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Old 10-14-2010, 04:17 PM
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Re: HTC Messaging TOO SLOW! HTC Please FIX your Horrible Coding Disaster!!

wow dude no es para tanto calmate pues. that stock sprint 6.5 rom is known to be extra buggy as it includes a buggy build of sense (2012 i believe) and the 6.5 21889 build is much more buggier than any newer 6.5 build but still less buggier than the 6.5.x builds. i reccommend u try the rom in my sig. there is lag in sms but it doesnt last past the first time u open each conversation (something i havent seen in any 6.5 build) i dont know about the sense messaging on this rom but its probably not that bad either. the GSM TP2s have had many rom updates by now which probably fixed this issue (i remember seeing an SMS stability fix on the HTC Europe site) so us CDMA users are stuck with the community solutions.

Last edited by eric12341; 10-14-2010 at 04:20 PM.
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