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  #401 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by buckstar0814 View Post
Every touch pro 1 that comes into my store I scrutinize very closely to see if the person is a seeker or not. Since we all know that many people come in and try to get a TP1 replaced with tp2 I will do everything I can to not give that person a tp2. That is my job and this is a business.

It's to bad when those who really do have a problem with the phone get turned away because of the those who want the latest and greatest but don't want to spend money to get it. Yea the phone is expensive but no one is making you buy it. You chose the tp1 last year because it was the latest and greatest so live with it until you can afford to upgrade on your own.

This is in no way pointed at those with legit problems with the tp1. I sympathize for you and hope that you can get a working phone despite the people who don't want to pay for things and severely screw with your chances of getting one. Those that chose to work the system good luck and I hope that I am the douchbag that tells you that you can get a Snap but that is it.

I also need to say that I don't just say this because I work for Sprint, I have never had the mentality to cheat any corporation out of anything, I get what I pay for, plain and simple. I am on my high horse because it's a lot of the seekers that throw fits in the store about things when it is plain that they want something for nothing. They used to make my days miserable but now I relish the chance to tell them not today and not in this store. I will play your game.

Flame on...
This is just a really unhealthy attitude to have. Some people have functional TP1s--FOR NOW. But the point is that Sprint and HTC both have openly acknowledged that the phone is faulty. As a consumer, this means that as SOON as my TP1 acts up, I am going to take it in, not because I "want to get a freebie," but because I know that in order for two companies to issue what basically amounts to a recall, the phone has to have substantial enough issues to warrant my immediate attention.

The fact is, we DID pay for this phone, and some of us paid substantial amounts. Now if some person comes in with no replacements on their account, and no reproducible errors, I can see you being skeptical--but in general, if the phone has any errors, you are obligated to replace it with a different phone, and a TP2 is one of the potential choices. The device is, by design, defective--Sprint has told you to PROACTIVELY try to replace these phones. Chances are, that guy's phone is going to go bad. (Every TP I've had thus far has.)

I've worked in customer service and I know the loudest customers are often the ones with the least ground to stand on. But this isn't an area where you should be practicing discretion. Sprint's made it clear that the TP1 is a faulty device. They've done the math and determined they lose LESS money by replacing the phone with a different model than losing the man-hours and phone-time in trying to service existing devices.

Last edited by spectheintro; 10-27-2009 at 03:16 PM.
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  #402 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 04:07 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

i paid full price for this phone. now on 3rd TP in last 4 months. but the most recent one has behaved for 40 days. Its acting up again.. frozen keyboard and heat issues. i dont have insurance. What are my options? I dont want to pay for another phone.
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  #403 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 05:02 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

Thanks to this thread, I am going to get Tp 2 in 2 days. One thing I would like to advice is go to store and they can take care, you might have to goto couple stores but don't give up . Be polite and tell the issue have with Touch pro. I almost gave up but finally I got it.
Don't just SAY "Thanks" PRESS .., it takes only few second!
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  #404 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 05:51 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

OK a few things. One the leaked memo NEVER said anything about replacing it with a TP2. So I do not know where people got that. the memo said the list has been increased to models that customers have switched to from the TP. So some people need to go read it again. And the unit has to not be repairable. If the tech can repair it then it has to be repaired. If the TP2 is not in stock and there are other models in the same priority then a new one can not be ordered. 3, this memo is 3 weeks old so how do we know that a new memo did not go out after someone leaked the original memo. This wouldnt be this hard if people didnt go into a store acting like they knew more than the employee. This info I got from a DM so I think it would be accurate

Oh and whomever said it was a recall, they are wrong. Sprint and HTC never publicly said anything was wrong. Only reason we know of this was due to a leaked memo. If it were a recall they would need to inform everyone and have the device replaced whether it was defective or not. the memo only stated this model is the highest exchange rate so they want to get people out of this model. Nothing about it being defective.

Last edited by williegt; 10-27-2009 at 06:56 PM.
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  #405 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 05:54 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by dashiot View Post
To chime in and back the OP, its all TRUE! I'm a Corporate Sprint Sales and Service Tech and we have the green light to exchange the TP for a New TP, Refurb/New TP2 as long as there is no signs of physical (liquid, cracks, fire) damage(depends on whats available for us to order). Its reported that the TP has a worst failure rate than the Gen 1 Instinct and Sprint rather get rid of the TP for the more stable TP2.

