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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2008, 08:25 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant View Post
... posts like this piss me off. I've had nothing but problems with my Mogul and I know I won't get this lucky.

Who wants to start taking bets that Sprint won't honor all these offers people are getting?
I'll be getting my $125 deal. Worst case is I'll get $200 deal, if somehow ecare doesn't come through with the $75 they said they will give me after I buy the phone. Somehow my trouble ticket got pushed up to advanced account services (advanced retentions) and they gave me a $100 credit towards the purchase of the phone right off. It's on my account right now.

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2008, 09:20 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

Originally Posted by shark1987 View Post
Sure here ya go:

Nothing special, I wrote it kinda quick late last night. Maybe you'll have some luck as well. I even told them I would pay an upgrade fee.

Oh and here's what they replied with

Should I take her name off? lol, i don't think it's a problem having it on an open forum like this is it?
I saw another post last week of guy who also got the diamond as a free upgrade, he also posted the email and I not quite sure but I think the Sprint agent was also Michelle so there is a possibility that she's just giving away phones at request , I did try with no luck, went back and forth with emails to Sprint and I got the same response from each one of them: $249.00 for the upgrade after rebates, so I just gave up and I sent a "Thank You All" reply to Sprint and I must say I'm really surprised with their customer service because the next day on a Sunday I got a call from them explaining the reason and apologizing for not being able to meet my request.
I just hope it was not a scam, they asked me for my security question I better go and check my account. Oh well!

Last edited by Mendozilla; 09-29-2008 at 09:22 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2008, 09:22 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

"i hate this place." stewie griffin
damn it

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2008, 11:16 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

Originally Posted by Mendozilla View Post
I saw another post last week of guy who also got the diamond as a free upgrade, he also posted the email and I not quite sure but I think the Sprint agent was also Michelle so there is a possibility that she's just giving away phones at request , I did try with no luck, went back and forth with emails to Sprint and I got the same response from each one of them: $249.00 for the upgrade after rebates, so I just gave up and I sent a "Thank You All" reply to Sprint and I must say I'm really surprised with their customer service because the next day on a Sunday I got a call from them explaining the reason and apologizing for not being able to meet my request.
I just hope it was not a scam, they asked me for my security question I better go and check my account. Oh well!
I got a similar call, showed up as NEXTEL on caller ID from a 917 area code. Asked security question and all, except they told me I'd get a $100 credit (due to my circumstances) towarts the price of the phone, and said credit was showing on my account minutes later, so I don't think it's a scam.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 04:03 AM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

I got a call that same day after I got the email that morning, but it was from number 000-000-0000, and I didn't answer cause I was in class. Wondering if that was them?

And also, I just emailed them again and they said email them when it is released and they will ship it out, with a box to send my Touch back in with. So I won't have to go without a phone for a week or so. So this is awesome, now I've just got to keep checking for the first person to say that they have it ordered and it's shipping and I'm guessing I'll get my order that day as well.

Also Sprint was very fast with my emails. At around 8:30 PM (CST) I emailed them about the shipping and if I should call or email. I recieved an email around 1 AM (CST). I wasn't expecting anything until tomorrow morning so I was pleasantly surprised when I got that email on my touch.

They also said they have put a notice on my account explaining the swap situations so I don't think I'll have any problems with this which rocks!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 12:08 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

Originally Posted by Not_A_Stain View Post
Correct! Now if sprint was smart! They would make the touch pro 249.99 for everyone for a "limited time offer" like 2 weeks and that would stop ppl from buying the G1 and swtiching over. In my Opinion but hey what do I know *SideNote!* the data package on the G1 is 1gb a month! Ummm no thanks you pass me the peas please!

Please read this article >>>>http://www.mobiledia.com/news/67724.html
But it's not certain yet. Probably gonna happen for this phone though. I'm really tempted if this goes through.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 12:27 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

Originally Posted by jdryang View Post
Please read this article >>>>http://www.mobiledia.com/news/67724.html
But it's not certain yet. Probably gonna happen for this phone though. I'm really tempted if this goes through.
Interesting...gives Sprint more incentive to have competitive rates/phone costs.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 07:43 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

Originally Posted by shark1987 View Post
Ok, so I am extremely happy with Sprint right now!!!

I sent them an email last night explaining that I bought the Mogul about a year ago from them but had all these problems with it (mainly bluetooth not working outdoors), then they swapped it out for a Touch when I requested it.

Then I said I paid full price for the Mogul (which I did) and for them to give me a phone (the Touch) with less features (no keyboard or wifi) without compensating me wasn't right, and I paid for a phone with the features of the Touch Pro. Plus the Touch is now $100 after rebates, and the Mogul is still $300.

So then they sent me back an email this morning saying that when the Touch Pro comes out on the 19th I can email them back and they will swap my Touch out for the Touch Pro free of charge!!!!

Hell yes!!! go me haha

I feel like my head is going to explode from the rush of energy I have. Which is good cause I have a test today at 3:30 lol.
I'm not quite sure how you did this, seeing as I brought up this exact same point, and they told me that they don't replace models with different ones, only if they're "out".
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 03:10 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

im going to complain to sprint to so i can get it for free then lol

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2008, 07:32 PM
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Re: Just got this for free!! (Swapped with my Touch)

Originally Posted by tech View Post
im going to complain to sprint to so i can get it for free then lol
i have been trying this all day and all i have gotten is 75 dollars off. they are gonna have the escalations manager call me though.....
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