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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 05:28 PM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

Originally Posted by hbenz2008 View Post
Got Eboli dude!!! you must be Mr.perfect. Look man, some of us are willing to support Sprint here and there otherwise there won't be any Sprint, their network is the best in all major cities...I am sure I can get a case for 10 bucks, big deal.
Besides I have been with Sprint for many years with many accounts, and they always came through, and they have done more than replace my phone when I needed it. You may wanna look at being a bit open minded and tolerant ...
Note: It may do you good to get out of Kansas a bit... Dig that !

Hardly "perfect". FWIW bud, i live here because its cheap. Ive lived many many places, Vegas, Havasu, and alot of other places.

Im open minded. Its the fact they sell a product that HARMS the phone. Sprints always been this way. Look at their HTC Touch the released. No MMS? Locked down features? This goes for almost all of their smart phones. Its silly you have to reg hack a phone out of the box to get basic features to work..

Fastest network is debatable btw. Everyones around 7Mb give or take anymore in "Urban" high pop cities. Even topeka KS has fast 3g (Evdo here is slow tho. Not horrible but for sure not very fast, better than gsrp and such but still not quite "3g"). And as far as
their network is the best in all major cities
Again debatable. Topeka is a major city, like it or not. Its the SLOWEST of the group here. This town is GSM. KC, Id say its pretty even. Every city will be different. I could ramble alot about "best" and "whos better". BUt really theres not much of a point. Big sprint guys say "ZOMG SPRINTS BETTER", same with VZN and ATT. Hell i have people tell me Tmobile is better than everyone else. And to be totally honest. Alltel has been BETTER than any other company as far as just calling goes. Data network is crap tho.

Enough Derailing.
Wakka wakka

Good to hear about the silicon ones, Might order one myself. ITs a great find. And the dude has em for basicly every TP model hurrah!

Last edited by Ebolaivory; 12-26-2008 at 05:37 PM.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2008, 05:37 PM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

This is all up for debate man, and that is all good. It is the way that you wrote your comments that was not well taken, but it has been forgotten already. Let's move on. May wanna try to go to Africa for a change.
Da Believer....
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2008, 01:09 AM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

Not to further the off-topicness of this thread, but I'll just make this post and I hope this argument can end.

No one can say ANY carrier is superior. It depends where you are. There is no need for discussing how Sprint beats VZW or Deathstar, because frankly there are too many factors to judge a company on. People have their opinions and specific needs to be filled by a cellular company, and it's not our place to tell anyone what's better.

This discussion ends....

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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2008, 02:15 AM
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Talking Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

done deal
was done from the beginning

Last edited by HBOOT; 12-27-2008 at 02:19 AM.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2008, 03:02 AM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

Originally Posted by stevedusa View Post
Well had to take the photo with my MacBook Pro for now but ... yeah better picture will come tonight.

That looks really cheesy. Id rather just scratch my TP then use that cover.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 09:37 AM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

I got the hard case and what I did to "reduce" the gap between the top and bottom of the phone was file down the tabs a little bit and the gap that hard case makes is greatly reduced it also reduced the friction created when you open and close the phone and it doesn’t feel cheep and lets the phone close properly and the case fit perfect. However the hard case is to thick im thinking about taking off the rubber to reduce the size. It’s hard to scroll with the scroll bar on the side with my finger with the hard case on because it’s so thick... i was going to get a gel case but i dont like how that looks...
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 10:19 AM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

I purchased a clear hard plastic case off eb with shipping included for $8.99. It did cause a small gap at the bottom right corner, but I from asking around, I notice it more than other ppl. I never had any sliding issues. When the keyboard is open, the gap goes away. (I can see no light between the top and bottom.) I believe the trade off was acceptable for me because my phone is protected, and since the case is clear like glass, it retains it's styling. You can still see the Sprint and HTC logos, and the battery cover (which I dyed black). Mine is not thick so the phone still fits in the pouch with the case on and all ports are accessible. I just take it off for a microfiber wipe off every few days and it's good to go. I tried the black rubber case in the Sprint store and it fit nicely, but robbed the phone of its styling (chrome, logos, etc). So if you can deal with the minor gap, I would go with the hard plastic. Well that's my 2 cents.

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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 12:44 PM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

It's like the hard case they had for the Titan, 'cept it's silicone for the Pro.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 04:47 AM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

Got a silicone one. Its ok for the price, not great, not bad. Only thing I don't like is the wide gap between top and bottom - as mentioned and how 'flimsy' the area around the screen is, but this is only because it is so thin there. It seems like if it could be adhered to the side of the Pro and held in place, this could reduce the gap. I don't know of any to do that without damaging the chrome.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 05:10 AM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

I got the gel case today, and I like it except for the "flimsy" area around the screen...its not that it is flimsy, so much as it just doesn't stay in place...it want's to slide up a bit when you pick up the phone by the sides. If you could get it to adhere to the phone in that area, it would be perfect.

I did try and put small pieces of double sided tape along the sides to hold the gel skin in place, and while the tape adheres to the chrome just fine, it won't stick to the gel...it doesn't like the gel material (I guess the gel is just too non-porous or something).

I'll probably keep using the skin until something better comes along though. Hard to beat the $8 price.
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