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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 06:23 PM
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Problems with Weather-

Good afternoon
I need some feedback on a problem I am having with my stock rom 6.5 for my Sprint Tp2.
Basically the weather is saying Berkeley in my area, after soft-reset and even did a hard reset. It still shows pacific time zone, for some ungodly reason and brings my phone to that.
I live in Spotsylvania Virginia and for the most part I have had no problems with the weather and time zone stuff.

Is there a way to fix this? For the most part it is ok in other places as I move around the 10-40 mile radius. In fact I was in Richmond this weekend and it worked all the time.

But, when I came back to my home, it went back to Berkley and the unusual time zone change.

I tried to change the clock, I tried a variety of things.

I have soft rested, checked the g-sync function that I downloaded a while ago...I can get rid of that I guess....

You folks have always been so great with everything else. I enjoy reading things, any cabs, that might fix this?


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by tracsportva
Good afternoon
I need some feedback on a problem I am having with my stock rom 6.5 for my Sprint Tp2.
Basically the weather is saying Berkeley in my area, after soft-reset and even did a hard reset. It still shows pacific time zone, for some ungodly reason and brings my phone to that.
I live in Spotsylvania Virginia and for the most part I have had no problems with the weather and time zone stuff.

Is there a way to fix this? For the most part it is ok in other places as I move around the 10-40 mile radius. In fact I was in Richmond this weekend and it worked all the time.

But, when I came back to my home, it went back to Berkley and the unusual time zone change.

I tried to change the clock, I tried a variety of things.

I have soft rested, checked the g-sync function that I downloaded a while ago...I can get rid of that I guess....

You folks have always been so great with everything else. I enjoy reading things, any cabs, that might fix this?


Might be time for a clear storage/hard reset. Or flash the 6.1 shipped rom.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 08:17 PM
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Re: Problems with Weather-

My initial thoughts were maybe you were time traveling, but according to the movie The Time Travelers Wife, when you travel you're nekked and don't "bring" anything with you, so I'd have to assume the TP2 didn't go with you if you were traveling. That being said, and since you've already hard resetted, maybe try the Task 29 Ziggy cooked up and maybe try reflashing the stock 6.5 or even the 6.1 and then the 6.5. My weather was a little funky the past week in CT, but didn't put me on the West Coast, and according to a couple of the guys at the Sprint stores here and a regional manager yesterday morning, they're tweaking towers all over the country for 4g service and upgrades, so maybe that's it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 08:20 PM
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Re: Problems with Weather-

well I'd think time would be coming from your local tower, but weather would be coming from gps location. I'd also wait a couple days and see what happens. I had a time zone problem for about 4 months until they finally did something with one of the local towers.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 08:34 PM
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Re: Problems with Weather-

i had a similar problem when i was on that stock 6.5 when i would go into work (before i got fired) it would sometimes display my location as warren (when it was actually gurnee) whats interesting is gurnee is actually in the warren township (maybe thats your case too and that its naming township instead of exact location) what i did before i ultimately flashed away from that rom was keep updating the weather till it said the right location and the time also changed back with it. since i flashed to a 6.1 rom i havent seen that problem since but that could also be due to that i havent been to gurnee since cuz im fired from my job. i do remember being on a different 6.5 rom (mightyrom FF-rom i ran in my last days of work) and not seeing that problem at work.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 08:48 PM
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Re: Problems with Weather-

Do you have an airave femtocell? My sense 2.5 weather is always off at home and I finally figured out it was my airave since it was pulling the cell signal from that (agps location to determine the weather...). If I shut off the airave, I get the correct location. Is it showing weather for Berkeley, VA? With the airave, mine shows weather for locations 50-100 miles away. For time zone, you probably just need to set it at EST. As far as I know, the sense weather location feature does not set a time zone for you.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 09:03 PM
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I have an airave also and the same thing happens to me. My weather location is from another city. It happened with my tp2 and it happens with my evo. Hard reseting the phone will not fix it. Only an update to the airave will fix this unless someone already has a solution for this. Maybe the 3g airave will fix the problem.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 09:59 PM
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Re: Problems with Weather-

I've got an airave too and it's not correct, but I doubt that's the problem is it's showing West coast versus east coast, never seen that much of a difference
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 10:39 PM
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Re: Problems with Weather-

i wish I was a time traveler. I think I got it to work a little, at least for now. I saw the time zone tweak or whatever by doing a search, found out that maybe that is what is going on..
who knows tomorrow when I wake up it might read japan.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 11:52 PM
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Re: Problems with Weather-

If you don't have an airave at your home then more than likely one of your neighbors around you does and its signal is stronger than the tower.

The HTC sense weather pulls the weather data from the nearest tower (NOT GPS), but since the airave is essentially a VOIP, the erroneous weather data that you are getting is coming from the ip address that the airave is associating with when it transmits your info over a broadband connection to the next tower.

An easy way to find out is just dial *99 send while you are at home. Depending on which airave is nearby, you will hear a tone and a message "you are now within airave coverage". No tone or message, then something is wonky with the tower.

Don't worry if you are associated with an airave as you will not be charged for using it. Sprints default setting is to leave them "open" as a way of increasing coverage. I locked mine down after I was noticing my broadband speed dropping off. Both my neighbors have sprint and were happily getting good coverage via my airave...until I restricted its access.

Hope that sheds some light.

Kind of funny... I was saying this over a year and a half ago when it started happening to me and everyone argued with me about it saying it wasn't possible. Now, it seems like the first thing people say when someone posts that theycan't get the weather to update or they pull a far off city in.

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sense 2.5, time zone, update, weather

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