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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 06:02 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

Originally Posted by chris1683 View Post
Sounds crazy.. Makes me happy to be a Sprint customer.

I have had Sprint service & believe me, VZ is miles ahead of Sprint in CS.

Sprint made more mistakes on my bill in the first 8 months than VZ has in the last 10 years..........

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 06:42 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

called again today and they told me they cannot extend my worry free guarantee, but that they are documenting my attempts to replace the phone before 30 days are up. Also, she said they dont even have any refurbs to send so she felt that no matter what I would HAVE to be sent a new one...

we shall see...

Heh... a refurb might be the way to go, I dont think they'd approve a refurb with dead pixels, and seriously how bad off can a phone be after less than a month? I may take a refurb if they offer one, but if ANYTHING is wrong with it I will demand a new one.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 06:55 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

There is no way I would accept a refurb, I don't think I've ever seen one that's 100% perfect.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 07:35 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

Yep, they're all out. I've been trying to get a new TP2 for a week and a half and every time they shoot me down telling me they have none. Lucky for me, the issue I was having has only popped up once since my hard reset, whereas it was happening 2-3 times a day before, so I may be all set. I just sent a refurb back, I never activated it after I saw the screen (stuck pixel fiesta), but a few times when I called they mentioned they had refurbs available.

They wouldn't extend my 30 days either btw, if that's any consolation.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 08:55 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

I called in 1 week ago. My keyboard backlight turn on and off each time i press a key. Lame.
I was on hold with the guy while he checked all around and couldn't get a TP2 for replacement. I was told that my account had been notated, so that whenever the TP2s are back in stock I would get a NEW one. I was told that if there are any problems with a device in the 1st 30 days it's replaced with a new one.
I called back today and the notes were actually on there. The guy said there should be no problem getting the NEW replacement because "its not my fault" they are out of stock. I made sure to get a case# every time.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 09:49 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

ive had every major carrier and to my experience verizon has the best customer service, ive been very pleased with them
dont forget to hit the thanks button, build that rep yo!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

I am in the same boat as some others on here. I too, am awaiting more stock to arrive, so they can replace my TP2. They have no estimated date of arrival. Some have said they may not get more until they have 6.5 pre-installed on them. Others have said, maybe they won't be getting more since they now have the Imagio. I have also been told, my local store still hasn't received any for in-store sales yet!

After many calls, they have said, they are sorry and will extend my worry-free until they are able to send me a new one, unless it is really long time, in which case they would refund me or have me choose another device, such as the Imagio.

If that darn phone had a keyboard or just wasn't riddled with holes all over the face, I would just get one of those. However, the holes did it for me, no thanks!

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 05:11 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

Just saw this article regarding the lack of Touch Pro 2's in stock Thought I'd share, for anyone else awaiting one.

HTC Touch Pro2 Still Selling Well, More Coming

By Contributor Wireless and Mobile News on October 7, 2009 12:00 PM

While the major news story yesterday, was Google and Verizon joining the Android invasion of devices and apps, the real news is that Windows Phone the HTC Touch Pro 2 is a hot-seller at Verizon, and keeps selling out.

Our readers have been bugging us to find out what happened with that super-popular keyboard-tastic HTC Touch Pro2 and why it is still out of stock at Verizon online. At first we heard that there would be some in stock within a week, which apparently flew off the shelves instantly.

Here's what the Verizon spokeswoman told us today:

"Sales exceeded expectations. The HTC Touch Pro2 has literally been flying off shelves. Customers wanted a great device at a great price."

"We're getting regular shipments in, but customers are so enthusiastic about the HTC Touch Pro2 they're buying them as soon as they are available. We're anticipating the ability to meet demand later this month."

The HTC Touch Pro went on sale at Verizon on September 11. Reviewers of the HTC Touch Pro2 called it the the King of Windows Mobile smartphones and the best high-end smartphone.The world phone has a 3.6 WGA tilting touchscreen, 3.2 megapixel camera, Bluetooth and up to 5.2 hours of battery life. The HTC Touch Pro2 won the CTIA Emerging Technology Award in the smartphone category.

The Verizon price for the HTC Touch Pro is $199.99 after a $100 mail-in rebate with a new two-year customer agreement on a voice plan with an e-mail feature or e-mail plan. T-Mobile and Sprint sell the HTC Touch Pro 2 for $349.99 after rebates.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 05:53 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

I had the exact opposite experience. I had the oil slick happen and called in four days ago. I bought my phone on the release day.

The verizon rep said "Yes sir that definitely sounds like a manufacturing defect, we'll replace the phone at our cost."

When she tried to initiate a replacement, she found out that they were out of stock of new phones and only had refurbs. She told me that since it was within my 30 days, she was going to make sure that I got a new phone and not a refurb. She told me that if she couldn't find a new phone before my 30 days was up that she would extend the 30 days.

Later on that night, I got a call back from her telling me that she had searched the warehouses all over the country and found a new one in stock for me. I didn't believe her until I got the tracking number yesterday morning. It will be here on monday!

I'm not even a business customer or anything. Great service.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2009, 06:39 PM
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Re: VZW 30 day "worry free" guarantee on TP2? Not really....

Originally Posted by 8notime View Post
Um Sprint doesn't do it any differently. They are not going to send you a new phone after 30 days either.

They did for me when I had the PPC6700.
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