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Old 01-04-2009, 05:10 AM
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Re: Finally, a silicon/gel "skin" for the Sprint TP...

I got the gel case today, and I like it except for the "flimsy" area around the screen...its not that it is flimsy, so much as it just doesn't stay in want's to slide up a bit when you pick up the phone by the sides. If you could get it to adhere to the phone in that area, it would be perfect.

I did try and put small pieces of double sided tape along the sides to hold the gel skin in place, and while the tape adheres to the chrome just fine, it won't stick to the doesn't like the gel material (I guess the gel is just too non-porous or something).

I'll probably keep using the skin until something better comes along though. Hard to beat the $8 price.
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