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  #1501 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 04:15 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

I just came from the Tmobile store to check out their tp2, And its freaking sweet. I didnt run a speed test but i did put my pro next to it and went to cnet.com and they got there the same time, now I know how fast generally my pro is and it is about as fast if not as fast, i was gonna take a speed test but got sidetracked..... That being said, I do live in a fabulous 3g area and there isnt even edge near.lol so good for me.....

anyway the phone is amazing, the speakers were crystal clear and it was responsive and quick, and the screen was very sensitive......
ive been trying so hard to talk myself out of the touch pro 2 but its a completely different thing when ya see it in person... Its enough for me to give sprint 1 more week to come out with a release date or Im cancelling my service with them and getting tmobiles version of the tp2. The huge screen and navigating to ppcgeeks was so nice, I look at my tp1 and say what a small pathetic excuse for a smartphone, now thats how it should have been... Its really good..... 1 week sprint...
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  #1502 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 04:30 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

they cant be that bad they got over 34 million customers
  #1503 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 04:40 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
I just came from the Tmobile store to check out their tp2, And its freaking sweet. I didnt run a speed test but i did put my pro next to it and went to cnet.com and they got there the same time, now I know how fast generally my pro is and it is about as fast if not as fast, i was gonna take a speed test but got sidetracked..... That being said, I do live in a fabulous 3g area and there isnt even edge near.lol so good for me.....

anyway the phone is amazing, the speakers were crystal clear and it was responsive and quick, and the screen was very sensitive......
ive been trying so hard to talk myself out of the touch pro 2 but its a completely different thing when ya see it in person... Its enough for me to give sprint 1 more week to come out with a release date or Im cancelling my service with them and getting tmobiles version of the tp2. The huge screen and navigating to ppcgeeks was so nice, I look at my tp1 and say what a small pathetic excuse for a smartphone, now thats how it should have been... Its really good..... 1 week sprint...
Sorry, but that's just a stupid statement to make. You give them one more week to release their own version, with a 3.5mm jack, none of that t-mobile my faves branding, etc etc.

Patience my friend, patience.
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  #1504 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 04:43 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
I just came from the Tmobile store to check out their tp2, And its freaking sweet. I didnt run a speed test but i did put my pro next to it and went to cnet.com and they got there the same time, now I know how fast generally my pro is and it is about as fast if not as fast, i was gonna take a speed test but got sidetracked..... That being said, I do live in a fabulous 3g area and there isnt even edge near.lol so good for me.....

anyway the phone is amazing, the speakers were crystal clear and it was responsive and quick, and the screen was very sensitive......
ive been trying so hard to talk myself out of the touch pro 2 but its a completely different thing when ya see it in person... Its enough for me to give sprint 1 more week to come out with a release date or Im cancelling my service with them and getting tmobiles version of the tp2. The huge screen and navigating to ppcgeeks was so nice, I look at my tp1 and say what a small pathetic excuse for a smartphone, now thats how it should have been... Its really good..... 1 week sprint...
I could see switching if the tp2 was an exclusive phone to t-mobile. But it's going to every carrier (this time next month, the only people asking for the tp2 will be AT&T...my hunch). If you want the iPhone, you have no other option, but to go to AT&T. You want Android, right now, t-mobile is your only option (although this is changing very soon). But if there's nothing wrong with your current phone, and by that I mean it's not broken, or has some serious issue preventing you from using your phone in the way it was designed, and your service is good (no/few dropped calls, good signal strength), there isn't any reason to switch, unless all your friends are on t-mobile, and you will use up less minutes. You will spend more money on t-mo per month to get the same features you have now on Sprint, at least it was a lot more expensive in my case.

Here's my recommendation; Wait the couple of weeks for Sprint to release their tp2, and send me the $200 that you would have paid for the ETF, and additional monthly fees you would have incurred, on a monthly basis. I take paypal.
"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence showing you ever tried" -Someone Really Smart
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  #1505 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 05:47 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

I won't call anybody any names because it's really not that serious but i think that the sept 3 or 7 release dates is going to happen. I have called sprint and even spoke with the reps online and they have all stated the 7th or maybe it was the 9th lol can't remember but i believe sept will be the month
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  #1506 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 05:49 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
I won't call anybody any names because it's really not that serious but i think that the sept 3 or 7 release dates is going to happen. I have called sprint and even spoke with the reps online and they have all stated the 7th or maybe it was the 9th lol can't remember but i believe sept will be the month
so far I've seen 2 of the 3 dates in internal documents so who knows
  #1507 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 05:58 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by ajac View Post
so far I've seen 2 of the 3 dates in internal documents so who knows
yeah but all the ones i have seen have had one thing in common. A september release so i believe next month will be us sprint users lucky month. Gives me a few extra weeks to tuck some cash
  #1508 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 06:00 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
yeah but all the ones i have seen have had one thing in common. A september release so i believe next month will be us sprint users lucky month. Gives me a few extra weeks to tuck some cash
I get mine for free and now my tp1 is acting up so sooner the better. I hope stores get them asap go in pick up my phone Ill be happy
  #1509 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 09:27 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
I think sprints gonna hold off till oct. just cause their retards.... When you say same features you forget to mention the screen dwarfs the tp1, and the overheating issue sucks on the tp1, and the rainbow screen and keyboard issue on the tp1 sucks..... The screen is so beautifull, you say its the same phone but, it is clearly not, same os as of now, but without the lag, a few more features, better battery life, way better screen, the tilt rocks. I know sprint will have theirs too, but too long for me.... Plus, online with a new contract at tmobile they are going for 199.00.. so no deal on the 200..
By features, I mean the rate plan, such as text messaging, internet, etc. Not phone features.
  #1510 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 10:46 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Damnit, I can't wait anymore!!! I'm so excited that it has a 3.5mm jack. Hopefully the audio quality is respectable.
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