be, because it is variable and would render the camera unreliable. 6. The real way to boost shutter speed in the context of proper exposuring is to either a. open up the aperture or b. increase the sensor effective ISO. Since cell phone cameras usually have fixed apertures, b. is the only option for speeding up shutter speed in low light. This is apparently the deficient part of the TP's camera; it does not aggressively boost effective ISO to freeze motion in low light. This can only be solved by modifying the camera control and processing software; the D3D driver obviously does neither. 7. The article you cite is first of all irrelevant to what we are discussing here, but also is completely wrong. The image processing he speaks of occurs AFTER the photo is exposed, after any shutter lag would have any effect. The only thing faster image processing would speed up would be shot-to-shot time, or, if the camera had a buffer, buffer clearing. Last edited by dr g; 01-08-2009 at 06:50 PM. |
Re: ATI Driver for Touch Pro
I knew you would take the shutter lag portion and ignore the part of the article that talked about what was important. That was just an article I found quickly supporting my argument.
no it talked about about shutter lag AND it talked about the transfer of the image to the buffer which takes some aspect of video processing, the more you talk the more I realize you really don't know how a digital camera works. simple matter is this. All the sensor does is gather the light. after that the reading of this light has to get PROCESSED and stored into the buffer. The faster this happens, the quicker the shutter can work. all the sensor does convert the light into an electronic signal so it can be analyzed. The process of a digital camera is light hits sensor, sensor makes a signal signal is processed and sent to buffer, buffer is cleared (and image is compressed) and stored to slower media. *edit* after reading more technical specs and re-afirming what I originally was talking about. I go back to calling shenanigans on you. Last edited by cornelious2; 01-15-2009 at 09:48 AM. |
Re: ATI Driver for Touch Pro
Last edited by dr g; 01-08-2009 at 07:49 PM. |