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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2009, 10:55 AM
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Post Touch Pro 2 Cleanup

Touch Pro2 Cleanup by GoodThings2Life
(Available in Sprint Editions of the Touch Pro 2... Verizon and Telus editions coming soon. Designed for WM6.1 or WM6.5.)

With all the requests to "clean house" on the stock ROMs, and also with a recognition that some people either can't or aren't ready to use a custom ROM (translation: business users and new users), I've put together an easily installed package that helps us trim the fat from the OEM customizations.

Installing this will make several modifications to your Touch Pro2 configuration to make it perform faster, have relatively stable battery life, and still provide a functional experience.

With that in mind, here are the instructions and guidelines for these packages. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY... I AM WILLING TO HELP WHEN THERE IS A PROBLEM, BUT IF YOU DON'T READ THE INFORMATION, I WON'T BE INCLINED TO REPEAT MYSELF. Please also pay close attention to Posts #2, 3, and 4 for more information!

NOTE #1: I will fix any issues with these packages, but I won't necessarily be adding any new features. This is intended to provide as many of the "essentials" as possible without a lot of hassle. I also have limited time to work on these things, and well to be honest... if you want to go beyond the essentials, you should really be looking at Custom ROM development.

NOTE #2: Advanced users are more than welcome to edit the _setup.xml file within the cab files and continue customizing it as they see fit.

As I said before, I really consider this to be a Quick Essentials tool for those who aren't willing or aren't ready for ROM cooking.

NOTE #3: There are currently 6 versions, and it's important to pick the version that matches the carrier you use. Using the wrong carrier can cause many instability and functionality issues, using the wrong OS package will cause your phone to lock up, so pay attention to what you're doing.

Here is the full list of optimizations in the Tweaks Only edition (Updated 03/21/2010, BoldItalics is New):

  1. Install the following files features:
    1. 1% Incremental Battery Driver (WM6.1 REQUIRES YOUR OWN TASKBAR MOD!)
    2. ATI_D3DM Driver (Provided by At0mAng)
    3. Inbox Enhancement Plugin (Delete All, Mark All as Read)
    4. HTMLNOTE.DLL (Fixes the WM6.1.21052 SMS/MMS "Mark as Read" bug)
    5. Threaded SMS Enhancement (Doubled height of text entry)
    6. psShutXP (Enable Power Button Press-and-Hold)
    7. nueBattery Driver and nuePower Control Panel Applet
    8. Remove HTCStartUp, PKG, and poutlook from \Windows\Startup (frees up resources)
  2. Set all Temp file paths to \Temp
  3. Set IE Cache/History file paths to \Pocket.IE
  4. Set Outlook file paths to \Pocket.OL
  5. Set the Talk Press-and-Hold button assignment to None
  6. Set the End Press-and-Hold to Airplane mode
  7. Set the Keyboard type/repeat rate to Fastest settings
  8. Disable T9 Autocorrect Functions (Enable via Control Panel)
  9. Enable Classic Autocorrect Functions (Sprint, WM6.5 Only)
  10. Enable Vibrate on Press functions
  11. Enable Soft Vibration mode for Vibrate on Press functions
  12. Enable Roaming Only Mode (All Carriers)
  13. Enable Fast Call Disconnect mode
  14. Disable Roaming notifications
  15. Enable 7-bar Signal Indicator
  16. Disable Flight Mode sound effect
  17. Enable GPS fixes
  18. Set the "descriptions" for CDMA phone services to be descriptive
  19. Set the default Notifications (does NOT impact selected sounds)
    1. This fixes the LED options being grayed out.
    2. Also increases the Reminder alarm repeat to 4 minutes.
  20. Disable Taskbar Clock (all screens)
  21. Enable Taskbar Battery (all screens)
  22. Set the Today Timeout to 1 hour
  23. Disable HTC Taskbar Notification Manager (WM6.1 Only)
  24. Enable HTC Taskbar Volume Manager (WM6.1 Only)
  25. Set the Voice Command defaults to Bluetooth friendly and least disruptive notifications
  26. Enable Voice Command Call Recording menu option
  27. Disable Voice Command (until you enable it in Control Panel)
  28. Set the audio levels to 16-bit Stereo mode
  29. Enable Bluetooth High-Quality Audio mode
  30. Disable Auto Gain Control mode
  31. Disable Security Prompts on software installs
  32. Disable Error Reporting
  33. Disable Feedback Reporting
  34. Set the Power Management functions to battery friendly defaults
  35. Enable Power Management optimizations
  36. Disable Wake-Up on Keyboard Open
  37. Enable 4-Column Programs/Settings view
  38. Enable finger friendly scroll-bars
  39. Enable ClearType in Landscape
  40. Enable ATI Direct3D Graphics Driver
  41. Enable Large GlyphCache settings
  42. Enable Fast SD Card settings
  43. Set the Bluetooth defaults to battery friendly settings but still high quality audio (DOES NOT enable Bluetooth radio!)
  44. Enable ActiveSync USB mode with Advanced Networking as default (optimizes use with Vista and Windows 7)
  45. Disable SMS Sent Notification
  46. Enable increased text message height in Outlook view
  47. Enable Inbox Enhancement plugin (Mark All Read, Delete All options)
  48. Set the default Email, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks defaults to most informative views
  49. Set the Opera tab limit at 5 tabs (WM6.1 Only)
  50. Enable Java/JavaScript in Opera (WM6.1 Only)
  51. Enable Opera forced exit via "X" button (preserves memory resources) (WM6.1 Only)
  52. Set the IE/Opera default home pages to Bing/Google (respectively)
  53. Set the Internet Explorer defaults to optimal performance
  54. Enable Internet Connection Sharing (Sprint only, for now)
  55. Enable Weather/Stocks Data Download when Roaming
  56. Disable Weather/Stocks Data Download Automatically
    1. This should dramatically preserve battery life.
  57. Disable Push Internet Service*
  58. Disable ResProxy, CMGuardian, SqmUpload services*
    1. * These free up about 20% of system memory
  59. Set the default order of HTC Manila tabs (Sprint Only)
  60. Set the default programs for HTC Start Menu Programs list
    1. This will reset the first 4 items on each re-install. I apologize, but it's the only way I can properly unlock all 4 properly.
    2. Changing the first position (Settings) may not work without also removing the "Commands" value from HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher\0
  61. Enable all available Camera modes
  62. Enable G-Sensor Enhancements (See Post #4 for details)
  63. Enable Task Manager "Always Close with X" mode
Additionally, the Sprint_TP2_Cleanup package will "revamp" the Start Menu by cleaning things up and resorting the list alphabetically. It also deletes a bunch of the HTC garbage files that clutter up the file system. No programs are actually removed, so if you like the Sprint stuff, you can re-enable the Sense UI tabs for those programs. Absolutely, positively ONLY attempt to install the Cleanup edition after a hard reset and absolutely, positively do NOT install other applications before installing the Cleanup. If you're installing a newer release and don't want to hard reset, download both the cleanup (for future hard resets) AND the tweaks for the immediate updates.

