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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 04:50 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

seriously triple agent i think you are the problem. If they could pull up a graph and compare you with the average Sprint TP user they'd probably see a lot more returns then the average customer. I think most stores have ways of tracking people that constantly return things and at some point they just shut them down they put a drain on hte companies resources it does cost them money everytime you return a unit to them (if not assurion covered).

Considering the Tp2 isnt even released yet and your "blowing a gasket" over not getting one for breaking your Tp 5 times i would think Sprint wouldnt mind losing you as a customer.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

with all these guys i hear complaining about having to exchange their phone 20 times, it makes me wonder what these guys are doing with their phone. not to say things don't go wrong, but knock on wood, i still have my original touch pro since the day i got it @ bb the first day it was released. no protective case, no screen protection, just the original belt holster/pouch, and there are no scratches, or physical damage. a few keys on the keyboard stop working the other day. i brought it to a sprint store, and they replaced the keyboard. other than that, my tp1 has been rock solid. come to think of it, i still have my mogul.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 05:05 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

Originally Posted by buddhatikkigod View Post
seriously triple agent i think you are the problem. If they could pull up a graph and compare you with the average Sprint TP user they'd probably see a lot more returns then the average customer. I think most stores have ways of tracking people that constantly return things and at some point they just shut them down they put a drain on hte companies resources it does cost them money everytime you return a unit to them (if not assurion covered).

Considering the Tp2 isnt even released yet and your "blowing a gasket" over not getting one for breaking your Tp 5 times i would think Sprint wouldnt mind losing you as a customer.
You're entitled to your opinion, but I disagree. I have never given Sprint a problem, but they turned a blind eye the one time I got hosed. 3 lines, non-sero. Not a huge corporate account, but for all that "we care" and "premier" and "loyal customer" BS they sling, you'd think they would would take responsibility...like I said, I got 100 off, so that's better than nothing. I am dropping the issue, but I am not buying a day 1 Sprint phone anymore, learned my lesson. Thankfully, Telus and T-Mobile users have beta tested this phone and it looks legit.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

I wouldn't have the patience to swap out a phone that many times. I would be looking for a phone that met my needs.

User experience will vary of course, as it did with you, versus me.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 05:53 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

Can't speak to Sprint, dumped them years ago because of poor coverage and worse customer service.

I have owned a Verizon Mogul since it came out and a TP since it was released. NO problems with either, both look new. The are used constantly, perform flawlessly, have custom ROM's and other tweaks.

Can't wait, but will gladly, for my TP2.
VX6800, Touch Flow 2D on top of DCD 3.2.6
VZ TP2 Mighty ROM 112509
I do not suffer fools gladly.....
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 06:10 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

Originally Posted by TripleAgent View Post
@antjones21 - CS, the retentions

@Noir - Basically, I think it's a given at this stage the TP1 is badly built.

@ Everyone with smart-*** replies or implying that we messed up our phones - I am almost anal about caring for my electronics. I don't drop them, NEVER get them wet, and almost baby them. All of these phones save one were in the exact same physical condition I got them in. It was keyboards and overheating on all of them. One also wouldn't go back to portrait when you closed the phone. I didn't ask for anything free, and was not rude. I asked politely that Sprint soften the blow a bit since the TP1 is clearly unreliable on a manufacturing level. If you got one that has lasted you, good for you. IDK how you did it, but I am not lucky. I work IT, she is an admin. assistant, we text a ton, we type all the time. Why should we be penalized that they designed a keyboard that can't be used extensively? I need all the connectivity and features, and have large hands, so a Treo is a non-option. The fiance just likes it and we paid last year and have had nothing but problems no matter how hard we babied the damn things.

Oh, sircas, I did, I just ordered one. I got a 100 dollar credit. Not at all what I feel I deserved, but whatever. I intentionally didn't resign, I'll go OOC then either A. Sprint will accomodate me, B. I will leave then re-join under SERO and get my money back that way, or C. I will go somewhere else if I can get a better deal.

I'm not a con artist, I am just pissed that Sprint is taking no responsibility in a faulty product. I've had every top of the line Windows phone since the Hitachi G1000, and that monster was more reliable and sturdy.
dude, calm down already! for real.. Sprint OWES you NOTHING!!!

first, if youd of done your research, youd of known the TP1 has flaws, yet you bought it anyways... so dont complain when it messes up on you..

second, Tp1s have issues for SOME PEOPLE, tons of people on here have had no problems what-so-ever

third, you said "overheating" was one of the issues.. easily a searchable problem that you couldve known about.. and since your a PPCG member you knew all to well that a new TP1 wasnt gonna fix that problem.. yet u chose to have a replacement of the same model..

its ALL you man... You chose the TP originally and couldve seen its not perfect.. You chose to have it replaced with the same, as u say it, design flaws...

why is it anyone else fault that YOU didnt research your big purchase before you bought it.... sell it on ebay or craigslist and let it be someone elses probs...

and if its SUCH A PROBLEM LADEN DEVICE, then why are you still allowing your fiance to use this pathetic excuse for a handset, or so u make it sound
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 06:32 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

damn right sprint owes him nothing i've had my TP since launch and put it through hell and still have it running with custom rom and everything.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 06:34 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

Originally Posted by isdnmatt View Post
First off, you're lucky that they replaced the phone 5 times already as mentioned. Some carriers would certainly tell you to take it up with HTC after the 1st month. I'm starting to lean toward you and your g/f being the problem, not the phone. I went through 3 6700 and 6800, but I'm on my first TP.

Also, they are not obligated to GIVE you any kind of credit. And if they do offer to move you into another device, it'll have to be in the same TIER (ie Treo, Blackberry, as rep. mentioned). And if they have devices in the same tier available, they definitely won't give you cash on your account.

I've had my phone upgraded/replaced twice now. First from the 6700 to the 6800, then about 8 months ago from the 6800 to the TP. All times for free, but I did learn something.

Never tell the rep what phone you want to be swapped for, work around it so that they offer it to you. Keep saying features that you know what they're offering doesn't have. So they would offer me a Diamond and I would say I really need a slide out keyboard like my current phone, etc.

Never try to get this upgrade within 1-2 months of a phone's release. The reps know you want the latest greatest and will avoid giving it to you. It's also not the best business practice since they don't even have any refurbs to send, just new retail boxes.

Lastly, if you truly feel that you are STUCK, get the refurbished replacement and sell it on ebay or craigslist as suggested. I don't know what number you had in mind for a credit, but I think you would get more this way anyway.

Quickly chiming in, sorry if this has been covered, but they ARE required to offer a discount; its the only reason they have not been busted by the FTC - they(all wireless providers) claim that high discounts on phones entitle them to ETF's and as yet, they've won all court challenges.

So, in a nut shell, we're getting screwed on both sides of the issue.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 06:35 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

what did you expect toget for responses from your posting?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 06:47 PM
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Re: Stuck on defective TP1, Sprint BSing me on upgrade!

Originally Posted by Amill View Post
Quickly chiming in, sorry if this has been covered, but they ARE required to offer a discount; its the only reason they have not been busted by the FTC - they(all wireless providers) claim that high discounts on phones entitle them to ETF's and as yet, they've won all court challenges.

So, in a nut shell, we're getting screwed on both sides of the issue.
ALL the carries LOST in court over EFTs, awhile ago... takes 3 or 6months of service though for it to start coming down the 10bucks a month or whatever it is..... i still think ETFs bottom out at 50bucks though... i dont think its charge free still, you just get prorated ETF charge now based on how close u are to the contract end date
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