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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 07:03 PM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

Originally Posted by jjday7 View Post
they are real lazy at best buy. I went to two of them before they setup my account with sero. I kept the phone for about 25 days and decided to bring it back due to all the problems and the guy said you can't return it here and you have to go to the store you bought it from because sprint will call to confirm you returned it. I then called retention and they said they have no idea what he is talking about. So now im off to a 45 minute ride to return it at the original store.

I would not recommend best buy for buying phone. get it from sprint. save yourself a headache.
Yup, but often it is hard to resist because BB sometimes has the best price on the phone.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 07:21 PM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

Originally Posted by jjday7 View Post
they are real lazy at best buy. I went to two of them before they setup my account with sero. I kept the phone for about 25 days and decided to bring it back due to all the problems and the guy said you can't return it here and you have to go to the store you bought it from because sprint will call to confirm you returned it. I then called retention and they said they have no idea what he is talking about. So now im off to a 45 minute ride to return it at the original store.

I would not recommend best buy for buying phone. get it from sprint. save yourself a headache.
I don't know--I got quite the headache trying to exchange a Touch Pro directly to Sprint. The first rep told me that because I have a SERO account, I have to actually return the phone, close the new line, and then start over; aka re-setup my secondary SERO line, which *can* be a pain in the ***.

So, pissed off, I decided to call back and I spoke with a different rep. This rep said that the return-only described by the other rep is incorrect, and they could send me a brand new Touch Pro with a return kit for the old one. Great! So he transferred me to account services to finish setting up the exchange. After giving the next rep my account info, she said they were out of stock and to try back next week. (I don't understand why they can't just backorder it and send it out when its in...)

I honestly would rather have to drive 45 minutes to get this taken care of than piss around with Sprint CS.

Last edited by xenokira; 11-21-2008 at 07:23 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 09:54 PM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
All BB's use the same upgrade system with Sprint.

Either you have to do it manually (as detailed earlier) or you have to upgrade via Sprint Telesales.
I know that... but it just seems to me that the salesperson was being a d*ck or a dumbass.

I got mine at BB with sero. He had to call. At first he was like "you have to add a data plan". I told him data is included for free already, and he gave me a strange look and said "ok".
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 10:49 PM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

I had no problem. They took my info and were like are you sure you have Sprint cause you're not showing up. I was like yeah, but it's a special account so you may need to call, so he said OK and called. Then he was like they told me you didn't have a data plan, and I said I don't need one because data is a part of my voice plan. Then he said OK, I signed the paper contract and he took my money and we parted ways.

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2008, 11:40 PM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

Originally Posted by jjday7 View Post
they are real lazy at best buy. I went to two of them before they setup my account with sero. I kept the phone for about 25 days and decided to bring it back due to all the problems and the guy said you can't return it here and you have to go to the store you bought it from because sprint will call to confirm you returned it. I then called retention and they said they have no idea what he is talking about. So now im off to a 45 minute ride to return it at the original store.

I would not recommend best buy for buying phone. get it from sprint. save yourself a headache.
look, i know that sometimes people arent as well informed about things as others.. but when i read over the issue you had, its not his fault (nor best buy's) entirely. As a former employee for sprint and a current employee for best buy mobile, i fully know all of the ins an outs of sprints system. you have no reason not to reccommend buying the phone from best buy. the fact that you had an issue returning the phone at the store you bought it from was a procedure that is enfored at ANY store. whether it be walmart or radio shack it doesnt matter. if you go to one sprint store, and try to return it at another sprint store, they will inform you that will have to return it to the one you bought it from. because it affects that specific store's inventory/sales tracker. so the fact that you have a 45 minute drive just to return the phone is your own fault (harsh, but the truth- im sorry). you caused your own head-ache sir, and for the record.. why would anyone purchase the phone at sprint when they can save themselves 100 dollars on the spot? hell when best buy first launched the phone (almost 2 weeks earlier than the sprint stores did might i add), they had it on a smartphone promotion that let everyone to get a 20% discount off of the phone?? and for the record, retentions should know exactly what he was talking about because when a customer wants to return the phone.. they need a sales rep to confirm their rep id and password so they know for sure that the customer in fact did return the phone to the store- instead of just saying they did and really keeping the phone they got at an upgraded price.
i hate idiots... seriously

samsung 640A --> motorola Q --> sprint touch --> now doin it big with the touch pro... oh so sexy lol

Last edited by blue4shizzle; 11-21-2008 at 11:42 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2008, 05:32 AM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

