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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 03:42 AM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

Hmmm, what a coincidence that I noticed this thread. Mine (Telus) has the exact same issue, and it randomly (while in my pocket) gets stuck a little out. It literally catches a notch or something, because I have to use a bit of pressure, and it SNAPS back in. I can't even hit the 'left' button when that happens, I have to hit the edge of the home button. As bad or worse than the OP's pictures.

I guess I should bring it back to the dealer, but I don't want to be out of a phone for a while...
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 10:17 AM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

My phone came from ebay & the buttons are perfectly flat.

I wouldn't really care if they weren't (& probably wouldn't have noticed anyway)as long as they worked OK

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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

funny that i read this thread. i bought my touch pro from sprint and noticed that my phone had the same issues since day one. i kinda got alittle frustrated and pressed down on it pretty firmly and it never came back up.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 12:01 PM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

Does anyone's dpad not function properly because of this? My phone doesn't seem to really have much of a height difference, but I can't easily hit left/right. I have to hit it almost between the home/phone button for left, and almost between the back/end button for right. Up/Down work great, very easy to use those. I had not checked the sprint store to see how it works there. Is everybody's the same way?
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 12:03 PM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

my home button comes up so bad now to the point where i could clearly see the spring and light underneath.. and i neverrrrr dropped or mishandled the phone since i got it
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 01:02 PM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

I love this phone but it does have issues.


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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

My first one had this issue.....just got it replaced and all the issues I had are fixed.....including this one....
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2008, 02:18 PM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

same here
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2008, 12:46 PM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

Originally Posted by platin465 View Post
Does anyone's dpad not function properly because of this? My phone doesn't seem to really have much of a height difference, but I can't easily hit left/right. I have to hit it almost between the home/phone button for left, and almost between the back/end button for right. Up/Down work great, very easy to use those. I had not checked the sprint store to see how it works there. Is everybody's the same way?
I got in the habit of pressing my Home key down when the phone was off. I guess I pressed one too many times because ALL my buttons stopped working. I am waiting on a replacement from Sprint.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2008, 12:48 PM
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Re: Possible defect or similiar on everyone elses

Originally Posted by gxnext View Post
lol its funny that you mention this, I noticed this on my phone yesterday morning. but so far it hasn't been a issue for me.... and when I push it down it stays flush for a while, as long as it doesn't worsen and fall off or something lol im fine with it. It's definitely not as noticeable in person as it is in some of these pictures (I love my camera lol) p.s: the diamond doesn't appear to have this problem, my uncles is absolutely flush.

<-- THis last picture makes it look twice as thick on the side thats not flush because of the reflection on the screen, the other pictures are a more accurate representation.

I anticipated when i got this phone that it would have little quirks, that's a chance I was willing to take just to get it first. but so far im really pleased with it.
Again, the camera I took it with is very powerful so it looks alot more noticeable in these pictures than it actually does in person... but this is attentional because I wanted you to actually see what it is the first post was talking about.

it will stay flush for a while when I press it as you can see below.

but eventually ill notice its up again.


as the picture above shows I pushed it back in.... so far its been about 3hrs... and iv been using it the entire time... and it hasn't popped back up yet... so maybe i actually snapped it back into place or something..... ill keep you posted i guess.. and update tomorrow lol

well heres you update it won't stay down lol same result as always. i can push it back use it and it will stay down but eventually ill notice its back up again... so thats that ...

Etherway, yes I do agree they do need to get it right, but as far as I am concerned unless It worsens or interferes with the functionality of the phone for me I'm not going to replace this phone, I'm sorta proud to have one of the first drafts of this product... besides I fear if I was to ever replace it I might fine something different wrong with the replacement, and then gets caught in some sort of endless cycle...


Gosh! all of you guyz comments are starting to change my mind and make me want to replace it! lol, only problem is I already set it up perfectly! lol I don't want to do all that again! lol. also I feel like I'm not guaranteed to get a replacement that doesn't have the same problem, its not like it wasn't flush when i first got it, it just becomes like that over time AFTER you use it for a while lol so there's no way for me to tell by looking at it in the store... but what sux the most is that I know I need to make this choice now while I'm still eligible for a no fuss return to bestbuy.
WOW! Its like it has a boner! HAHAHA! That is terrible. It houlbd be fluash competely... I have 2 pros and both are flush. And my local sprint store had a demo and its flush as well. Return that excited Pro!
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