Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales
Oh, I don't know if this was mentioned before, but for all you SERO people, they may ask you for a Sprint employee's email address when you are ordering, and the Savings@sprintemi.com one didn't work for me, but the one here did. http://mcguireslaw.com/2008/07/16/ps...erything-plus/
Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales
lol whos Ahcmed
cant believe its so random, some sales reps are more than happy and the others are being a pain in the *** |
Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales
Achmed is the indian guy that calls himsel Jackson (amecican alias). You know, the Sprint agent with the strong indian accent. I can barely understand the guy and everytime you answer one of his questions, theres a long ackward pause before he answers. I swear.... hire monkeys and you get more work done.
Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales
SWEET!!! Just got my order in!!! Had to bounce around departments in Sprint till I got to the right one.
But they placed my order and once I return my touch I won't cost me anything.
Mogul>Touch>Touch Pro>Droid
Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales
Also, I've tried calling the 800Sprint1 number, I've tried retentions 866-840-9537, I've tried 888-253-1315, 888-816-8381 (supposed SERO number) and another rententions number I have, 866-207-7913. And a number or two mentioned in this thread. Why are there so many god damn numbers, lol. This sucks =/
Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales
Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales
Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales
Re: Touch Pro Finally Released Through Telesales