Sorry people you guys are all wrong about sprint checking with bestbuy to make sure you returned your phone i get a new phone all the time from bestbuy i either add a line or make my wife sign up with sprint as a new customer then go home cancel service(they sent my wife a bill for a $11.38 for a day of service and some fees), then do a esn swap(free) wit my exsiting service! Didnt have to extend my contract pay a activation fee ($1 and got the phone for a new line/customer price!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2008, 12:53 PM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

Originally Posted by blue4shizzle View Post
look, i know that sometimes people arent as well informed about things as others.. but when i read over the issue you had, its not his fault (nor best buy's) entirely. As a former employee for sprint and a current employee for best buy mobile, i fully know all of the ins an outs of sprints system. you have no reason not to reccommend buying the phone from best buy. the fact that you had an issue returning the phone at the store you bought it from was a procedure that is enfored at ANY store. whether it be walmart or radio shack it doesnt matter. if you go to one sprint store, and try to return it at another sprint store, they will inform you that will have to return it to the one you bought it from. because it affects that specific store's inventory/sales tracker. so the fact that you have a 45 minute drive just to return the phone is your own fault (harsh, but the truth- im sorry). you caused your own head-ache sir, and for the record.. why would anyone purchase the phone at sprint when they can save themselves 100 dollars on the spot? hell when best buy first launched the phone (almost 2 weeks earlier than the sprint stores did might i add), they had it on a smartphone promotion that let everyone to get a 20% discount off of the phone?? and for the record, retentions should know exactly what he was talking about because when a customer wants to return the phone.. they need a sales rep to confirm their rep id and password so they know for sure that the customer in fact did return the phone to the store- instead of just saying they did and really keeping the phone they got at an upgraded price.
First of all my opinion is only my opinion and it's take it or leave it. Sorry if it offended you since you worked for both companies. I can tell you from first hand experience that best buy is not the best place to buy phone. I understand the price is right and may be less than sprint but here is the difference: I got my first touch pro and then had tons of problems including the keyboard glitch problem. I called best buy about 50 times trying to get to their mobile department and got no answer every time. This is no exxageration. second I finally got someone and they were out of stock. When I finally got someone to hold the phone for me I went in and got the phone and the rep saw that it was just an exchange and just didn't really care to help. He rushed the activation and didn't set up the data on the phone. I had to call sprint and get them to update the prl. That took an hour in itself because they couldn't understand why the data wasn't working seeing that best buy was supposed to take care of that when they called and got instructions to do so.

The biggest thing about your statement about returns is I can buy anything from any walmart, target or any other huge retailer and return my item at any of there locations. The guy at best buy that refused the return was the same guy that told me when the phone first came out that he could not sell it to me because I was on sero and an upgrade would not be allowed allowed. This was the manager of the department. Then he told me that I could not use the 20% off. THIS IS WHAT CAUSED ME TO GO TO ANOTHER STORE THAT WAS 45 MINUTES AWAY. Now when I came back to finally return the phone he says go to the store that sold it to you. Keep in mind the other best buy did the whole deal without any questions. It took about 1 hour to get them to set it up though. Just wanted to clear this up because it's obvious you worked for them so you are bias. I have bought plenty of phones from sprint, tmobile, and at&T and I can tell you first hand this was the worst experience that I had. Once again this is an opinion I am not saying don't shop at best buy but just be aware that they are not the best people to depend on when purchasing phones.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2008, 01:50 PM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

Originally Posted by garza1911 View Post
Sorry people you guys are all wrong about sprint checking with bestbuy to make sure you returned your phone i get a new phone all the time from bestbuy i either add a line or make my wife sign up with sprint as a new customer then go home cancel service(they sent my wife a bill for a $11.38 for a day of service and some fees), then do a esn swap(free) wit my exsiting service! Didnt have to extend my contract pay a activation fee ($1 and got the phone for a new line/customer price!
honestly, you just dealt with a customer service rep who didnt know what the heck they were doing, they are SUPPOSED to check like i stated earlier so people (like yourself) wont do just what you did. but hey, im glad you got away with it lol... but dont go around telling the world that they can simply just do what you did because that definately wasnt supposed to happen.

Originally Posted by jjday7 View Post
First of all my opinion is only my opinion and it's take it or leave it. Sorry if it offended you since you worked for both companies. I can tell you from first hand experience that best buy is not the best place to buy phone. I understand the price is right and may be less than sprint but here is the difference: I got my first touch pro and then had tons of problems including the keyboard glitch problem. I called best buy about 50 times trying to get to their mobile department and got no answer every time. This is no exxageration. second I finally got someone and they were out of stock. When I finally got someone to hold the phone for me I went in and got the phone and the rep saw that it was just an exchange and just didn't really care to help. He rushed the activation and didn't set up the data on the phone. I had to call sprint and get them to update the prl. That took an hour in itself because they couldn't understand why the data wasn't working seeing that best buy was supposed to take care of that when they called and got instructions to do so.

