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  #961 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 08:29 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by Yibrushn View Post
Anyone use an ebook reader in android or a pdf reader? I've tried BeamReader but the trail is expired and I can't seem to buy the app market force closes every time I try. has anyone had any luck getting paid apps from the market?
Originally Posted by jake044 View Post
im too cheap lol.
I assume you're using market enabler, then? I've gotten paid apps to come up with it, but I haven't actually pulled the trigger on any of them yet, so I don't know how well it handles it. (Still too unstable for me to be putting money into the app side of things, I guess. Or I'm just too cheap, too.)

Originally Posted by Tekzel View Post
I tried it out, and it is very cool. This is the first time I have been able to really play around with Android and I do like it a LOT.

I tried calling voicemail and then launching Android, but when I called someone they couldn't hear me still.

Second, and most problematic, none of the buttons worked except the call button. When I called voicemail from Android I couldn't hang up. I couldn't access the menu by pressing the top left button, and I couldn't hit the back button to return anywhere. For instance, in calendar, when I drilled down to a day, I was pretty much stuck there. I could press the power button to return to the desktop though.

All in all, a very promising development, and I have HIGH hopes that one day I can flash a full ROM with only Android to my TP.
There's something that can happen during boot -- if you don't touch the DPad at all in WinMo, maybe, or if you touch it at exactly the right moment during the linux boot -- that causes it not to work. I don't know if this is the problem you were having, but a reboot (being careful not to touch the pad while booting) usually fixed that one.

Originally Posted by xxmillertimexx View Post
I also realized (after re-installing the 2/14 version) that Wifi connects, at least it says its connected..but doesn't actually work. It shows the Wifi symbol and the bars, but its not actually connected. And Data is still not workin for me. This prevents from even getting to the Market because I can't sign into Google for the Set Up. I'd really like to get this to work..
Maybe it's something on the other side of the wireless config? Is your network assigning it an address? I can't recall a non-terminal way to check the status of the wireless link. If you managed to find a terminal app apk, you can try ifconfig to see whether the tiwlan0 device is actually getting an ip address... and then try pinging things on your local network, or check to make sure the routing is correct. Sorry I can't be more clear on that, but linux networking is not my strong point.
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  #962 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 08:37 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by xxmillertimexx View Post
I also realized (after re-installing the 2/14 version) that Wifi connects, at least it says its connected..but doesn't actually work. It shows the Wifi symbol and the bars, but its not actually connected. And Data is still not workin for me. This prevents from even getting to the Market because I can't sign into Google for the Set Up. I'd really like to get this to work..
You might have to go into the WiFi settings and manually enter an access point's info.

About the YouTube app, it is not installed by default, but it *is* in the build, look in the AndroidApps folder, it should be in the Media subfolder. Move it to the main AndroidApps folder and it will install on next boot.
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  #963 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 08:42 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by makkonen View Post
I assume you're using market enabler, then? I've gotten paid apps to come up with it, but I haven't actually pulled the trigger on any of them yet, so I don't know how well it handles it. (Still too unstable for me to be putting money into the app side of things, I guess. Or I'm just too cheap, too.)

There's something that can happen during boot -- if you don't touch the DPad at all in WinMo, maybe, or if you touch it at exactly the right moment during the linux boot -- that causes it not to work. I don't know if this is the problem you were having, but a reboot (being careful not to touch the pad while booting) usually fixed that one.

Maybe it's something on the other side of the wireless config? Is your network assigning it an address? I can't recall a non-terminal way to check the status of the wireless link. If you managed to find a terminal app apk, you can try ifconfig to see whether the tiwlan0 device is actually getting an ip address... and then try pinging things on your local network, or check to make sure the routing is correct. Sorry I can't be more clear on that, but linux networking is not my strong point.
I'm not exactly sure..if I DID find a terminal and found out the info would that even help in fixing this?
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  #964 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 08:44 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by chrialex View Post
You might have to go into the WiFi settings and manually enter an access point's info.

About the YouTube app, it is not installed by default, but it *is* in the build, look in the AndroidApps folder, it should be in the Media subfolder. Move it to the main AndroidApps folder and it will install on next boot.
I'm not even sure about the Access point info, as you can see I'm literally stupid when it comes to this stuff. I try to help where I can, but this is where I get stuck.
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  #965 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 09:34 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by makkonen View Post
I assume you're using market enabler, then?
Market enabler you say? what's that?
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  #966 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 09:41 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Settings -> Wireless & Networks -> WiFi Settings -> Add WiFi Network. Enter the name (SSID) of the wireless point you are trying to access, the encryption type it uses (if any) and the password (if encrypted). In the WiFi Settings page, there might be some listed in the WiFi Networks section, between Network Notification and Add WiFi Network. If you see your access point listed, click on it and go from there. Like Makkonen said though, you might have to change some of the settings on your access point to allow connections, or whatnot. Let us know if any of this helps.
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  #967 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

I installed this on my HTC Touch Pro yesterday and it boots and the web browsing works like a champ. I can make and receive calls with not problems. Texts also. The only thing I have not been able to get to work that others seem to have working is my google account. Trying to sync my contacts from google and getting logged in to the market to download applications. I have connectivity for web browsing but when I try to sync contacts or go to the market and I enter my username and password for google it always says the following.
"Cant esablish a reliable data connection to the server.
This could be a temporary problem or your phone may not be provisioned for data services."
I have tried it connectedt o Wifi as well as to the sprint network and it does the same thing everytime. Any ideas?
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  #968 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by Yibrushn View Post
Market enabler you say? what's that?
Market Enabler. Grab 3.0.8.apk. It switches the carrier data as reported to the market, so you report as being on T-Mobile US (or whatever other carrier you choose).

You only need it if paid apps aren't showing up in your market -- they never do for me without it. Do they for you?

You could also just change the numbers in your APN settings, and then it would persist (Market Enabler settings are wiped out on reboot)... but I haven't tried that, so I'm not sure it works.
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  #969 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 10:10 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by stevenjkraft View Post
"Cant esablish a reliable data connection to the server.
This could be a temporary problem or your phone may not be provisioned for data services."
I have tried it connectedt o Wifi as well as to the sprint network and it does the same thing everytime. Any ideas?
I had that happen once, but it didn't persist. No ideas why it happened, or why it stopped. I think a reboot fixed it in my case.
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  #970 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2010, 10:13 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Well thanks for reading and replying. I have tried rebooting several times. I guess now I will delete the whole install and try again!
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