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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 12:27 AM
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Re: Bing: Don't Like New Version; Won't Let Me Use Old One

on US cellular here and had to update also, update was buggy so I dumped it and downloaded the beta version, (v. 5.1.2010.6280), from the Microsoft mobile site...much prettier interface, movie section is much tuffer to navigate and as stated above, a bite clumsy having to pick movies first to see what is playing at your theater, hit or miss! Though it does list my local theaters. Strange that MS would take what seems to be a step backwards in usability...hopefully it should be easily reversed since this is a beta...the key here seems to use the "local" button to navigate to what you want!
The big thing that is immediately obvious with this version is the nav is MUCH improved and accurate! Google maps and the old version of Bing seemed to have problems locating me frequently using cell towers to trianglate my location with mixed results, while this new version finds me with GPS almost instantly and within a few yards! Maps are also MUCH improved and writes faster to the screen.
Generally, I am pretty happy with this version but it will take some time to get used to.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2010, 06:03 AM
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Arrow Re: Bing: Don't Like New Version; Won't Let Me Use Old One

well this morning I discovered 1/2 my problem. on the "Bing for Verizon" I had for a few days I had two options, #1 was get directions & #2 was VZNavigator. Now that I'm back on regular Bing I'd still been using "get directions" and that is not the same as "Navigate" as far as Bing is concerned. Now if I "Navigate" it will give me voice guidance (that's a brand new feature to me) and keep the screen on.

Now if only the movie thing would work, that's the other thing I used the most.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2010, 12:20 PM
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Re: Bing: Don't Like New Version; Won't Let Me Use Old One

I hate it. Its completely useless compared to the Live app. Plus you cant add contacts to your phone anymore. When searching for something it uses the web not what the old Live used to use, or at least the results are from the web. If i wanted to use the web to search i would have in the first place.

So im guessing that no one had found a way to keep using Live instead? When i click No to upgrade, it crashes my phone and im forced to update to continue use.
Its funny, at least 35 threads a day are people who tried to flash and messed up, or wonder why in the middle of the night their phone up and did a hard reset by 'itself'.
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