The biggest thing about your statement about returns is I can buy anything from any walmart, target or any other huge retailer and return my item at any of there locations. The guy at best buy that refused the return was the same guy that told me when the phone first came out that he could not sell it to me because I was on sero and an upgrade would not be allowed allowed. This was the manager of the department. Then he told me that I could not use the 20% off. THIS IS WHAT CAUSED ME TO GO TO ANOTHER STORE THAT WAS 45 MINUTES AWAY. Now when I came back to finally return the phone he says go to the store that sold it to you. Keep in mind the other best buy did the whole deal without any questions. It took about 1 hour to get them to set it up though. Just wanted to clear this up because it's obvious you worked for them so you are bias. I have bought plenty of phones from sprint, tmobile, and at&T and I can tell you first hand this was the worst experience that I had. Once again this is an opinion I am not saying don't shop at best buy but just be aware that they are not the best people to depend on when purchasing phones.
man, you have no idea on what type of experience i have with several cell phone companies/departments/and situations. dont call me biased just because i work there. im giving a very honest and fact based answer.. if you buy something that requires a contract.. you WILL NOT be able to return it to another store, (with the exception of some corporate stores or multiple self owned businesses). because each store has its own specific code in which is tied into the sale, it also throws off the inventory. now your experience, though it was unfortunate and stressful- you are going based off of your experience with the people there. you let the experience with one store affect your overall opinion with best buy as a whole. you are right, its your opinion and you are definately entitled to that, but to down a company based off of the fact that you cant return a phone to the different store isnt a true reason to completely tell everyone its not a good place to get their phone from. the funny thing is you always here about the bad reviews on a company but rarely hear the good reviews.. do a poll.. i bet at least 75 percent of everyone who got their touchpro on this site got it from best buy. you can call me biased, but the truth of the matter is, you are just bitter from the experience... because you can just as well have the exact same issues you had at best buy at a sprint store, and there are TONS of stories here on this site that will prove that. if best buy really was such a horrible place to purchase a phone from, they wouldnt be selling phones left and right like they do.. the customer experience will vary, but dont write off the whole company as a whole..

Last edited by blue4shizzle; 11-22-2008 at 01:54 PM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2008, 07:32 PM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

Originally Posted by blue4shizzle View Post
honestly, you just dealt with a customer service rep who didnt know what the heck they were doing, they are SUPPOSED to check like i stated earlier so people (like yourself) wont do just what you did. but hey, im glad you got away with it lol... but dont go around telling the world that they can simply just do what you did because that definately wasnt supposed to happen.

man, you have no idea on what type of experience i have with several cell phone companies/departments/and situations. dont call me biased just because i work there. im giving a very honest and fact based answer.. if you buy something that requires a contract.. you WILL NOT be able to return it to another store, (with the exception of some corporate stores or multiple self owned businesses). because each store has its own specific code in which is tied into the sale, it also throws off the inventory. now your experience, though it was unfortunate and stressful- you are going based off of your experience with the people there. you let the experience with one store affect your overall opinion with best buy as a whole. you are right, its your opinion and you are definately entitled to that, but to down a company based off of the fact that you cant return a phone to the different store isnt a true reason to completely tell everyone its not a good place to get their phone from. the funny thing is you always here about the bad reviews on a company but rarely hear the good reviews.. do a poll.. i bet at least 75 percent of everyone who got their touchpro on this site got it from best buy. you can call me biased, but the truth of the matter is, you are just bitter from the experience... because you can just as well have the exact same issues you had at best buy at a sprint store, and there are TONS of stories here on this site that will prove that. if best buy really was such a horrible place to purchase a phone from, they wouldnt be selling phones left and right like they do.. the customer experience will vary, but dont write off the whole company as a whole..
I got my TP from sprint sales but since you guys are talking about Best Buy recently I got a laptop and had couple dark spots bad pixels? they give me brand new a laptop without any problem I was very surprise over 30 days!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-22-2008, 08:05 PM
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Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!

I also got my upgrade (Touch Pro) from Best Buy here in Atlanta. The Best Buy system (SNAP) does not allow them to access the SERO accounts. Just have them call Sprint and they can assist with setting it up. It was fairly simple. Hope it helps
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