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View Poll Results: What brand do you stand by to protect your phone?
BodyGuardz 61 16.01%
InivisibleShield 177 46.46%
Phantom Skinz 11 2.89%
Ghost Armor 35 9.19%
Invisible Skins 4 1.05%
Boxwave's ClearTouch 22 5.77%
PPC Techs' WriteSHIELD 7 1.84%
other 64 16.80%
Voters: 381. You may not vote on this poll

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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2008, 11:57 AM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

with those that have invisibleshield, is it anti-static? I hate the stock screen protector which attracts fingerprints, dead skin and oil like nothing else.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2008, 12:10 PM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

I have purchased boxwave in the past and been very happy with the product on the mogul and touch BUT on the Touch Pro it is awful and a terrible fit and would not recommentd.
Good Luck,
Fat Boy

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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2008, 02:09 AM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

Originally Posted by saqer View Post
with those that have invisibleshield, is it anti-static? I hate the stock screen protector which attracts fingerprints, dead skin and oil like nothing else.
invisishield def doesnt attract fingerprints.. love it a lot better than the stock protector
i hate idiots... seriously

samsung 640A --> motorola Q --> sprint touch --> now doin it big with the touch pro... oh so sexy lol
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2008, 04:35 AM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

Anyone try both invisible shield AND ghost armor? If so, which is better and why?
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2008, 10:50 AM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

If any of you decide to buy the Invisible Shield, I've started a thread about discount codes for it:

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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2008, 03:02 PM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

Im sorry to say but whoever that zagg spokesman is a complete idiot. I am going to take you step by step with my experience with that glorious company zagg.

First off I ordered an invisibileshield for my Ipod Nano. When I recieved it it had an Iphone shield for it? I immediatley called back they apologized for there mistake and told me to send it back and they would resend the correct kit. So I sent it and waited........and waited........ and waited and never recieved my kit. I had to call back and they aplogized again and said they would send it out finally after about 3 weeks I recieved my shield yaaay!!!!! With all the excitement in the world I opened the box took the shield out and prepared for install. The install went pretty good. It was tedious but it went on good I waited the 24 F*%$#ng Hours! and proceeded to turn on my device.....thats when I was like WTF?! I thought this product was supposed to be invisibile? It looked horrible!! The film looked all wavy and it felt very very tacky and wasnt that clear at all. Ill have to say the clarity was bogus. Invisibile it is not! So I continued to wait for a week or 2 longer to see what would happen and it did not clear up at all. I called zagg demanding a refund and they said I was past my 30 days to return. Becuase my original order remember when I ordered the Iphone was over 30 days ago. So they swindled me and took my money! So pretty much thats my story about zagg they suck and thats that. Oh and Ive seen Ghost Armor and BodyGuardz on Friends devices and they both look 10 times better then zaggs POS Shield. I just ordered Ghost Armor for my HTC Touch Pro I will post with a review when I recieve it. I have my fingers crossed we'll see what happens.!
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2008, 03:34 PM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

Originally Posted by Stoich View Post
Im sorry to say but whoever that zagg spokesman is a complete idiot. I am going to take you step by step with my experience with that glorious company zagg.

First off I ordered an invisibileshield for my Ipod Nano. When I recieved it it had an Iphone shield for it? I immediatley called back they apologized for there mistake and told me to send it back and they would resend the correct kit. So I sent it and waited........and waited........ and waited and never recieved my kit. I had to call back and they aplogized again and said they would send it out finally after about 3 weeks I recieved my shield yaaay!!!!! With all the excitement in the world I opened the box took the shield out and prepared for install. The install went pretty good. It was tedious but it went on good I waited the 24 F*%$#ng Hours! and proceeded to turn on my device.....thats when I was like WTF?! I thought this product was supposed to be invisibile? It looked horrible!! The film looked all wavy and it felt very very tacky and wasnt that clear at all. Ill have to say the clarity was bogus. Invisibile it is not! So I continued to wait for a week or 2 longer to see what would happen and it did not clear up at all. I called zagg demanding a refund and they said I was past my 30 days to return. Becuase my original order remember when I ordered the Iphone was over 30 days ago. So they swindled me and took my money! So pretty much thats my story about zagg they suck and thats that. Oh and Ive seen Ghost Armor and BodyGuardz on Friends devices and they both look 10 times better then zaggs POS Shield. I just ordered Ghost Armor for my HTC Touch Pro I will post with a review when I recieve it. I have my fingers crossed we'll see what happens.!
Sounds like you're not a good installer to me.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2008, 03:40 PM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

is invisible shield that much better than ghost armor? they sound pretty similar, but in this pole IS is blowing GA out of the water... this must have a great deal to do with the fact that invisible shield is more well known and has been out longer...
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2008, 04:04 PM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

I think IS just came out with the dimensions for TP first.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2008, 04:44 PM
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Re: InvisibleShield vs Bodyguardz

I have personally had the body guardz for my mogul and they were alright, i had the invisible shield for the mogul and they were better but didn't cover as much of the phone as the body guardz did, i just received a kit for the touch pro from pinkstatic.com and they went on very eash and cover almost every piece of the phone except the chrome ring on the top and bottom above the screen and below the keys, but the actual bottom and top of the phone and all sides are covered very well, they even have a piece to cover the camera and flash led, i didn't use the screen protector as I have the one that came with the phone still on there and I like it, I also ordered the invisible shield and the ghost armor for the touch pro but haven't received them yet, however someone made a new thread that says the ghost armor doesn't fit properly, also I spoke with thepocketsolution.com today at their offices as they are local to where i live and they said they expect the body guardz to be in stock late next week. I will report back when i receive the zagg, body guardz and ghost armor. I prefer the skins but I also bought the sprint 2 piece case and was very happy with it, looking forward to the seidio innocase, anyone find a stylus with a built in pen yet? I ordered the pocketsolutions one but when I went to pickup today they realized that the stylus wasn't the same as the touch pro gsm version so they are working on getting ones that are compatible.
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