Originally Posted by amw1972
Try this if you haven't already done so...Goodthings have done much for TP users and now he's at it again for us TP2 users...
On top of that...it might be worth a shot at giving S2U2 a try to preserve your batt. I have had NO battery problems with S2U2.
I was thinking about using that cleanup, but alot of the stuff it changes are stuff I dont want changed.
Your battery life is still crazy, think im going to have to try to get a replacement battery.
I wouldnt say that I charge after minimal use, more moderate...I watch a couple Youtube vids everyday, but if I dont charge when I get home @ night I know that it wont last me the next day. I get about 4.5hrs of usage out of the battery sometimes less, if im on youtube for like 30mins. Im not sure if thats considered heavy use or whatnot. Bluetooth and Wifi are turned off @ all times I dont use either, maybe bluetooth in the future with the upcoming cell phone ban while driving in T.O.