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Old 10-27-2009, 06:53 PM
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Re: Sprint now replacing Touch Pro w/ Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by williegt View Post
OK a few things. One the leaked memo NEVER said anything about replacing it with a TP2. So I do not know where people got that. the memo said the list has been increased to models that customers have switched to from the TP. So some people need to go read it again. And the unit has to not be repairable. If the tech can repair it then it has to be repaired. If the TP2 is not in stock and there are other models in the same priority then a new one can not be ordered. 3, this memo is 3 weeks old so how do we know that a new memo did not go out after someone leaked the original memo. This wouldnt be this hard if people didnt go into a store acting like they knew more than the employee. This info I got from a DM so I think it would be accurate
nice rant. too bad no one ever stated in this thread that the memo specifically stated an immediate replacement to the tp2. I don't know where YOU got that from. you need to read this thread again. what you're stating is if this were a perfect world and all the rules are followed. hopefuly you're not naive enough to actually believe what you're saying is followed to the letter which is what people are using to take avantage of.
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