Originally Posted by hbenz2008
Caddie man, I have been running spb mobile shell since the Mogul came out and now have it on the Pro. I have all spb stuff basically and I use it all, I find mobile shell much superior and better eye candy than pocket plus
i like pocket plus cuz u can customize it alot more...i have like 3000 custom icons for it and i have it looking unique...thats all...
Originally Posted by mr8820
i think this entire thread should be a sticky.everything you need is right here in 5 pages instead of 565!
i was thinking this aswell...maybe u should sugghest it to a mod...cozboogie
Originally Posted by machold
Remarkable collection, CabbieGuy, THANKS!.
BUT, I'm interested in why you went away from TF3D and what do you use now, and why. And can we see some pics of what you are using? THANKS.
i didnt like touch flow at all...the stock set-up is to plain...then i notice once u change it around it doesnt work aswell on some stuff...landscape mode was terrible for me...plus im the type i want my phone to look custom and unigue...so i can show off to others and make go oooo ahhhhhhh lmao...im not gonna post my screen here cuz i dont wanna jack this thread with that...but ill post u a link to the thread where everyone is posting theirs...ima put mine in there soon...
Originally Posted by hbenz2008
I eliminated TF3D right away coz it just doesnt work for me, I like to have easy access to everything when I am driving: mail, text, Nav, Music, recording software, Skype....and spb Mobile Shell gives me that convenience besides I am not noticing any battery drain at all. Yeah and it looks good too...this is spb mobile shell not spb pocket plus that caddie man uses. You get speed dials, and the most it wil take is two clicks to get anywhere in the TP.
i use mobile shell as my action screen...so i use it for weather, top contact, calender and recent apps...but then i click the x and pocket plus pops up with more in depth set-up...i hate going into the start menu it drives me nutz...so i want everything right there within a click away...