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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 02:33 AM
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Thumbs down HTC Messaging TOO SLOW! HTC Please FIX your Horrible Coding Disaster!!

I wrote HTC support to tell them there Messaging application is poorly done and moves like a slug. Thought I'd share there response along with my original email. HTC won't get my money in the future.

"I have just about had it with HTC Devices. I have owned the Mogul, Touch Pro, & Touch Pro 2. I have updated my Touch Pro 2 to Windows 6.5. The phone and HTC Sense look great. I really enjoy the integration of the messaging with the Sense interface. But the speed is UNBEARABLE! The phone is a slug after 150 SMS messages. This NEEDS to be ADDRESSED by HTC's development team. The HTC messaging application is TOO SLOW. Please stop ignoring Windows 6.5 Touch Pro 2 users by not fixing a massive speed bug."

HTC's response:
"I realize it can be very frustrating for the text messaging application to be slow. From what you have stated it seems this issue starts happing when you have reached over 150-text message. To keep your phone in good working condition HTC recommends customers not exceed over 100 messages. To resolve this issue I recommend you delete some of your old text messages. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused."

AKA we know there is a problem but we are not fixing it so limit your SMS messages to 100. Thanks HTC for the great support.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 03:55 AM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/20.2497; U; en) Presto/2.5.25)

Originally Posted by fcastro
I wrote HTC support to tell them there Messaging application is poorly done and moves like a slug. Thought I'd share there response along with my original email. HTC won't get my money in the future.

"I have just about had it with HTC Devices. I have owned the Mogul, Touch Pro, & Touch Pro 2. I have updated my Touch Pro 2 to Windows 6.5. The phone and HTC Sense look great. I really enjoy the integration of the messaging with the Sense interface. But the speed is UNBEARABLE! The phone is a slug after 150 SMS messages. This NEEDS to be ADDRESSED by HTC's development team. The HTC messaging application is TOO SLOW. Please stop ignoring Windows 6.5 Touch Pro 2 users by not fixing a massive speed bug."

HTC's response:
"I realize it can be very frustrating for the text messaging application to be slow. From what you have stated it seems this issue starts happing when you have reached over 150-text message. To keep your phone in good working condition HTC recommends customers not exceed over 100 messages. To resolve this issue I recommend you delete some of your old text messages. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused."

AKA we know there is a problem but we are not fixing it so limit your SMS messages to 100. Thanks HTC for the great support.
Yup, cause you really know how to coerce a customer service representative right there...

From an IT standpoint, I understand where HTC is coming from on their SMS limit as you have to balance a lot of variables. That being said, 100 really is a low number to be planning for even for those who adamently clean their texts out.

You will never see updated support on it from a stock ROM at this point, but the custom ones often backport updates dumped from newer ROMs. Maybe you should pursue that avenue rather than wasting your time trying to get HTC to make a software update that no carrier will ever use...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 04:02 AM
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Re: HTC Messaging TOO SLOW! HTC Please FIX your Horrible Coding Disaster!!

This has been a known issue for a loooong time...as far as HTC cares they already forgot the TP2 exists with all the Android and WP7 stuff going on. It kinda boils down to how manilla works :/..you can always use the stock messaging app..thats what I use >.>
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 02:29 PM
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Re: HTC Messaging TOO SLOW! HTC Please FIX your Horrible Coding Disaster!!

Not to take sides or anything... but I always wondered what do people do with 100+ SMS messages saved? Do you actualy go back and re-read them at some point? To me it's like having a conversation - you say something, you get a response, done. It's not email. Not trying to start any bashing, just trying to understand the purpose...

And I do agree with a previous poster, that if you ever want to get any positive result from a customer service anywhere, starting with "I have just about had it with <your product>..." and capitalising your words (a.k.a. written screaming) is never a good idea. Starting with a threat automatically puts another side in a defensive position so nothing good will come out of it - social engineering 101. Being polite (but firm) would give you a much better chance in such situations. Not in this case though since you are complaining about a retired product.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: HTC Messaging TOO SLOW! HTC Please FIX your Horrible Coding Disaster!!

I try to delete then everyother day!!! 6.5 seemed a bit much for our beloved phone all the eye candy sense has didnt leave much room for anything else!!!!!

Member Since 12/30/10
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2010, 04:17 PM
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Re: HTC Messaging TOO SLOW! HTC Please FIX your Horrible Coding Disaster!!

wow dude no es para tanto calmate pues. that stock sprint 6.5 rom is known to be extra buggy as it includes a buggy build of sense (2012 i believe) and the 6.5 21889 build is much more buggier than any newer 6.5 build but still less buggier than the 6.5.x builds. i reccommend u try the rom in my sig. there is lag in sms but it doesnt last past the first time u open each conversation (something i havent seen in any 6.5 build) i dont know about the sense messaging on this rom but its probably not that bad either. the GSM TP2s have had many rom updates by now which probably fixed this issue (i remember seeing an SMS stability fix on the HTC Europe site) so us CDMA users are stuck with the community solutions.

Last edited by eric12341; 10-14-2010 at 04:20 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2010, 11:50 AM
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Re: HTC Messaging TOO SLOW! HTC Please FIX your Horrible Coding Disaster!!

use windows messaging.

running Mr. X + spb ms. sense is not worth the headaches.

basically every custom rom claims to be the fastest/prettiest ect. Just have not found anything as fast or fluid as spb ms defaulting to windows messaging.

I've wasted too much time flashing and trying various flavors.

htc album is the only decent software from htc.

it just works and is still highly configurable.
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htc messaging, slow sms

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