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  #411 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 02:36 AM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

Originally Posted by Talyn View Post
Taking your phone back will not fix an issue with the phone overheating.
They will all do it. If somebody here is saying their's works fine, they probably have the device in an area where heat dissipation causes the phone to stay charging.

All 5 of my moguls overheated during data usage and phone usage.
I heavily use data.
The touch pro is even worse then the mogul at overheating.
I take the back plate off and set the device on a heat sync, it works very well. It's crude and effective. Though my heat sync was modified to fit the mogul battery.
I notice the heat build up on the TP is just above the battery.

Heat damages batteries, so heat protection is good.
I've ruined 2 mogul batteries due to over heating them so often.

This is just something I think we are going to have to face in the next few years with this technology.

Better roms and radio's should help with battery life and overheating though.
That's a good idea actually. Perhaps a diamond-like backing / battery door with aluminum triangles in the diamond pieces which would utilize the surface area. It would be a good way to dissipate heat, but then it would be prone to folding and bending.

Last edited by saqer; 11-08-2008 at 02:40 AM.
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  #412 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 03:37 AM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

haha for those people who are modder. maybe you should use a dremel and create couple holes on the back cover. LOL. jkjk
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  #413 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 05:50 AM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

My Mogul never overheated when using WMWifiRouter + active data use + active charging + using CorePlayer at the same time. Hell, it often didn't even get particularly warm.

My TP got SCALDING hot when charging and making a phone call (using the speakerphone). That's unacceptable. There's clearly a problem with the phone.
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  #414 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 06:41 AM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

I bought 2 TPs at the same time from BB and had them working side by side doing the same functions. I noticed one was significantly hotter than the other. My conclusion is that there is a difference in battery quality. I wonder if an extended battery would have less of a heat issue as it would be more powerful and larger?
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  #415 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

Well, I have had a thought in my mind that may work good. They make thin copper shims that can be used for heatsink modding for PC's and such... what I wonder is if padding the whole inside of the battery door with the copper plate would act as enough of a heatspreader to drop the overall temp of the radio section.

I used to have all kinds of that copper shimming, now I cant find any of it! Obviously this is not a proper answer/solution to this... but maybe it could get us through until HTC addresses this major flaw.
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  #416 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 10:46 AM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

Originally Posted by nykbob View Post
I bought 2 TPs at the same time from BB and had them working side by side doing the same functions. I noticed one was significantly hotter than the other. My conclusion is that there is a difference in battery quality. I wonder if an extended battery would have less of a heat issue as it would be more powerful and larger?
Switch the batteries in the 2 phones and see if the other one gets hot.
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  #417 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 10:49 AM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

mi biggest issue as mentioned before was tethering and surfing so I tried as someone mentioned before, sliding open the keyboard actually made it much cooler and it even charged slowly while tethering, maybe this will help until battery issue is resolved

Last edited by RaydogPR; 11-08-2008 at 11:05 AM.
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  #418 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 11:57 AM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

Originally Posted by rushco View Post
Switch the batteries in the 2 phones and see if the other one gets hot.
+1 on this


As I recall from my 930, and my 860, they both got hot. They both, as well, sported aluminum battery covers.
Plastic just sucks up heat and holds it in.
These covers should be aluminum to wick away the heat and spread it.
I have a glass top on my desk here, and if I set the phone on there, it will get pretty warm around the area.

I'm quite sure though that the battery is part of the issue.
I have 2 different Mogul batteries now. One came with my last replacement, which was in worse shape then the one i was insuring, so I swapped batteries and sent the newer one back. This battery is black, and has different manufacturer then the other ones that I have. I noticed it takes longer to heat up.

I'm sure if money was possible to be made from it, I could have new plates machined for the back no problem.
But I'd have to make a profit on the plates to pay for the machining of them, which I doubt would be cheep.
I wouldn't care a whole lot of the phone was heavier. I miss my i1000, and those things were 2x as heavy as this phone, and way bigger. So. weight/size is never an issue.
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  #419 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 11:58 AM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

Originally Posted by RaydogPR View Post
mi biggest issue as mentioned before was tethering and surfing so I tried as someone mentioned before, sliding open the keyboard actually made it much cooler and it even charged slowly while tethering, maybe this will help until battery issue is resolved
Wow, I didn't think of that, but a big "duh" on my part. haha.
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  #420 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 01:18 PM
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Re: Update: TP heats up, then battery drains, even while on charger.

I'm very active In Tech Support at my corporate store. Any news with regards to these problems or Sprints/HTCs plan the remedy this I will pass on here immediately. I'm the go to person at my store when it comes to PPC's. We got an email from Dan Hess the other day that outlines our plans for the Android phone. It is Sprints intention to carry it but as it stands now the OS is quirky and doesn't support enough of our services.. Were tentatively looking at the second quarter of 2009.
HTC Hero- ZenEXP-
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