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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 02:25 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

[QUOTE=BeanAnimal;1256777]Your utter lack of common sense here is stunning. I am not sure what else to say. If the phone is bricked by the carrier because IT IS STOLEN, then selling it is selling stolen property.

It depends on what state you are in, here in Arizona there is no law prohibiting the ownership of stolen property, especially if you didn't know you were purchasing stolen property. Check your local laws and revised statues. If you are in one of the states where it isn't illegal to own stolen property (so long as you didn't know it was stolen), call Sprint, inform them of the state laws and revised statues, tell them to pack sand and turn your phone back on now.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 03:37 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by BeanAnimal View Post
Your utter lack of common sense here is stunning. I am not sure what else to say. If the phone is bricked by the carrier because IT IS STOLEN, then selling it is selling stolen property.

It depends on what state you are in, here in Arizona there is no law prohibiting the ownership of stolen property, especially if you didn't know you were purchasing stolen property. Check your local laws and revised statues. If you are in one of the states where it isn't illegal to own stolen property (so long as you didn't know it was stolen), call Sprint, inform them of the state laws and revised statues, tell them to pack sand and turn your phone back on now.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 04:19 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

whe you talk to sprint, ask them if the seller had reported it lost, or stolen. if it was an insurance replacement, and they allow you to keep service on the phone, good. if they dont, i make sure you find out how the esn became bad (phone reported lost) then sell it on ebay as a bad esn phone. if it was stolen, sprint needs a police report number to replace any stolen phone under insurance. i see bad esn phones on ebay every day. i would imagine if ebay thaught it was fraudulant, they would remove the listing. just for future reference, if you buy off ebay again, ask the seller for imei, serial, and esn of the phone to verify its not a bad phone. always to this through ebays email system to cya. if the seller refuses, move on...................
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 04:49 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Hello, first post here.
After reading this thread, i am scared....I just bought a used (2wks old) sprint tp2 off Ebay also. It's not here yet, but before i bought it, between the seller and i, we had 3 emails exchanged mostly regarding Clean ESN on the phone. He assured me that the phone has a clean ESN, and if it doesnt transfer to my line, I will send the phone back to him and he then will refund my money. I have kept these emails. Should i be scared and worried?
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 07:41 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Most ebay sellers are honest about this stuff.

I have bought at least six phones off ebay (they where all new including four TouchPro's) & had no problems at all.

I always pick a seller with AT LEAST 100 positive feedbacks & always pay with a credit card so if I get screwed I can have the charge reversed. I have never had a cell phone deal go bad, but I have had a charge reversed a couple other times where I paid for an item & the seller never shipped it (I had the charge removed in less than 5 minutes both times)

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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 07:47 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by BeanAnimal View Post
Your utter lack of common sense here is stunning. I am not sure what else to say. If the phone is bricked by the carrier because IT IS STOLEN, then selling it is selling stolen property.

It depends on what state you are in, here in Arizona there is no law prohibiting the ownership of stolen property, especially if you didn't know you were purchasing stolen property. Check your local laws and revised statues. If you are in one of the states where it isn't illegal to own stolen property (so long as you didn't know it was stolen), call Sprint, inform them of the state laws and revised statues, tell them to pack sand and turn your phone back on now.
You are clearly missing the point and clearly not well informed with regard to law. The property laws in Arizona and similar jurisdictions are to help protect people who are sold stolen property without their knowledge. It does not make it legal or ethical to sell that stolen property or alter it to make it appear legal. It does not allow you to just keep stolen property becuase you were scammed. They laws simply keep you from being charged with a crime for having the stolen property. Use some common sense folks.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 08:21 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

I would return the phone and get a refund for a piece of mind. I once bought a brand new Treo on ebay, activated it and was happily using it until one day, I came to find out that it has been reported lost/stolen and I had to jump through hoops to even get an insurance claim on itwhen it broke.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 08:22 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by Adrianh85 View Post
(just wanted to ask who the hell buys a car from ebay)!
Plenty of people, me included...there are plenty of deals to be had and reputable sellers. With any transaction, if it is too good to be true, it probably is, so be aware of who you're dealing with.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 09:05 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen


Originally Posted by chong67 View Post
I see. I'll find out more tomorrow when the fraud dept call me.

I notice the seller now make his feedbacks private. Before that I was able to see a list of users comment about him.

He did sell 2 new HT2 phones, mine and someone else that didnt have a problem and the seller got a + feedback for it.

His feedback score had gone from 66 to 64. 2 feedbacks taken away.
Just answer one question for me, whether you paid using Paypal or not? If you did, you will eventually get a refund from your ebay purchase if Sprint cancels your service and the seller refuses to give you a refund.

Originally Posted by SundayDuffer View Post
Hello, first post here.
After reading this thread, i am scared....I just bought a used (2wks old) sprint tp2 off Ebay also. It's not here yet, but before i bought it, between the seller and i, we had 3 emails exchanged mostly regarding Clean ESN on the phone. He assured me that the phone has a clean ESN, and if it doesnt transfer to my line, I will send the phone back to him and he then will refund my money. I have kept these emails. Should i be scared and worried?
If you are using Paypal you will be protected. It may take 6-8 weeks but Paypal is excellent in refunds in cases like this. Just document everything and submit the emails to them if necessary.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 09:17 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

I think he gets the point, its only been said like 10 times now.


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