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  #221 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 12:48 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by jaggrey View Post
. But just cuz I said that now watch it'll do it again
LOL, I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure mine will freeze up today some time........

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  #222 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 01:17 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

If you have a freezing Touch Pro, please do all of us a favor and take it into your Sprint store. They NEED to be made aware of this problem!
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  #223 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 01:31 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

I honestly think alot of people are blaming the phone for a problem thats been with windows mobile for ages. these phones are mini computers, computers sometimes crash. that doesn't mean that the hardware is bad. the uncheck solution completely solves one reason the os can lockup, but to assume that all other reasons for the phone to lock up would be fixed as well is kidding yourself. I have a ton of custom software on my phone and I have never had that lockup happen unless I forget to uncheck that box after flashing a new rom.

I will say this though, I use the charger from my mogul since it has a longer cord i can pick up the phone without yanking the charger out of the wall.

also every night I check to make sure my alarm is set, kill all programs running in the background, and then turn the screen off via the power button and set the phone on my nightstand face down. (the lcd is distracting when I try to sleep).

of the people that had a freeze happen after unchecking the box, how many of you make sure to kill all running programs every night before you go to sleep? I am a business analyst and I am paid to find trends in situations. the biggest trend I see here is that when people have locking up phones, I never hear anything about them making sure to kill running programs when they are done with them.

The same goes for people on PC's I get calls from friends about their computer locking up all the time and acting slow, and when I come over to troubleshoot. they have usually between 20 instances of IE open, along with everything else they used within the last centuary.

just make it part of your routeen to open the task manager and kill all running programs and that will save you hours of headache later on.
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  #224 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 01:35 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by cornelious2 View Post
I honestly think alot of people are blaming the phone for a problem thats been with windows mobile for ages. these phones are mini computers, computers sometimes crash. that doesn't mean that the hardware is bad. the uncheck solution completely solves one reason the os can lockup, but to assume that all other reasons for the phone to lock up would be fixed as well is kidding yourself. I have a ton of custom software on my phone and I have never had that lockup happen unless I forget to uncheck that box after flashing a new rom.

I will say this though, I use the charger from my mogul since it has a longer cord i can pick up the phone without yanking the charger out of the wall.

also every night I check to make sure my alarm is set, kill all programs running in the background, and then turn the screen off via the power button and set the phone on my nightstand face down. (the lcd is distracting when I try to sleep).

of the people that had a freeze happen after unchecking the box, how many of you make sure to kill all running programs every night before you go to sleep? I am a business analyst and I am paid to find trends in situations. the biggest trend I see here is that when people have locking up phones, I never hear anything about them making sure to kill running programs when they are done with them.

The same goes for people on PC's I get calls from friends about their computer locking up all the time and acting slow, and when I come over to troubleshoot. they have usually between 20 instances of IE open, along with everything else they used within the last centuary.

just make it part of your routeen to open the task manager and kill all running programs and that will save you hours of headache later on.
For what it's worth, I'm pretty anal about closing all my programs but I still experienced the lockup a few times before I did a hard reset.

There are a number of different theories floating around in this thread as to what could be causing it. My personal theory: It has something to do with the alarm clock being set.

That's when I first saw it. I hadn't used my phone as an alarm. The first night that I did, it locked up. Could be a combination of installing the flip clock with other programs, but that's just my theory.

I don't buy the whole heat issue thing because I keep my room pretty cold at night. Wifi is off, no processes/programs running, screen is turned off via the power button, face up.
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  #225 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 01:36 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

I ALWAYS make sure I have no programs running before I go to sleep. In fact I don't really have any programs that run. Since I got my replacement it has been completely stock with no tweaks. Still freezes.

I am wondering if it's possibly the wallcharger or the alarm. Hard to say though, but I will try to take this one back again since it wasn't even a new one to begin with.

Last edited by bullet2300; 12-19-2008 at 01:38 PM.
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  #226 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 02:22 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

If thats the case, the one big difference I can see (if my assumption is right) is that I am using the mogul charger. and the rest is most likely using the stock charger.

I am also using YFJ 4.0 rom and have been for a while so some driver fixes or reg tweaks on that may be helping me. I never seem to have enough time with my 7 month old and a wife to make my own rom these days.
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  #227 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 02:27 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

I use the alarm clock as well and it's been working fine. Same with the Touch I had before it.

I'm using the stock charger, but recently I changed out the short USB cable with one I found from an old Sony Cybershot digicam, which is longer by about another foot. The only weird thing I noticed with that one is sometimes when I wake up the screen is on but dim. Usually the screen is off. It only did that a few times and when I started paying attention to it, it stopped doing it (go figure). But no lockups.
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  #228 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 02:44 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

I have had multiple lock ups on two different sprint touch pros and I have never, ever used the alarm function once. I wouldn't even know how to set the alarm.

I do see two interesting things looking back through this thread...

1. we all seem to be using the stock charger accept for cornelious2 who has had no problems. Possibly it's not the phone, battery, or sim card. What if it is a charger issue. I mean that's when the problem always goes down, when plugged into the charger.

2. It seems most have purchased their phone from BestBuy. Just trying to look for some type of pattern.
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  #229 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by badmoon8081 View Post
I have had multiple lock ups on two different sprint touch pros and I have never, ever used the alarm function once. I wouldn't even know how to set the alarm.

I do see two interesting things looking back through this thread...

1. we all seem to be using the stock charger accept for cornelious2 who has had no problems. Possibly it's not the phone, battery, or sim card. What if it is a charger issue. I mean that's when the problem always goes down, when plugged into the charger.

2. It seems most have purchased their phone from BestBuy. Just trying to look for some type of pattern.
So much for my theory

Using stock charger/cable and bought mine from best buy...
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  #230 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2008, 02:50 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

I don't think it's the alarm either. I have four different recurring alarms set in mine (although I use SPB Time for my alarms) & it never freezes up.

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