How to Install:

1. Save the file somewhere convenient, like your Desktop or My Documents. NOTE: Only download the file appropriate for your carrier!
2. Connect your phone to your computer using your USB cable.
3. Browse to the phone through "My Computer".
4. Copy the file (drag and drop usually works best) to the phone. That said, I strongly recommend putting it on your storage card.
5. Disconnect the phone from the computer.
6. On the phone, go to Start > Programs > File Explorer.
7. Find the file on your storage card (or My Documents or wherever you put it).
8. Tap on the file to open the zip file... then tap on the cab inside... when prompted, tap Install. It will require you to do a soft reset when it finishes. NOTE: Install to Device, not Storage Card.


If it doesn't install, read the instructions more thoroughly and try again. If the install doesn't work for some reason and reports that it cannot be installed, then chances are I mangled something in the _setup.xml file (I am prone to typos now and again) OR you have something on your phone already that the cab doesn't like. Keep in mind, I've only tested this on my phone which was just hard reset in order to make sure the installers worked.

If it doesn't work for you, let me know which file you used and I'll make sure the installer isn't broken. Beyond that, you're on your own to figure out if any programs you've installed are unhappy with the modifications.

  • There is a known issue if you already have an email account setup... messages will appear blank. Remove the account, re-add it, and resync and all will be well.
  • There are conflicts between Schap's Advanced Config and CDMA-based devices. These conflicts can cause softkeys to break and other issues such as not being able to answer calls. I strongly discourage the use of the application under any circumstance, but at the very least, do NOT use it in conjunction with this process.

  • When enabling Classic Word Correction, Opera users may experience an issue in which the soft keyboard gets stuck in web or numeric mode. To avoid/correct this, click in the "Search" section below the address bar (instead of the address bar) before exiting Opera.

Why THIS configuration? Why THESE settings?

