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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 09:35 AM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

Personally I can't live without my data plan period but I do agree with WBFair. First off most of us probably don't know his personal situations but if he feels like he can make excellent use out of a tp2 but just doesn't need a data plan then he shouldn't be forced to sign up for one. I also understand why verizon makes it standard as well but I guess its just one of those things where you can't make every happy all the time.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 09:39 AM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Are you at home all the time, to always be able to avail yourself of WiFi? If you are, why would you need a PPC, since a cheapo phone and your laptop would be the best solution. Or am I missing something?
No disrespect TheBundo but yes while I am at the office a lot of times I am also on the road a lot too but I would say that 90% of that time is in WiFi areas but what I do for a living makes it pretty hard to carry around a laptop...and there kinda big to clip to ones belt.

Besides, according to Verizon I should pay a extra $29.99 a month to be able to do that so I guess that isn't something I should just be able to do for free!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 09:47 AM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

Originally Posted by Jocelyn84 View Post
Heya, Sprint's got their own problems so I'm in no way whatsoever trying to flaunt them here, not to mention their TP2 costs more, but I get this feel you really want this phone. I don't know, maybe this will help lol. Anyway, why don't you check out Sprint plans. If you want to...

Go to Http://sprint.com/sero enter russ.s.mcguire@sprint.com for email and 383 for the cid. 500 mins, anymobile anytime, unlimited texts, unlimited data, etc. for 59.99, which is the price I'm assuming you're paying now.

Also, you could call Sero/EPRP directly, 888-882-4030 and ask them for the plan I listed above, and see if they'll price match the 349 TP2 for Verizon's 199 price. If you do decide to call them, just remember they're gonna ask you for an employee's info, so write those 2 things down that I listed above. Lastly, if they won't match the TP2 price, say forget it, hang up and call back again later.
Thanks a great deal for the referal offer Jocelyn84.

Unfortunately I am currently paying about 34.99 a month for my current phone and with 29.99 that basically adds up to not really enough savings to make it worth it.

But thanks again that was a very nice thing to offer.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 09:56 AM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

While they're at it, they should make batteries optional, save $30-40 right there! I mean, i'm around electricity pretty much all the time. There's a mini-usb plug at my desk at work, in my car on the way home, at home. There's no point to have to pay for a battery i won't use!

It's very simple. Verizon offers this phone for hundreds less than it's competitors. It has to recoup costs somehow. And 99.9% of their target audience for this phone need and use the data. So why go out of their way to cater to the .1%, it's just not practical business, especially when that fighting .1% will usually give up and get data, or get something else.

There's a simple solution. Get a htc titan or apache. connect to wifi and get your crap there, but don't activate hte phone. or get a netbook, they're small and portable, and they work better on the web and such. The phones listed above go for $50-100 used, and are nice phones. I've owned both.

You sound like peta. If you don't care for it, feel free to shop elsewhere.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 10:28 AM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

Originally Posted by Jay6700 View Post
While they're at it, they should make batteries optional, save $30-40 right there! I mean, i'm around electricity pretty much all the time. There's a mini-usb plug at my desk at work, in my car on the way home, at home. There's no point to have to pay for a battery i won't use!

It's very simple. Verizon offers this phone for hundreds less than it's competitors. It has to recoup costs somehow. And 99.9% of their target audience for this phone need and use the data. So why go out of their way to cater to the .1%, it's just not practical business, especially when that fighting .1% will usually give up and get data, or get something else.

There's a simple solution. Get a htc titan or apache. connect to wifi and get your crap there, but don't activate hte phone. or get a netbook, they're small and portable, and they work better on the web and such. The phones listed above go for $50-100 used, and are nice phones. I've owned both.

You sound like peta. If you don't care for it, feel free to shop elsewhere.
The original poster was just explaining his situation that was all and I don't think he is being unreasonable by wanting to own a tp2 and not have data. Your optional battery anology was just pointless to say the least. At one point when I had my mogul, I was still making great use out of my ppc6700 that didn't have service on it. Now the rest of your post makes sense, obviously verizon is there to be profitable off of the majority of the customers who will take priority over the minority of the ones that don't want certain things.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 10:42 AM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

If anything I would rather have data only and no voice plan. VOIP on 3G would be fine with me.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 11:23 AM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

If you buy the phone unactivated they shouldn't require a data plan in my opinion, but to buy it at 199.99 they have everyright to b/c the subsidize the price, look at Sprint $450 with a 100 MIR that you will get in like 3 months. Edit: But really verizon can charge whatever they want. Not saying Verizon isn't pricey but you pay for the awesome 3G and the future LTE that they will have everywhere when they decide to snap their fingers. I personally have Sprint 3G everywhere I go so I'll take my cheap plan and pushover company.

Last edited by j_j; 10-16-2009 at 11:26 AM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 11:40 AM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

Originally Posted by j_j View Post
If you buy the phone unactivated they shouldn't require a data plan in my opinion, but to buy it at 199.99 they have everyright to b/c the subsidize the price
That is a very good point
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

If you are a good salesman maybe you can convince your boss to give you a raise so you can afford the $19.99 data plan , or, convince him that the data plan will make you more productive on the road and he should pay for it.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: Any way to have a Verizon TP2 without a data plan ???

The solution is to buy an xv6800 (I have two in mint shape if you're interested) & then have VZ put a total data block on your phone.

You will still have full WiFi data access & the only thing that won't work is MMS.

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