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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2012, 12:26 PM
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Re: Any way to "turn on" speaker phone while not in a call?

Originally Posted by eyeb View Post
i get slacker problem with screen off, it drops on wifi too so i dont think it's sprint...

Since I can stream other things without problems. I just don't want to leave screen on for battery

I also use the reg fix for keep music playing with screen off (if you were going to suggest it :S)

I bought it for about $10... yeah it's more than your $3 but I didn't want to wait for it lol, and $10 is still worth it for me since it has a remote/plays from usb and sd cards too. The remote is point less, it doesn't work unless you are almost touching it, in that point i just reach fingers out and press it lol
Wow im wishing i woulda gotten one like yours . and about the slacker , i think i remember having exact problems like that when turning off the screen , it has something to do with the sleep policy , i remember writing a script for myself that when Slacker or pandora were active and running , the power button "Toggled" the screen off which kept the device's data running and the wifi . for some reason the slacker app doesnt do that .
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2012, 01:23 PM
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Re: Any way to "turn on" speaker phone while not in a call?

hm if it is just the sleep issue, i have a screen off app that i can use. I just thought it was something else lol, thanks I'll try using just screen off tonight on drive home from work
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2012, 06:32 PM
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Re: Any way to "turn on" speaker phone while not in a call?

I don't think that issue will ever be fixed in the WM slacker app unfortunately.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2012, 08:29 PM
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Re: Any way to "turn on" speaker phone while not in a call?

Originally Posted by Recursion View Post
And to add to the "get what you pay for" angle...pick one up locally & test it out. If it works well, great; if not, you can return it & try a different model/brand.

The cheaper ones really suck for the most part. You'll get hisses, etc., and you'll go crazy. Also, beware that when you're charging your phone while connected to an FM transmitter, there's a decent chance you'll pick up & transmit noise too. I haven't found a transmitter that didn't do this. :-/
Originally Posted by eyeb View Post
edit: one odd piece of thing I did see was the car radio seems to use the phone as an antenna lol, opposite of how the phone needs ear piece as antenna. But I can turn the radio to a station that I normally don't get or isn't clear, plug in the phone to the fm transmitter set to that station, and it becomes clearer or I pick up something where as I didn't before. Of course the phone is off during this so I know the sound isn't coming from phone streaming something...
the noise or signal interference is comming from the cheaply engineered charger. I have a few usb chargers that cause havoc with my stations, so I try to swap my good one between cars.. also can be fixed by running the radio or 12v port off a ground loop isolator

as for the charge and sound via 1 cord, look for a mogul or tp1 ext-usb adaptor.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2012, 10:24 PM
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Re: Any way to "turn on" speaker phone while not in a call?

hm didn't realize that noise was what you guys meant... but yeah i suppose it's a known issue then, at least it goes away if i switch stations

do you mean this adaptor?

or this one?
I got this one, and i tried it, it didn't work
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2012, 11:27 PM
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Re: Any way to "turn on" speaker phone while not in a call?

Originally Posted by eyeb View Post
or this one?
I got this one, and i tried it, it didn't work
that's the one I have left from my tp1. it works fine for me.. hmm..
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