Water Damage, How long should I wait before asking for a replacement?
I am on VZW and I have Asurion.
I accidentally left my phone in a pair of jeans which ended up in the clothes washing machine. It was probably in there for about ten minutes before I started wondering where my phone was. When I pulled it from the washer, it was pretty wet, but it was still functioning, the screen was still on. I removed the battery cover, battery, stylus and microsd card. I did a thorough drying by hand then I let it sit in a bag of rice over night. The phone works, but the screen is a little funny. See the attached image. When looking at the screen straight on, it doesn't really appear that there is anything wrong. At the slightest angle you can see there is some sort of discoloration. There is a straight diagonal line going across the screen from upper left to bottom right. Then there is a cloudy like region occupying the left and top portion of the screen. The discoloration is evenly discolored like the attachment. An area is either discolored, which appears to be a brighter color that what should be shown, or normal colored.
Should I get a replacement from insurance ASAP or should I give the rice some more time?
Edit: Forgot to mention, the water damage indicator on the right side of the phone itself has bleed out. The indicator on the battery has not bleed out. It looks like there is also an indicator on the back side of the phone dead center at the bottom but recessed in a little bit. That one has not bleed out.
Last edited by bstan; 11-19-2009 at 12:28 PM.