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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 12:22 PM
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Very true. Most repair centers will just order a new one. Especially with so many problems this phone has they just don't want to deal with it. It's also cheaper for them since it will keep you from coming back again.

Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 01:08 PM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

I got a Tp2 for my TP after getting two refurbished phones through asurion in the same week. I told the rep that I rather get a new phone instead of the refurbished since the last 2 I got were defective and it was such an inconvenience to keep changing phones. Then the rep said he could only replace it with a comparable phone and offered the TP2.

I have gone through 5 TP in 20 months, I think its about time I get offered a TP2 at least.

I have to agree, it depends who you talk to and how you act with the rep.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 04:49 PM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

My father went from TP to TP2. Just kept telling them it rebooted on its own randomly. Had to get several phones, but eventually it worked out and they gave him a TP2 (he was under warranty).
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 08:07 PM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

There's someone selling a used TP2 for $125 shipped on here. I'd file the insurance through the website. They'll let you pick the TP2. It's pretty much automatic.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 08:23 PM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by michaelvanle View Post
There's someone selling a used TP2 for $125 shipped on here. I'd file the insurance through the website. They'll let you pick the TP2. It's pretty much automatic.
phoneclaim.com shows only the TP as a replacement currently (at least the last time I checked).
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 12:52 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

i just had my TP replaced with a TP2 today at a repair center. the touch screen on my old one died, anyways im happy so far, i wanted the EVO but that didnt work out, im going to wait a week and take it up there and tell them something is wrong with it and try and talk my way in to a android phone, anyway like everyone else said dont pay for the phone, they should replace it free, when i talked to the repair guy he said they were trying to replace all the TP with something newer, TP2 was the first thing i was offered but there was a nice list of phones to choose from (-the EVO 4G) so go tell them to make this right
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 10:23 PM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by jboring View Post
i just had my TP replaced with a TP2 today at a repair center. the touch screen on my old one died, anyways im happy so far, i wanted the EVO but that didnt work out, im going to wait a week and take it up there and tell them something is wrong with it and try and talk my way in to a android phone, anyway like everyone else said dont pay for the phone, they should replace it free, when i talked to the repair guy he said they were trying to replace all the TP with something newer, TP2 was the first thing i was offered but there was a nice list of phones to choose from (-the EVO 4G) so go tell them to make this right
lol good luck trying to get Sprint to exchange a defective TP2 for an Evo. Not only are the two phones not comparable but I highly doubt an Evo would be offered simply for the fact that it requires the extra $10 per month charge.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 03:52 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

Ok well I forwarded this to a sprint rep. I may cancel the order based on this. It's expensive as hell, yes you are right, plus the rebate hassle, the fact I have to pay the post office to send the rebate certified mail (rebates are shady as hell, always send certified). I did battle with sprint for many hours with this over the phone, have to suffer 30 minutes of wasted time at the bull**** Temecula, CA Sprint store only for them to tell me their tech department is "closed" I said wtf, I dont see a big red sign on your door that says you close your tech department early, what kind of shoddy service is this. What you guys are saying is absolutely right. I WANTED THE EPIC. Its not even out yet. If I'm wasting my upgrade and practically bankrupting myself with a huge phone bill I'd rather have that phone than this. But truth be told, I would want the TP2 for a lower price, since I don't want to pay $10 more on my phone bill right now and 4g isnt even out where I live.

Also I don't mind paying for the 'brand new fresh plastic' experience. I don't like used phones. I want it to be brand new and my very own customizable experience from the moment I open the box.

But yeah, I do feel I should be entitled to a cheaper upgrade given the age of this phone. It seemed like all the people at sprint were greedy adn trying to rip me off.. They looked at me like I was crazy but I insisted that people all over PPC Geeks insist that it's easier to get this upgrade. They ended up making me feel like I was 'forced' to get it. I mean I literally argued with idiots for hours and hours about this.

Also I'm not commiting insurance fraud over this.. I am being honest. The original TP flat out died. all my data lost. And I'm to PAY $300 ($200 after a 'rebate' which i have to go to the post office to certify) for this? You guys are absolutely right, this phone is over a year old and it doesn't even have a capacitive touch screen, it has the old conductive one with shoddy response time.

Last edited by kinesis; 08-23-2010 at 04:00 AM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 04:12 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2

Originally Posted by kinesis View Post
1)They looked at me like I was crazy but I insisted that people all over PPC Geeks insist that it's easier to get this upgrade.

2) and it doesn't even have a capacitive touch screen, it has the old conductive one with shoddy response time.
1) Shhhhhhhhh! Thats kind of a dumb thing to say at a store ya know..

2) I have an original TP2 from prelaunch weekend.. MY screen is as good as it was when it came out of the box..

And why didnt you goto a 3rd party retailer?? theres specific memos that went out to them specifically with details saying all TP1s have to be switched out because its the most defective phone in Sprints history...
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"

Last edited by boredandtattooed; 08-23-2010 at 04:16 AM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2010, 04:15 AM
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Re: Sprint/Asureon wouldn't upgrade my Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2


don't waste your money..
spend it on a new evo or epic, you will be much happier in the end. buy a phone that just works vs. a phone that requires endless amounts of tampering to "work"
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