Re: Nu-bee here help with new applications
Check this thread out for games http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/forumdisplay.php?f=62
Re: Nu-bee here help with new applications
On the other hand the link above is a good place to start. Your best bet is to just start reading through forums, etc. Sadly there is just so much info here that finding a short-cut is pretty much near impossible. So just keep pluggin' away at these threads. late, Coz
"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
Re: Nu-bee here help with new applications
hey guys i was wondering if someone can help me, i'm racking my brain how to add a diff. theme can someone please point me or give step by step. I can take apart guns but can't firgure this Dam phone out! thanks guys
Re: Nu-bee here help with new applications
starting with this tweak program...with this u can make adjustments to things u like and dislike on the phone real easy without having to do reg edits...any problems feel free to post... EDIT: WARNING: if u use this app...there is a tweak within the program where it gives u the option to enable cleartype in landscape mode...do not do this...I REPEAT DO NOT do this...for some reason once this is enabled u cant see what ur typing during a text message, instant message nor while on the internet...not sure why it does it but it does...so just leave that option unchcked...everything else works great with this app and its still a must have Last edited by caddieguy02; 01-04-2009 at 08:07 PM. |
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Re: Nu-bee here help with new applications
this is a system clean up program...cleans bad shortcuts..reg errors etc...also frees up ram and keeps ur device running smooth...so if u feel ur device is slowing down has lag or anything run this...i run this every few days but i install and uninstall programs all the time...so if ur adding and removing alot of different stuff on ur phone it may be wise to run this more often...
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Re: Nu-bee here help with new applications
ay caddie..whats up man..hey eud that sk tools cab work on the 800w that u know of???? TIA
"that skeeg dude with the black girl"
F.I.Y.A.M |
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Re: Nu-bee here help with new applications
hey man wish i could help...but i have never owned a treo and dont kno the 1st thing about them...is that the newest one? its windows mobile right? id say try it if its windows mobile...but if not u might wanna ask somebody who knows for sure...lol..sorry man wish i knew more about treos but i dont...
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