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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 09:42 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

here's my two wooden nickels on the subject....don't you just love when you call cs, tell them the wireless # and password, talk to a person and have a 5-10 min coversation, then get transferred and have to tell your info all over again! wtf!
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 09:57 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Originally Posted by Benwah View Post
Hello Family! Let me tell you my deal....I been with sprint for 10 yrs only 1 line and never had a problem...I just wanted them to match the price Verizon is advertising...And I got nothing but NO, I cant, we cant!! My convo was very polite to the rep, the retention mgr, and even the quality service dude....Basically I asked if they would let me leave for 150 bucks and I got YES from everyone...I even said would Mr. Dan Hesse THE CEO of SPRINT agree with that move.... They did mention that what they did in the past is no longer a practice...Im not in a contract, dont want the TP2 for free, just wanted a price match...What the hell..LOL
You know I got the same line... amazing. I looked at the video of the CEO cited above and he would be furious if he heard about this stuff, maybe he is so insulated that CS problems never get to him. He cites how their wait time is down...
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 10:44 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Originally Posted by jerryyyyy View Post
You know I got the same line... amazing. I looked at the video of the CEO cited above and he would be furious if he heard about this stuff, maybe he is so insulated that CS problems never get to him. He cites how their wait time is down...
Man, I did the same thing, 5 service issues in just as many months, usually taking about a week to repair. Make sme mad, so I call and ask what my options are, they transfer me to Tech support and they offer me a diamond, I said it was unacceptable and they transferred me to retentions.

Needless to say I was told I would get one free, I could get one price matched and then would always get "disconnected"...funny how they never call back...

Heard No, we dont price match, and we would never give one away free...so finally after 4 days and countless hours wastred on hold, I wrote a letter to Dan Hesse @sprint.com

Recevied a phone call within 24 hours, basically all they wanted were for me to give names of co-workers who had arranged such great deals as well as service reps they talked to...then again it was no, no, no...

Been a custoemr for 10 years, 3 lines $150 a month, and this is what I get, I still have a broken phone, and now I am dropping calls left and right.
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