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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:36 AM
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Touch Pro Replacement

So I got my replacement Touch Pro from UPS late last week, but between finals and a family event over the weekend, didn't have time to open it up and look at it until I got home from my last final earlier today.

All was nice, sturdy build quality, earpiece had mesh across the whole thing instead of just on the side, etc....

... Then I turned it on.

Pic 1, Pic 2

Almost looks like water damage to me, though I'm not totally sure how it would have gotten like that in shipment. None of the water sensors are tripped though, so I dunno. Hopefully Sprint doesn't try to blame it on me, I don't know if I should call them up and get them to send a new one, or if I should drive 40 miles back to my corp store and show them.

Anyone seen anything like this before? Any suggestions as to if I should call/visit corp store vs calling Sprint directly?

Pic 3 from a few days later. The spots change around every day it seems, its really freaking weird.

baf.cc | GPS Toggler | Touch Pro Essentials | Got MSL?
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Last edited by Baffles; 12-24-2008 at 08:17 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:39 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

those are some BIG pictures..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:40 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

I have similar spots on my Titan ... but on mine you can tell they are obviously from screen taps by the positions so I dunno ....

So much for karma after all you have done for the community you get a bum rap like that lol ...
---- volpe Deus ---- Device: HTC RhodiumW (Sprint Branded) ROM: Under Construction -- Radio: Sprint 2.32.00WF -- PRL: 60660 -- OS: WM6.5 b23554 -- GUI: Sense 2.5.2012 --
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:43 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

I don't know, I had the spots on my Titan and this is similar, except way bigger. That, and the dark shadow-ish area that looks like a circuit board in the lower area of the screen. But for being a new in box phone, I'm not even activating it. I'd rather keep my chipped/cracked chrome then have the AWFUL looking screen.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:45 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

Baff , call up first man, either they send you one or they give you the ok to exchange at the store by notating your account, Sprint wont try to phuk with you.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:48 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

Couple of quick questions, is the screen dooring/crosshatch lines what you were talking about, or were those for the camera?

In the second picture there is a clear blotch up in the left corner, is that correct and what you are talking about?(not the lines)

If its not the lines the blotch may be from your screen protector being misapplied (guess), thats what it looks like when it gets air bubbles under it.

Please advise the first question, if the lines were what you were talking about then Im wrong, but if the blotch is what your talking about remove and reinstall the screen protector if its there as long as its just air bubble they can be wedge out when reapplying using a credit card to lead the install.

There may also be something on the inside of the protector and you may need a new one if it persists ( if you take it off and there isnt a a blotch on the screen, its the protector )

I know this may sound obvious, its a guess from what I see and not knowing whether you have a protector on , if Im wrong sorry, but from the pictures it looks like it might be your problem so I thought Id try just in case it only needed a second set of eyes.

Last edited by ThatBozGuy; 12-16-2008 at 12:53 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:49 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

Well, I called the corp store about the chrome directly, and they said bring it in. This was a few weeks ago, and everything was backordered so they just submitted an order.

Who is the best person to call over this? *2, or retentions, or someone else? What, will tehy send me a second new phone and have me just ship this one back with another return kit or something?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:51 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

Originally Posted by ThatBozGuy View Post
Couple of quick questions is the screen dooring/ the lines what you were talking about or were those for the camera?

In the second picture there is a clear blotch up in the left corner, is that correct and what you are talking about?(not the lines)

If its not the lines Im willing to bet the blotch is from your screen protector being misapplied, thats what it looks like when it gets air bubbles under it.

Please advise the first question, if the lines were what you were talking about then Im wrong, but if the blotch is what your talking about remove and reinstall the screen protector if its there as long as its just air bubble they can be wedge out when reapplying using a credit card to lead the install.

There ay also be something on the inside of the protector and you may need a new one if it persists ( if you take it off and there isnt a a blotch on the screen, its the protector )

I know this may sound obvious if Im wrong but from the pictures it looks like it might be your problem so I thought Id try just in case it only needed a second set of eyes.
The square grid of lines? Those are the pixels. I'm talking about the blotch in the top corner as well as the dark shadowy area in the lower center area.

I thought it may be screen protector too, so I peeled it off. It wasn't on very good anyway, it kinda stuck on off the edge a little. But yeah, those pics were on a naked screen. Looks the same with and without the protector. It is definitely something internal.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:54 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

Was worth a shot, sorry it did'nt help, corporate is the next step.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:56 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

I guess I'll just give them a call tomorrow, if they will send me a new phone over the phone then I won't bother driving down to corporate store.
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