Car, phone, electric guitar, whatever. Stolen is stolen.
As for people buying cars on eBay... A huge volume of NEW and USED car sales are conducted through eBay Motors every day. So many that part of the GM restructuring/bailout plan is to use eBay Motors as one of the prime sales points for the struggling Detroit auto companies.
You are clearly not well informed about many subjects that you speak about.
BECAUSE IT WAS REPORTED STOLEN! Trying to activate it on another carrier does not make it any less stolen. Your logic and advice here is severly flawed.
I don't care what the OP or you do, it is the "legal advice" that you have given that I have issue with.
What does my post count or membership activation date have to do with my knowledge of phones, carriers, laws, ethics, intelligence or any other aspect of this conversation? Wow!
Again what does this have to do with the poor advice you have given? You know nothing about me or how I use my phone and it has no bearing here.
I am contributing to this forum. I clearly pointed out that your advice was terrible and should not be followed