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Old 12-16-2008, 12:48 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Replacement

Couple of quick questions, is the screen dooring/crosshatch lines what you were talking about, or were those for the camera?

In the second picture there is a clear blotch up in the left corner, is that correct and what you are talking about?(not the lines)

If its not the lines the blotch may be from your screen protector being misapplied (guess), thats what it looks like when it gets air bubbles under it.

Please advise the first question, if the lines were what you were talking about then Im wrong, but if the blotch is what your talking about remove and reinstall the screen protector if its there as long as its just air bubble they can be wedge out when reapplying using a credit card to lead the install.

There may also be something on the inside of the protector and you may need a new one if it persists ( if you take it off and there isnt a a blotch on the screen, its the protector )

I know this may sound obvious, its a guess from what I see and not knowing whether you have a protector on , if Im wrong sorry, but from the pictures it looks like it might be your problem so I thought Id try just in case it only needed a second set of eyes.

Last edited by ThatBozGuy; 12-16-2008 at 12:53 AM.
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