I chose this configuration because for the past two years, I've observed my own usage habits as well as the habits of about 2 dozen people that I work with as well as a significant number of users here who frequently post looking for things of this nature. My goal is to provide an experience that is functional but lightweight and efficient. The settings are set so that the Windows Mobile experience is as fast, power conservative, and finger friendly as possible.

I will NEVER include hacks for the Dialer or Manila, such as hide curtains, dialer skins, etc. Don't even ask!

Pay close attention to the filenames below... use the WM65 files only for STOCK ROMS with Windows Mobile 6.5! If you use a 6.1 package on 6.5, you will crash it and require a hard reset.
--Someday, bringing GoodThings2Life will become a Paradigm!--

Last edited by GoodThings2Life; 03-24-2010 at 06:51 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2009, 10:55 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Cleanup


Here's a few addons to either fix/repair certain less desirable tweaks, or to further cleanup the Touch Pro 2 experience.

Classic Word Completion -- This is an updated stand-alone version of Classic Word Completion cab. This is the only version that should be used on a TP2. The only known issue is that Opera will improperly keep the soft keyboard version in web mode on exit. You can work around this by clicking out of the address bar onto a page before exiting Opera.

Classic Word Correction -- This is an updated stand-alone version of Classic Word Correction cab. This is the only version that should be used on a TP2. The only known issue is that Opera will improperly keep the soft keyboard version in web mode on exit. You can work around this by clicking out of the address bar onto a page before exiting Opera.
  • What's the difference? Word Completion will enable auto correction of things like "teh > the" AND word completion like "admin > administration". Word Correction will only do correction. Personally, I prefer correction more than completion.
Restore T9 Correction -- This is used to restore the TP2 back to T9 functionality if you don't like Classic Word Correction.

Restore Program Launcher -- This will restore the first 4 icons to their defaults if you really really really feel like taking extra steps to get to them by Start Menu rather than just tapping the TF3D tab. I think it's pretty pointless, but if you really insist, you're welcome to them. NO, I will not do customized versions. You either get the stock icons or you get the customized ones in the cleanup cabs. Use the Sprint one only if you have a Sprint TP2 running WM6.1.

Last edited by GoodThings2Life; 03-21-2010 at 10:10 PM. Reason: Updated Warning for Verizon Users
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2009, 10:56 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Cleanup


Here's ALL the applications that I actively use on my phone... yeah, it's a short list... what can I say, I'm a business user, not a consumer user, lol.

Contact Changer -- Allows conversion of your entire Contacts list to either "FirstName LastName" or "LastName, FirstName" format.

Facebook -- Facebook Mobile app. Sure it's posted elsewhere, but this is for convenience to new users... install the latest version through Marketplace, because one baked into stock is old and buggy.

HTC Task Manager -- WTF was HTC/Sprint thinking when they agreed to remove the Quick Tray task manager?! Anyway, here it is back and ready for action.

Lock Device -- Lightweight utility that enables the Windows Mobile lockscreen to activate when the display shuts off. Very very recommended!

Microsoft Bing -- Bing Search is an updated version of Live Search (which is included in the stock ROM)... install the latest version through Marketplace.

Microsoft Font Pack -- A collection of common fonts (and bold/italic/underline variants) for use with email and web site formatting. Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Comic Sans, Segoe UI, Times Roman, and Trebuchet.

PHM RegEdit -- A great registry editor for manual edits.

Spb Screenshot -- A simple screenshot utility for taking screenshots of your phone. I usually set it as my press-and-hold-talk shortcut.

Total Commander -- Popular file management and registry utility.

Windows Live for Mobile -- For those with a Windows Live Hotmail account, this is a must have... install the latest version through Marketplace.

Microsoft MyPhone -- Microsoft's MyPhone Sync application, a perfect utility for those who don't have/need Exchange/ActiveSync connections. Offers automatic scheduled backup syncs for information as well. Highly recommended... install the latest version through Marketplace.