@ MrFett79 -Post 17-
Understandable that you are skeptical of this but heres a few points:
1. Sprints is making a big play into the Android game, ex. HTC Hero and Samsung Moment

2. With the now focused Customer Service and Retention drive, its not worth it to continue to tell a customer their 5th refurb TP should be ok and they should not experience anymore problems.

3. At this point due to the high failure rate, its cost Sprint more to pay me to replace the keyboard and screen than it does to just swap you into a new TP2. I can service 2-3 more customers and have their issue(s) addressed in that time.

4. If someone doesnt like the increase in size of the TP2, then giving them a brand new will 9 times out 10 keep them happy and Sprint can reduce the amount of new TP sitting in the warehouse collecting dust.

So YES, we are exchanging Brand New TP2's for TP's and best of all you dont have to come in hollering, cussing and acting crazy, just lets us know that you are having issues and thats really all it takes. I personally did 2 this evening myself, 1st one for being his 3rd TP and the 2nd one(i'm not even gonna lie), the woman was just BEAUTIFUL! Please understand that you may have to wait for it to come in but hey FREE Upgrade to TP2 is WELL worth it.

Hit the thanks if this helps any.
I know it has been awhile since this was put out but I have a few questions.

I have a mogul and it is still running but having problems. It has been dropped a few times lately so I suspect some of the problems are related to that. Are they are going to replace moguls with TP2 also?

I went to the insurance site to try and get a replacement and it said that my phone would be replaced with another mogul. I called the insurance people and they said that was the case and it would be the same phone. I called a local Sprint store and asked the same question and was told that it would be replaced with another mogul and not a TP2. Short of the hollering, cussing and acting crazy is there a way to get mogul to TP2?

On a separate note: I told the insurance people that my phone was still functional but was having problems. They said to do the replacement and send the phone in and that it would not be questioned. My concern is if I do that and it gets to them working are they going to charge me full price. Guess I am too honest for my own good. I just do not feel right doing the insurance thing with the phone still working but on the other hand I do want to know what my options are in case it does die soon (it is limping along these days)
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  #406 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 06:53 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by williegt View Post
OK a few things. One the leaked memo NEVER said anything about replacing it with a TP2. So I do not know where people got that. the memo said the list has been increased to models that customers have switched to from the TP. So some people need to go read it again. And the unit has to not be repairable. If the tech can repair it then it has to be repaired. If the TP2 is not in stock and there are other models in the same priority then a new one can not be ordered. 3, this memo is 3 weeks old so how do we know that a new memo did not go out after someone leaked the original memo. This wouldnt be this hard if people didnt go into a store acting like they knew more than the employee. This info I got from a DM so I think it would be accurate
nice rant. too bad no one ever stated in this thread that the memo specifically stated an immediate replacement to the tp2. I don't know where YOU got that from. you need to read this thread again. what you're stating is if this were a perfect world and all the rules are followed. hopefuly you're not naive enough to actually believe what you're saying is followed to the letter which is what people are using to take avantage of.
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  #407 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 07:30 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by myhollowworld2 View Post
The difference in our situation is they flat out told me they wouldnt replace it with the TP2. Retentions made me talk to the store manager, instead of doing it for me. They did offer me other phones, but kept refusing the TP2 saying they couldnt order it, or it was not on the list of compatable phones.
There is one option obama of someone complaining they wouldnt swap it with a TP2. I could probably find more if you want? People seem to think that should be an option and wont back down until they get one of those. It is just one on the list, doesnt mean you will get it.
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  #408 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 07:38 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by williegt View Post
There is one option obama of someone complaining they wouldnt swap it with a TP2. I could probably find more if you want? People seem to think that should be an option and wont back down until they get one of those. It is just one on the list, doesnt mean you will get it.
lol? subliminal Obama drop?
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  #409 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 08:44 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

I had a touch pro that had the loose screen issue as far as the sliding part. I took it in to my local sprint service store, and they said it was natural for the phone and even if they fixed it or replaced the screen it would do it again. They did nothing for me and I pay the $7 a month.
I went ahead and wrote sprint a nice little email although they did not replace my phone with a TP2 they let me get a new phone at the online discounted cost (After rebates) so I bought the TP2 and they let me keep my TP1 I am happy now I really like the TP2.
My sprint store is not replacing the TP1 with TP2 as of right now.
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  #410 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 09:03 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

Please, for those that have replied to my post, re-read it. This is a business. I will do my job and do what Sprint tells me but Sprint has not said replace the TP1 with the TP2. If they did I would. End of story.

For the person who said something about the unemployment line think, I may be there along with many others from Sprint that have been laid off due to cut backs because of people like you scamming the system. Thanks.
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