Originally Posted by jjday7
they are real lazy at best buy. I went to two of them before they setup my account with sero. I kept the phone for about 25 days and decided to bring it back due to all the problems and the guy said you can't return it here and you have to go to the store you bought it from because sprint will call to confirm you returned it. I then called retention and they said they have no idea what he is talking about. So now im off to a 45 minute ride to return it at the original store.
I would not recommend best buy for buying phone. get it from sprint. save yourself a headache.
look, i know that sometimes people arent as well informed about things as others.. but when i read over the issue you had, its not his fault (nor best buy's) entirely. As a former employee for sprint and a current employee for best buy mobile, i fully know all of the ins an outs of sprints system. you have no reason not to reccommend buying the phone from best buy. the fact that you had an issue returning the phone at the store you bought it from was a procedure that is enfored at ANY store. whether it be walmart or radio shack it doesnt matter. if you go to one sprint store, and try to return it at another sprint store, they will inform you that will have to return it to the one you bought it from. because it affects that specific store's inventory/sales tracker. so the fact that you have a 45 minute drive just to return the phone is your own fault (harsh, but the truth- im sorry). you caused your own head-ache sir, and for the record.. why would anyone purchase the phone at sprint when they can save themselves 100 dollars on the spot? hell when best buy first launched the phone (almost 2 weeks earlier than the sprint stores did might i add), they had it on a smartphone promotion that let everyone to get a 20% discount off of the phone?? and for the record, retentions should know exactly what he was talking about because when a customer wants to return the phone.. they need a sales rep to confirm their rep id and password so they know for sure that the customer in fact did return the phone to the store- instead of just saying they did and really keeping the phone they got at an upgraded price.