Yes I have finally dumped Spb Mobile Shell in favor of Sense UI 2.5... for now. I've even dumped S2U2 in favor of the default lock... for now. Subject to change, but I don't see myself going back to Spb Mobile Shell since I HATE 3.5.x.
Attached Files
File Type: cab contact_changer.cab (60.1 KB, 749 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab htc_task_manager.cab (244.1 KB, 1682 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab microsoft_font_pack.cab (2.53 MB, 759 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab phmregedit.cab (32.3 KB, 683 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab spb_screenshot.cab (117.7 KB, 413 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab lock_device.cab (13.4 KB, 1246 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by GoodThings2Life; 03-24-2010 at 06:58 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2009, 12:40 AM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 Cleanup

Work In Progress & Known Issues (03/24/2010)

Here's an update on what I'm working on for future releases:

  1. Unhide "Display" tab in Lock options for Windows Classic lock (Done... Ready for next release!)
  2. Text Messaging "Unread Messages" Fix (Done... Ready for next release!)
  3. Improved Start Menu Icons and Sorting (Done... Ready for next release!)
  4. Facebook Linking Fix (Done... Ready for next release!)
  5. Provide LED Notifications Fix (Tweaks Issue) (In progress!)
  6. Improve Multi-Select Mode in File Explorer (if possible)(Stock Issue)
  7. Provide "Classic" Start Menu supplement (if possible)(Stock Issue)
  8. Provide "Auto Lock" supplement (if possible)(WinMo Issue)
  9. Provide "Power & Backlight" Fix (no2chem applet issue)

No guarantee that these can be fixed, but if they can, they're at the top of the list!

Change List in Current Release (03/21/2010)

Here's a list of changes made in the current release:

  • Windows Mobile 6.5 Compatibility for Sprint
  • Classic Auto-Correct/Word-Completion

This hack is being added back to the Sprint WM6.5 packages (but only Sprint). All other packages will revert all users back to the default T9 auto-correct style. You can then use Settings > All Settings > Personal > Input to configure it to your liking.

If you are OK with the risks involved with using Classic Correction, please see Post #2 for a Classic_Word_Correction.cab and Classic_Word_Completion.cab. Please be advised, you will need to reinstall this for each future update. I apologize for any inconvenience, but when it comes down to it, even though T9 sucks, it's stable on this platform. NOTE: THIS IS IN NO WAY COMPATIBLE ON THE VERIZON TOUCH PRO 2.

Bonus: The Sprint Cleanup package is back online after a hiatus. This package can ONLY be used after a hard reset, but it includes all of the tweaks, AND it will remove all shortcuts to Sprint stock apps (NFL, NASCAR, TV, etc), and hide Sprint content tabs (TV, NAV, MUSIC). This is the one to use on a clean setup if you like your phone to operate squeaky clean! Those who use it can always stay up-to-date using the latest Tweaks package instead of hard resetting. If you don't want it to mess with all these things, continue using Tweaks instead.

Please replace all previous releases with this one. As always, if there are any issues, please let me know!

Last edited by GoodThings2Life; 03-24-2010 at 12:50 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2009, 07:29 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 Cleanup

Reserved for Future Use.

NOTE: Thread was archived to make sure that I'm only working with CURRENT issues and not trying to spin my wheels on old ones. If you need me to redocument a few fixes (like the scrollbar hacks, etc), just ask, and either myself or the original provider can repost.

Last edited by GoodThings2Life; 10-03-2009 at 08:04 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 10:42 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 Cleanup

Thank You for star working on 6.5
Honestly i didn't want to install 6.5 without your cleanup/tweaks.
But now, it's in progress, i'll be all over new Release.

Thanx again for your hard work.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 10:43 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 Cleanup

Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life View Post
Reserved for Future Use.

NOTE: Thread was archived to make sure that I'm only working with CURRENT issues and not trying to spin my wheels on old ones. If you need me to redocument a few fixes (like the scrollbar hacks, etc), just ask, and either myself or the original provider can repost.
w00t! thanks again (will post relevant info here when i get some...)
Selling my (still) BNIB Sprint TP2, and loving Android on my HD2 on SimpleMobile!
My old DreamPhone thread that was here is now obsolete: http://www.samsung.com/global/micros...note/spec.html

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 10:43 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 Cleanup

Thank you! Please let us know when you update the full Clean/Tweaks .cab to include the latest nueBattery build. I plan to wait for that one since I just did a hard reset again.
Sprint SERO Premium - HTC EVO 4G
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 10:43 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 Cleanup

OK, all the Sprint WM6.5 packages are up and ready to go... I will probably make a few additions and fixes this week, but they should be pretty solid.

Just a reminder, these are ONLY compatible with the STOCK ROMS with the exception of the Sprint WM6.5 Tweaks package that tentatively should work fine on custom ROMs (although I make no guarantee and offer no support for custom ROM usage).
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 10:44 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 Cleanup

Originally Posted by Alpine- View Post
Thank you! Please let us know when you update the full Clean/Tweaks .cab to include the latest nueBattery build. I plan to wait for that one since I just did a hard reset again.
It's already in there... always has been.
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