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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2009, 11:53 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by chong67 View Post
I see. I'll find out more tomorrow when the fraud dept call me.

I notice the seller now make his feedbacks private. Before that I was able to see a list of users comment about him.

He did sell 2 new HT2 phones, mine and someone else that didnt have a problem and the seller got a + feedback for it.

His feedback score had gone from 66 to 64. 2 feedbacks taken away.

any ebay seller with less than 96.9999999 feedback score has a higher risk of headaches man...if is too good to be true then get ready to file a ebay/paypal dispute and get your $$$$ 6-8 weeks later...ask me how I know. I don't buy from sellers with less than above feedback especially anything above $100. hell no, time is money.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 12:15 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by Rippa_MD View Post
any ebay seller with less than 96.9999999 feedback score has a higher risk of headaches man...if is too good to be true then get ready to file a ebay/paypal dispute and get your $$$$ 6-8 weeks later...ask me how I know. I don't buy from sellers with less than above feedback especially anything above $100. hell no, time is money.
I don't buy from anyone with less than 1000 transactions and 99% positives. Thus, I've never had a problem buying anything on eBay.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 12:18 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by Adrianh85 View Post
if sprint deactivates the phone why should he just have a very expenive brick and not use it??[/b]
Your utter lack of common sense here is stunning. I am not sure what else to say. If the phone is bricked by the carrier because IT IS STOLEN, then selling it is selling stolen property.

His second choice is if he wants to keep the phone to do the illegal way via cloning!!
Good grief... stolen is stolen. What don't you get about that? Who educated you and how do you make it through the day... Honestly? There is not even a grey area here, this is just basic common sense.

im not telling him to do something illegal, im just telling the op two choices he has with the device! his path is his choice!
You certainly ARE advising that he breaks the law by either SELLING stolen property or keeping it and hacking it to make it work. Get a clue.

So if you purchase a car on eBay that turns out to be reported as stolen, you would:

1) put it back on eBay and sell it with a listing of "a bad title"


2) paint it and apply for a lost VIN number or clone the VIN from a car at the junk yard?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 12:22 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by lwrdrchvy2 View Post
Sprint is not going to take your phone and you are going to be able to keep it activated. The fraud dept called you because as someone previously stated, the seller claimed the phone stolen and received a replacement (which they may have kept or sold as well) for it. When a claim is filed if the owner gets the phone back they are required to send it asurion since they have received a new phone. When the seller called sprint to remove the lost/stolen flag it was evident that fraud was taking place. The fraud dept is going to investigate the seller not you. I used to work in a corp Sprint store and saw this happen a couple times.
Exactly... and IF the phone was STOLEN, the carrier would not likely ask for it back in a situation like this anyway. If they DID ask for the phone back, it would be for evidence reasons and they would likely reward you for cooperation.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 12:49 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

i'm on verizon, but if i get a phone activated. don't call me later saying it's stolen. i know they flag the esn almost instant. so it had to be reported stolen after you activated it. you did nothing wrong. i would boycott sprint if they took your phone. with all the phones sprint have, they would more concerned with Public relation. i'm sure they have bigger fish to fry, like VERIZON
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 12:53 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by timshady337 View Post
i'm on verizon, but if i get a phone activated. don't call me later saying it's stolen. i know they flag the esn almost instant. so it had to be reported stolen after you activated it. you did nothing wrong. i would boycott sprint if they took your phone. with all the phones sprint have, they would more concerned with Public relation. i'm sure they have bigger fish to fry, like VERIZON
I agree they have bigger fish to fry but they dont seem to be too concerd with public relations...lol


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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 01:08 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by chong67 View Post
I dont want to return the phone. I am going to play nice with the Sprint fraud guy tomorrow.

I just dont want Sprint to switch off my phone few months later. Can they do that?
Yeah. They have a big red switch fixed against the wall with your name and account number on it.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 01:52 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by Adrianh85 View Post
i am on verizon and will have no problem activating the phone on verizon, tmoblie, or at&t!! i got a friend on tmoblie right now that would love to have a sprint tp2 on there account!!
you can use a sprint tp2 on tmobile's network?
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 02:08 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by BeanAnimal View Post
Your utter lack of common sense here is stunning. I am not sure what else to say. If the phone is bricked by the carrier because IT IS STOLEN, then selling it is selling stolen property.

Good grief... stolen is stolen. What don't you get about that? Who educated you and how do you make it through the day... Honestly? There is not even a grey area here, this is just basic common sense.

You certainly ARE advising that he breaks the law by either SELLING stolen property or keeping it and hacking it to make it work. Get a clue.

So if you purchase a car on eBay that turns out to be reported as stolen, you would:

1) put it back on eBay and sell it with a listing of "a bad title"


2) paint it and apply for a lost VIN number or clone the VIN from a car at the junk yard?

first off we not talking about a car(just wanted to ask who the hell buys a car from ebay)! we talking about a PHONE!! when i said he would have a expecive brick on his hands i was saying he would have a phone that he couldnt use or activate on his plan!! if he want able to get his money back or a replacement sell the phone to someone who doesnt care that the device has bad esn on sprint!!

two if sprint did f him at the end of the day and he wanted to keep his phone he could do it the other way. i dont do that but there are people who do. and looking at how long u have been a member u havent gone thought the process of getting a sprint device on verizon! i have 5 times and via legal means but not everyone is as lucky to get the right people to be able to do it!! some of those people did it the wrong way because they wanted it to work!! also esn cloning is illegal based on the fact u can have more then one phone on the same esn number i too feel that is wrong , but if u own both devices i dont feel it wrong!! and people have done it!!

and unless u are planning to keep the stock rom and only download official software on ur device, ur phone is in the legal gray area anyway!!

three get a life or at least try to contribute something usefully to this community instead of playing jugde dred "i am the law"!!

im done agruing with u over the internet on a online fourm!! this is getting played and it kind of childish!!
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2009, 02:11 AM
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Re: Bought new TP2 from ebay, got activated but now Sprint said it was stolen

Originally Posted by sumo911 View Post
you can use a sprint tp2 on tmobile's network?
yes and no!! sprint and verizon have gsm radios in them!!
i have used my verizon tp2 on tmoblie and at&t briefly but as of right now the sprint verison has some type of software blocking the us gsm towers but im sure that will not last once the hspl and sim unlocker is release!!
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