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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 08:04 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
so now someones making a post about "i like your ROMs, BUT.....!".. just seems foul to me... Learn how to make your own damn Roms and make the adjustments you feel is needed... but its a sad day when people who dont even have a clue what theyre doing, are making threads/demands to Chefs
First of all, hi, allow me to introduce myself... I'VE BEEN COOKING ROMS LONGER THAN MOST OF THE CURRENT CHEFS ON THIS FORUM. I've been part of the scene before the PPCKitchen even existed, and I freaking WROTE THE FLASHING TUTORIAL back in the Titan days.

How's that for incorrect ASSumptions? Go back in the corner and don't contribute to a thread if you don't have anything useful to say... (don't make me call a mod on your rump)

Not that any of this really matters to the discussion, however I did mention this little quip:
I've been out of the Rom cooking scene for a while because I found 9 times out of 10, someone had already built something similar to what I wanted. So, thanks for that!
Yeah, basically, I used to cook rooms and help others cook roms left and right, and then one day I got busy with other parts of my life and had to start using other roms instead.

In fact, I'm considering jumping back in if no one has tried this yet, but first wanted to see if it had been done, or perhaps there was a good reason it hadn't (directly tied to HTC hardware/drivers or something? Would the device perhaps not work properly without said "enhancement"? being away from the scene for so long, its hard to know...)

Moving on-

It seems that many people misunderstood HTC "enhancements" to mean Sense. Please, I implore you, read my original post more carefully. I'm talking about little enhancements HTC made to replace stock functions of Windows Mobile, such as this volume screen, the contacts manager and notifications. All of these little "enhancements" actually slow down the device in real-world use (try to enter a new contact from the dialer, and you'll see what I mean).

Even "Titanium/clean" roms that I've tried still have these little enhancements cooked in, and I wonder if anyone has tried cooking a rom without them. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT SENSE. AND I'M NOT MAKING DEMANDS. sheesh.

I admit, I haven't actually tried that NRG Titanium rom someone mentioned, so I'll give that a shot.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 09:24 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

There is nothing I want more than a rom that is bare bones and as fast as it could possibly be.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 09:53 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

This is exactly what I have been wanting more than anything. Give me a barebones Windows Mobile 6.5 rom.

It is possible as I played around with cooking a rom for a short while and was able to remove all the stupid HTC enhancements to no ill effects, but I stopped the project when I went to Sprint Official 6.5 on release.

I don't have the time to master rom cooking, but I can agree to wanting a stable rom that runs just the basic Windows Mobile.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2010, 11:08 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

RESCO CONTACTS.... best thing to ever happen to TP2.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2010, 12:42 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

I would love to see what the Chef's have to say about such Idea's....
........Also running Andriod when I feel crazy........
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2010, 01:01 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

Anyone know where I can find the Caulkin's WVGA Kitchen? The unspace link he has does not work for me. At all.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2010, 02:01 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

Originally Posted by dishe View Post
IMO, these customized UI screens that hostily take over basic functions of our devices are the culprit and have GOT TO GO!

Anyone feel the same way??
1000% in agreement. Was on my way to learning how to make a ROM a few months ago thanks to some really great people here, but then life got in the way. When my phone started crashing again--embarrassingly enough, during a iPhone/TP2 show & tell--came here to go back to this project, but afraid the learning curve will be a bit steep.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2010, 07:13 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

...so I went and flashed on a custom, stripped ROM from the Sprint one someone suggested.

It has only about 50 MB of used memory, all the rest is free.

It is quick, light, and responsive.

It does not work properly on Verizon, as the kitchen came ONLY with the Sprint stuff, and running it without those packages eats the phone's reliability and causes some system settings to not function.

It also came with the Leo Youtube, which is rubbish compared to the one that comes with Sense.

My dillemma here is that I used the damn search feature and the only kitchen I could find is useless. All the others used Calkulin's kitchen, which has disappeared from the face of the Internet a long time back, and can never be found again. Unless someone can upload or point a link to the mystical Calkulin's Rhodium Kitchen, there is little hope for me to try a 6.1 kitchen.

While I did find 6.1 ROMs, they are just as loaded and bloated as all the rest. The one with the best promise, the Bare Naked ROM, has issues with things working. Yes, I already tried BNR. No, it did not work for me.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2010, 07:51 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

Wanted to add that Dishe has been around here a long time, and is a contributor, so the knocks he is getting are completely undeserved for an honest post. Also agree that DCD roms/kitchens were sublime, going back to the titan (talk about a memory-challenged device!)

My solution to the memory vs. features in the custom Roms is that if I know I'm going to be doing something serious with Opera, Remote Desktop, Document creation and so-forth, I just disable Sense and re-boot, and use the start menu. The taskbar is good enough during that time to let me know if I have messages/calls. This frees up plenty of memory, and avoids worries over the device freezing. Takes a minute to re-boot. BTW, running NRG 23673 cookie w/dinik.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2010, 08:03 PM
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Re: **ATTENTION CHEFS** HTC "Enhancements" vs Performance

Originally Posted by dishe View Post
First of all, hi, allow me to introduce myself... I'VE BEEN COOKING ROMS LONGER THAN MOST OF THE CURRENT CHEFS ON THIS FORUM. I've been part of the scene before the PPCKitchen even existed, and I freaking WROTE THE FLASHING TUTORIAL back in the Titan days.

How's that for incorrect ASSumptions? Go back in the corner and don't contribute to a thread if you don't have anything useful to say... (don't make me call a mod on your rump)
ok, HI back, who the hell are you??

titan forums - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/forumdisplay.php?f=57 - where is said tutorial?

threads YOUVE started - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/search.php...=9468369&pp=25 - nothing very significant to contribute either id say - since you seem to want to talk about not helping much..

but sure, feel free to get the Mods, what ever helps you sleep at night..

**and btw, some Chef from 3 years ago, isnt really who this thread was addressed to.. its to Chefs who are CURRENTLY in the game.. i think its rude, people are allowed to disagree w/ me, its a free country..
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