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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 12:49 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

lol I swear it just baffles me that these cats only pay $30 a month for phone service and are crying about $20 more a month. Only in America.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 12:53 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
Man there are some cheap mofos over here... $20????
No.. theres just people with a different mindset than you... maybe even on a different tax bracket.

And its not only about the money.. its about what you are getting for that money. $240 more a year for a phone that does what my TP2 does only on a bigger screen? "Faster" and maybe "more stable" are qualities the average user doesnt need unless their work/lifestyle dependes on it.

Id gladly pay $100/yr more... $240/yr is too much. Everyone has their own limit.

Last edited by o0adam0o; 08-26-2010 at 12:55 PM.
  #123 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 01:26 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

To me it is all about knowing WHAT I am paying for. If I truly get an explanation of what the cost are really for I am ok with that and can make a decision.

If I toss another $20 on top and am wishy washy about what I am really paying for I am just a sucker going...Yeah cool I got a new phone i'll pay the $20.

I work for your big box electronics retailer who sees many employees with the EVO who have NEVER had such a device before. Many of us here are phone geeks and want the latest and greatest and have had them and are techies. Now I see employees who have gone from a general slider phone with a touch screen to the EVO, or even people with less of a phone.

I wonder what they REALLY know about the device? They have the EVO pay the extra but some have no idea what the 4G is. They say... It is an EVO it has an 8MP camera and a HUGE ARSE SCREEN.

I am guessing 100% of them if asked what the $10 extra they pay for goes to, will say the 4G. They have no idea about it, nor realize it isn't even available at the moment in our area.

Just some thoughts
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 02:30 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
lol I swear it just baffles me that these cats only pay $30 a month for phone service and are crying about $20 more a month. Only in America.
and it baffles me why you people whine and cry about us money conscious individuals who have a great plan for a great price and will continue to wait when there is no fee. we already got the upgrade we wanted and you "cats" said we never would. it pays to wait.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Yea don't worry about my money.
Kiss my grits
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
lol I swear it just baffles me that these cats only pay $30 a month for phone service and are crying about $20 more a month. Only in America.
Being a former SERO user myself, I really think that it spoils you.

For those who don't like the $10/$20 fee why not just keep what you have now? Is it really that bad not having Android?

About a month ago, SERO users didn't even have the prospect of having that OPTION. Now that they option is here, they still aren't happy.

I think if Sprint were business-smart, they probably would be better off getting rid of SERO entirely. They probably pay the LEAST of any other cell phone users but are perhaps the most disgruntled customers. Go figure.
  #127 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 03:02 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

I called sprint customer service today and asked about upgraded to the evo or epic in October. I asked if my plan was able to do this and she said yes for an additional $20 a month. My current plan isn't a sero plan it is a Emp F&F 500 Sprint Data Adv plan. I have no complaints with paying the extra money. I'm just happy if down the road I want to upgrade I can.
  #128 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 05:35 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
Being a former SERO user myself, I really think that it spoils you.

For those who don't like the $10/$20 fee why not just keep what you have now? Is it really that bad not having Android?

About a month ago, SERO users didn't even have the prospect of having that OPTION. Now that they option is here, they still aren't happy.

I think if Sprint were business-smart, they probably would be better off getting rid of SERO entirely. They probably pay the LEAST of any other cell phone users but are perhaps the most disgruntled customers. Go figure.

SERO users get in the mindset that we use this much data and minutes and everything else and they see it as Sprint charging them $30 to use what they currently use.

They think their use is not going to change just because they have the EVO. Maybe Sprint did a study and found out that people think they will use the same amount of everything and when that person switched they saw that everything increased.

So because of this study they increase the cost and then offer the customer the iconic phones and then add things to their plan. A Win for the customer and a Win for Sprint Big Wigs and Win for the company since they get more money to how build out the future of Sprint.

You know - since Sprint doesn't want to let everyone on the Evo and Epic and bring down their network like ATT and the iPhone.

Last edited by rushco; 08-26-2010 at 05:37 PM.
  #129 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 05:37 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post

About a month ago, SERO users didn't even have the prospect of having that OPTION. Now that they option is here, they still aren't happy.

I'm happy about the option.

I'm not happy about my bill almost doubling to take advantage of it.

That's hard to understand?

The Evo fee is a fluff fee. Pure and simple. Sprint needs revenue, in comes a fluff fee. I am ok with paying $10 more, keeping SERO and getting one of the newer phones.

What about the other $10 I'll have to pay? ANOTHER fluff fee. One is tolerable. Two is ridiculous, especially when combined they are 2/3 of what I pay total now.
  #130 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 05:49 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by mobius999 View Post
The Evo fee is a fluff fee. Pure and simple. Sprint needs revenue, in comes a fluff fee. I am ok with paying $10 more, keeping SERO and getting one of the newer phones.

What about the other $10 I'll have to pay? ANOTHER fluff fee. One is tolerable. Two is ridiculous, especially when combined they are 2/3 of what I pay total now.
$40 and you get Sprint Nav. They charge $10 for that a month. I know people will say, "Well, I use BING and that is better anyways" or "I will just use Google Nav" and you know what? Sprint doesn't care. They will play it off as a good thing.

Then $10 since they probably paid a lot to get the first phone with a front camera. HDMI. Because of these features Sprint will be charging $10. Will they get rid of it? Maybe if they see bad sales. For now it is here to stay.

There are always other carriers with no "fluff fee". But I feel like this all has some sort of plan behind it. Has been thought out all the way? We will find out.
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